The ruins of an unknown elementary school in Tokyo, at the main entrance.

At this moment, Lu Ling was touching his head. He was summarizing the experience he had accumulated from summoning Moxu Luo several times.

"First, because the demon has not been subdued"

"It needs a transformation process before it can act."

He clearly remembered that Moxu Luo appeared in the form of a giant cocoon trapped by chains.

The strongest shikigami does not attack Lu Ling as soon as it is summoned.

It takes time to transform, and it takes about five to six seconds to transform successfully.

And this time can allow Lu Ling to accomplish many things!

"Secondly, the tamer is the top priority."

"Under normal circumstances, Moxu Luo would give up attacking other targets and attack the Tamer instead."

When the Curse Queen and Moxu Luo were fighting,

Lu Ling discovered this. It was clear that Rika still had her last breath.

But at the moment when he was exposed to Moxu Luo's vision, Moxu Luo still gave up the last hit on Rika and started to attack him!

This was extremely beneficial to Lu Ling.

You know, if Moxu Luo made the last hit, the system would immediately end the simulation because his challenge failed!

"In other words, as long as I jump out when the mission target is seriously injured"

"Moxu Luo will give up the last hit and attack himself instead."

Lu Ling thought so.

After combining these two points, he has found a way to use Moxu Luo to complete the achievement mode!!


In order to verify his idea,

Lu Ling immediately started the second round of challenges.

He put his palm into the transparent crack and once again chose the achievement of Special Grade Curse Spirit Killer.


As the space changed, Lu Ling returned to the same teaching building again.

It was the same scene, the same silence.

There was no enemy around him!

"Well, let's see if this time it will go my way."

Lu Ling clenched his fists, raised them to his chest one after the other, and began a new round of the Demonic Subjugation Ceremony.

""Furube Yura Yura."

As always, as he finished his prayer, the strongest shikigami appeared on Lu Ling's back in the form of a cocoon blocked by chains.

The moment it appeared, it began to grow slowly, gradually breaking the chains on its body and becoming a complete form.

But at this time, Moxu Luo was in a completely harmless and unconscious state!

"Shadow, come out"

"We have to run away."

It will take five to six seconds for the strongest shikigami to move freely.

This period of time is precious to Lu Ling. He must cherish every moment.!

Lu Ling began to run wildly in one direction. During this time, he formed seals with both hands and summoned his ten-in-one shikigami.

Intense curse power burst out.

If this kind of movement was made when Moxu Luo was able to move freely, Lu Ling and Ying would be noticed instantly.

At that time, let alone let Moxu Luo and the special-grade curse spirit fight.

It would be good if there was no six-on-one situation!

After all, these special-grade curse spirits are not as reckless as Rika. The moment they see Moxu Luo, they will definitely run!

So Lu Ling must call out his helpers before the strongest shikigami can no longer move freely!

"It's really a lot easier."

He had just finished summoning the shadow, and he sighed in his heart.

Due to the improvement in the efficiency of the use of cursed power, he left a lot of cursed power this time!

In the past, after he summoned this ten-in-one shikigami, he could only leave about 10% of the cursed power!

This caused Lu Ling to rest for a period of time every time after summoning the shadow, and he didn't dare to engage in a long-term battle!

But there was no way, the ten kinds of shadow spells were strengthened according to the percentage and consumed the cursed power according to the percentage!

In other words, no matter how much Lu Ling increased the total amount of cursed power, the final result was that 10% of the cursed power remained!

It's just that due to the increase in the consumption of cursed power, Lu Ling's shikigami has indeed become stronger!

But now, he doesn't have to worry about this because the efficiency of the use of cursed power has increased.

Lu Ling can now enjoy the high-intensity shikigami while leaving enough cursed power.

It can be regarded as letting him experience the happiness of Sukuna back then.

"Okay, now on to step two!"

""Shadow, come here!"

With Lu Ling's order, the group of shikigami like black water began to gather at his feet.

While running, Lu Ling opened his own shadow space and let the shikigami enter it.

The ten shadow magic techniques will turn the user's shadow into an extra-dimensional space.

This space can accommodate unlimited items!

But as a price, the user must accept the weight of these items!

Of course, this space is not perfect.

It also has a disadvantage, that is, it cannot carry living things for a long time.

Because there is no air and no buoyancy in the shadow.

Any creature that enters it will soon suffocate to death!

However, shikigami don't have to worry about this at all.

After all, they are completely made up of mana, and they are not living things at all.

Shikigami can completely hide in the shadows of the users of the ten shadow magic techniques.

Sukuna once used this to hide Moxu Luo in the shadow and fight Gojo Satoru.

He was caught off guard.

Lu Ling thought that he could completely learn this tactic and hide the summoned shikigami in the shadow.

"OK, step three"

"Activate advanced invisibility."

Accompanied by a distortion of the air, Lu Ling and Ying completely disappeared in the space.

Ying does not know how to hide his breath.

As long as it stays by Lu Ling's side, Moxu Luo's keen perception will find this abnormality.

Then Lu Ling's invisibility will naturally have no effect, so he ordered the shikigami to come to his shadow.

At the beginning, Fushiguro Shier also directly swallowed the cursed spirit, and then used his own body of the sky and tyrant to avoid the cursed power detection of Gojo Satoru's six eyes.

Lu Ling did the same thing at this time, entering his own shadow through the shikigami and using the advanced invisibility technique.

He can eliminate his own and the shikigami's breath at the same time!!

After doing this.

Moxu Luo finally untied all the restraints and grew into a complete form.

It can now move freely.

But at this time, Lu Ling had disappeared with Ying.


A huge roar echoed throughout the teaching building, and Lu Ling also heard it.

During the taming ceremony, there would be an inexplicable connection between the two parties.

Lu Ling knew that as long as he lifted the advanced invisibility technique and exposed his aura, then no matter where he was, Moxu Luo would be able to find him.

Unless he could maintain the invisibility state for his entire life, otherwise Moxu Luo would keep chasing him forever before being killed by other beings!!


Time passed by minute by minute.

Lu Ling and Ying had been hiding in the field and observing.

Until a loud"boom" sounded, and a violent movement was heard.

He stood up and started to rush in that direction.

Lu Ling was about to take the next step.......

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