Free level.

As the name implies, it is the level that Lu Ling can freely upgrade!

The lower limit of this thing is very low.

In the lowest case, it is only equivalent to the enhancement points consumed when Lu Ling upgrades 1-5 levels, which is 500 points.

But at the same time, its upper limit is also terrifyingly high.

Because Lu Ling has to double the enhancement points he adds every 5 levels!

Now his strongest skill is physical ability, which is level 38.

According to the doubling calculation, it now requires 64,000 points for each level upgrade!

"It seems that the purpose of the system giving me free levels is to specifically improve these abilities that are already at a high level."

"After all, it is becoming increasingly difficult to use the enhancement level to improve these abilities."

Lu Ling smiled helplessly.

The higher the level of the free level, the more valuable it is!!

He will not use these precious free points to enhance those lower-level abilities.

In addition, now that he has Otsutsuki's special skill imitation,

Lu Ling has a 50% discount when learning and enhancing those unique skills, so they don't need free levels.

After thinking about it, only physical ability and total amount of spell power are the two abilities that are most worth improving with free levels!

After all, they are not unique abilities, and their own levels are ridiculously high.

"First, let's upgrade the total amount of physical ability and spell power to level 40."

After thinking for a while, Lu Ling has determined the direction of his own point increase.

【32000 points of reinforcement have been consumed, and the total amount of spell power has increased from Lv34 to Lv35. Current reinforcement points: 218110 points】

【128,000 points of reinforcement have been consumed, and the physical ability level 38 has been increased to level 40. The current reinforcement points are 90,110 points】

【Freedom level 5 has been consumed, and the total amount of spell power has increased from Lv35 to Lv40. Current freedom level 10】


After his abilities were greatly improved, his body could not help but feel refreshed.

Lu Ling felt his whole body light and extremely comfortable.

Not only did his strength improve, he also felt that his control over his strength had become more natural.

【The level of physical ability and total amount of cursed energy has been detected, reaching a new level】

【Special Skill: Increased the efficiency of using mana (elementary) to the efficiency of using mana (intermediate)】

【Special Skills: Physical Use Efficiency (Basic) upgraded to Physical Use Efficiency (Intermediate)】


Lu Ling was still worried about how to improve the level of spell power and physical efficiency.

But now, as long as the basic ability reaches a certain level, these special skills will naturally emerge and evolve, and everything will come naturally.

"Come, let me try it and see the difference!"

"Jade Dog!"

Lu Ling formed hand shadows with his hands and summoned a dog-shaped Shikigami.

Then he closed his eyes and carefully felt his mana consumption to compare the difference between the primary and intermediate levels.

Soon, Lu Ling smiled.

He clearly felt that he consumed much less mana when summoning the Jade Dog.

If the primary mana usage efficiency reduced Lu Ling's mana consumption by 10%, then now it has been reduced by 30%!

This means that if he uses the same technique, he can use 70% of his mana to achieve the effect that others can only achieve by consuming 100%!

"Not only that, the improvement in the efficiency of using cursed energy is more obvious in improving shadow spells."

Lu Ling touched the jade dog's head, and he obviously felt that this summoning was much easier.

This was something he had never felt before when he increased the total amount of mana.

The Shikigami of the ten shadow spells are very special. They will increase their strength according to the total amount of mana of the user! The more mana the user has, the stronger the Shikigami they summon.

Therefore, both Fushiguro Megumi and Ryomen Sukuna have used the ten shadow spells, but the strength of their Shikigami is also very different!

But it's not all good.

Because as the strength of the Shikigami increases, the mana consumed to summon them is also greater.

For example: other people's Shikigami summons consume a fixed amount of mana to summon the Shikigami, while the users of the ten shadow spells consume it by percentage!

So no matter how much Lu Ling increases the total amount of mana, every time he summons and uses the shadow spell, most of his mana will be consumed!!

This is the same for everyone.

This is also the reason why Fushiguro Megumi often lacks mana!

Then why can Sukuna use the ten shadow spells like breathing?

It is precisely because of his terrifying efficiency in using mana that he can take into account both strength and reduce consumption!

"It is true that the more you improve yourself, the more you can know the gap between yourself and the strongest."

Feeling his powerful strength at the moment, Lu Ling unconsciously compared himself with Sukuna.

Only then did he realize that Sukuna's cursed power was twice that of Yuta Otsutsukoshi, a total of 20 special-grade cursed spirits combined.

Add to that his god-level cursed power usage efficiency.

No wonder he is called the strongest sorcerer in history, the King of Curses.

In Lu Ling's opinion, with such a heaven-defying panel, Sukuna is strong no matter what technique he uses.

"It seems that I still need to continue to improve my strength."

Lu Ling touched the head of the jade dog next to him and said so with determination.

He stretched his palm towards the crack and continued to prepare for the next round of achievement challenges.

Taking advantage of the fact that he had just upgraded and was in excellent condition.

Lu Ling planned to complete all the challenges in one go!

【Please select the achievement you want to challenge】

【The remaining challenge: Special grade curse killer, Shura】

"I choose to challenge the special grade curse killer."

Lu Ling had many questions in his mind.

Whether it was the current strength change or the use of Moxu Luo in the achievement mode, he wanted to find out.

The requirement of this achievement challenge was to fight 5 special grade curse killers at once. There was no doubt that this was an excellent testing ground.

Lu Ling could verify many things in this battle, and he was a little impatient.


As he confirmed the rotation, the space began to change.

Lu Ling returned to this elementary school, but this time it was a little different.

When he dealt with Li Xiang for the first time, he said that he was refreshed on the school playground.

But now Lu Ling appeared in the school's teaching building!

At this time, he was surrounded by silence.

Not to mention the cursed spirits, even their shadows were not seen.

Lu Ling was also quite curious when he saw this scene. This was very different from what he expected.

He thought he would face the siege of 5 special-grade cursed spirits as soon as he came up.

But it turned out not to be the case.

"He must be hiding in the dark and trying to ambush me."

"But this move is quite unwise."

"Just gave me enough time."

Lu Ling clenched his fists and raised them to his chest one after the other. He began to chant a prayer:

"Furube Yura Yura."

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