"Advanced Invisibility + Shadow"

"If these two are properly matched, coupled with their own restraint"

""You can use Moxu Luo to greatly ease the difficulty of the achievement mode."

Lu Ling said so confidently.

After experiencing the battle just now, he has figured out how to use Moxu Luo.

It is like a defense tower in the game, attacking everyone indiscriminately.

If the enemy is killed by Moxu Luo, then Lu Ling will not get any experience!

On the contrary, Lu Ling only needs to hide himself and wait until the enemy is hit by the defense tower and has little health before taking action.

That way, the benefits can be maximized!

"As long as you use Moxu Luo properly"

"Later, when I defeat the Nose of the Zenin Family Private Hospital, I will have a certain degree of confidence!"

Originally, Lu Ling was still worried whether he could beat Nose.

After all, he has thousands of years of experience, multiple techniques and open fields!

Although it is a bit difficult to admit, that brain is indeed one of the best in the entire sorcery world.

Among all the sorcerers, the only ones who can beat him are probably Ryoumen Sukuna and Gojo Satoru!

At that time, if the person who came to rescue Lu Ling was not Gojo Satoru.

Or Lu Ling did not provide the information of the open field in time.

Then Nose wanted to leave, there would be absolutely no problem!

"It was a close call."

"I almost let it run away."

Lu Ling thought with lingering fear.

With the intelligence and personality of the nosoko, if it really ran away that time, it would definitely cause a big trouble for me and the sorcery world!

"However, I have repeatedly reminded Mr. Gojo"

"There shouldn't be any trouble."

With the"care" of the most powerful sorcerer in modern times, Gojo Satoru, Lu Ling is still very relieved.

"So, from now on, I just need to work hard to deal with Geto Suguru."

"As long as he loses"

"All of Sukuna's fingers were recovered by the high school"

"Then wait for a good day to launch the satellite."

"Turn the biggest threat to the world of sorcery into stars in one breath!"

Now the only threat to the entire world of sorcery is Geto Xiayou.

This made Lu Ling feel a little relieved.

As long as he could defeat him, there would be no other crisis in the world of sorcery!

"Okay, keep working on it."

"Come on, improve your strength"

"Now I will take this last achievement."

After finalizing his future plans, Lu Ling's confidence increased significantly.

He put his palm into the transparent crack and began to challenge the last achievement.

【Do you want to challenge the last achievement: Shura?

Lu Ling chose"yes" without hesitation.

He must hurry up to clear this level and go to the next place!


With the teleportation of space and a burst of strong light, Lu Ling returned to the teaching building again.

This time, the location was exactly the gate of the teaching building where Lu Ling and Otsukoshi had been doing their internship mission together before!

That is, the end of the domain!

Lu Ling took a look at the special-grade curse spirit blocking the exit of the domain, and couldn't help but sighed:

"It seems like we've returned to that time."

"I don't know if it's because I've been in contact with Moxu Luo for too long recently."

"As a result, I am not moved at all when facing a special-grade curse spirit."After seeing the performances of Moxu Luo and Li Xiang, ordinary special-grade curse spirits are just ordinary in Lu Ling's eyes.

Seeing Lu Ling's calm eyes, the bluish-white curse spirit was very unhappy.

It regarded it as a provocation.


Yellow light condensed at the tip of his finger, and then he pointed at Lu Ling.

A beam of magic power shot out at him!

Although this attack was fast, the attack route was too monotonous. It was just a straight line without any changes.

It was not difficult for Lu Ling to dodge it.

After predicting the enemy's attack direction, Lu Ling turned sideways and passed by the beam.


His fastest attack was dodged by the enemy. The pale-skinned curse spirit was stunned.

"By the way, the last time I dealt with you, I didn't use the shadow spell."

"I'll show you this time."

While the enemy was still in a daze, Lu Ling had already started his next move.

The fierce curse spirit exploded on him!

Although he was half as weak as Shura, Lu Ling's momentum at this moment should not be underestimated.

""Shadow, kill it!"

A shadow spread out from under his feet, and soon covered the ground in this space.

Following the master's command, countless red tongues stretched out from it and trapped the special-grade curse spirit!


Facing this sudden attack, it couldn't help but be startled.

The bluish-white skinned curse spirit made a prompt decision and used its signature move - Curse Power Explosion!!

The yellow light suddenly shone.

A powerful curse power spread out in all directions from it as the center!

The special-grade curse spirit intended to destroy these things that trapped it, including Lu Ling.


After a loud noise, the entire teaching building shook slightly.

Another special-grade curse spirit in the depths of the field seemed to have received some signal and began to rush to the gate of the teaching building quickly.

Soon, Lu Ling will face the siege of two special-grade curse spirits!!


In the smoke and dust, the bluish-white skinned curse spirit laughed wildly.

All the"ropes" just now disappeared under its curse power.

The special-grade curse spirit, who regained its freedom, was in a particularly happy mood.

"It's too early for you to be happy."

Lu Ling's calm words made the pale-skinned Curse Spirit's expression instantly freeze.


Countless red tongues came up again and tied it tightly.

Just when the special-grade curse spirit was about to use the curse power to burst,

Lu Ling, who had a keen ability to perceive the curse power, saw through its intention in an instant.

He ordered Ying to dissolve the materialization first, resulting in the previous attack not causing any harm to himself as a shikigami!

And what about Lu Ling himself?

Because of the long distance, when he noticed the intention of the curse spirit,

Lu Ling concentrated the curse power on his legs and quickly evacuated the attack range of the curse spirit without any damage!

This big move of the bluish-white skinned curse spirit did not cause any effect on Lu Ling and Ying, but instead wasted a lot of his own curse power!!


The special-grade cursed spirit that had just released its ultimate move had not yet recovered its breath. It still needed some time to recover its cursed power and could not immediately release its second burst of cursed power.

So it began to flex its muscles, intending to use the remaining cursed power to strengthen its body and forcefully break free from the toad's tongue!!

""Pah! Pah! Pah!"

Due to Shura's weakening, the levels of Lu Ling's ten shadow spells and the total amount of cursed power were reduced by half.

The power of the shadow was also reduced a lot.

Soon, the tongues of the toads it transformed began to break one by one.

It won't be long before the special cursed spirit will be free again.

But the premise is that Lu Ling just watched from the side and didn't take any action!!


The blue light of the cursed power focused on his fist.

Facing the bluish-white skinned cursed spirit that only had its head exposed and could not move,

Lu Ling had no reason not to take action!!

"Just because you can't move, let me try this new move."

After saying that, he began to mobilize all the magic power in his body to concentrate on his fist!

In these duels, Lu Ling had used Jue many times in order to hide his breath and restore magic power.

But as he got to know this skill better, he found that these were just byproducts of Jue.

The true face of Jue was the blockade of power!

"Normal mana concentration and strengthening is just transferring the mana from various parts of the body to one place."

"But there is still a lot of magic power in other parts."

"Now I will use the absolute power to completely block the cursed power in other parts of my body, and concentrate all the strengthening on one point!!"

The cursed power that was originally wrapped around Lu Ling has disappeared, and there is no cursed power in his body.

But in contrast, Lu Ling's fist is shining with light several times brighter than before!!

【[Has learned the special skill"Hard"]

The system's prompt sound came, and Lu Ling learned a new trick.

The tied special cursed spirit saw the opponent's fist that seemed like the sun, and frantically squeezed out the last bit of its cursed power to break free.

It knew in its heart that if it was hit by this move, it would definitely die!

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