Tokyo, downtown, 47th floor of a building.

Lu Ling and Zhu Ye are resting.

After climbing 17 floors, Zhu Ye was a little exhausted. In addition, he had to deal with two second-level cursed spirits, which consumed a lot of his cursed energy.

Now he is not in a bad state, but he is definitely not in his prime.

Lu Ling is a little different. He has physical efficiency (intermediate) and cursed energy efficiency (intermediate). His consumption rate is much lower than Zhu Ye. In addition, his own physical ability and total amount of cursed energy are very powerful.

Lu Ling didn't consume much cursed energy at all, but he consumed as much physical strength!

But he also needs to spend some time thinking about what might happen in the future. So he stopped and sat on the steps of the emergency exit with Zhu Ye.


Zhuye took off the mask on his head.

Now was the time to rest. Wearing it would only hinder his breathing and affect his rest efficiency.

As the conditions for using the visiting auspicious beast disappeared,

Zhuye was now a person with only magical power but no spells.

"It's really strange."

Lu Ling said on the side. It was the first time he had seen this kind of technique.

The moment Zhuye took off his hood, he felt as if something had disappeared from his body.

When he used the visiting auspicious beast, he also felt something descending on him.

What were those things?

Lu Ling couldn't figure it out.......

Although it was not the first time he had seen Zhu Ye use a spell, he was still very interested in the skill of the visiting auspicious beast!

"Hmm? Are you interested in my technique?"

Zhu Ye asked Lu Ling


When Zhuye pointed out what he was thinking, Lu Ling showed a surprised expression.

Seeing Lu Ling's expression, Zhuye was secretly happy.

Lu Ling had always surprised him all along, but he didn't expect that he would also surprise Lu Ling.

Regarding this point, Lu Ling did not shy away and spoke the truth directly.


"Mr. Ino, your technique seems to be a little different from others."

"But I don't know what the specific difference is."

Lu Ling felt that something was hidden in the visiting auspicious beast.

It had nothing to do with the spell, but something of a higher dimension, something that Lu Ling could not touch yet.

But he couldn't tell what it was.

"Oh, that's right."

"Is this the first time you've seen a necromancy?"

""The ritual of visiting auspicious beasts is actually a kind of spirit summoning technique."

Zhu Ye explained to Lu Ling.

Spirit summoning technique?

Hearing this unfamiliar word, Lu Ling's face showed a blank look.

Seeing Lu Ling's puzzled look, Zhu Ye couldn't help but smile.

"What? It seems that I can still be a senior in some aspects."

He said so, with a bit of pride in his eyes.

Since Lu Ling had never concealed his technique from him at the beginning, then he must satisfy Lu Ling's curiosity at this time.

"There are many different types of magic. Necromancer is one of them."

"The auspicious beast that visits is a kind of necromancy."

"So I am actually a relatively small branch of sorcerers, that is, a medium."

Zhu Ye introduced to Lu Ling


Lu Ling continued to show a surprised expression.

He didn't expect that there are so many different types of sorcerers. For example, shikigami users, spell spirit users, spell words users, and now he knows about a medium!

"Yes, we are the kind of people who deal with ghosts and spirits."

"The principle of visiting auspicious beasts is actually to use your body as a container to carry part of the power of those spirit beasts."

"Wearing a hood is actually a signal. It means that you are willing to give your body."


Oh my goodness, it turns out that the principle of"visiting auspicious beasts" is that they are possessed by ghosts!

After hearing this, Lu Ling couldn't help but break out in a cold sweat.

"Isn't it dangerous to donate your body?"

"Won't you encounter the situation where your body is taken away by other ghosts or spirits?"

Lu Ling asked nervously.

He had seen many similar movies and books about possession of bodies before.

The main point is that it is hard to guard against!

Even if a person has a physical body, no matter how powerful his curse is, if his soul is weak, then he is just a piece of fat meat in the eyes of the strong.

Let's not talk about anything else, just talk about someone he knows.

Fushiguro Megumi!

He has ten kinds of shadow magic, not only has great potential, but also has the same ability to summon demons as Lu Ling!

But he was spotted by Ryomen Sukuna, who forcibly took away his body. All his skills became someone else's wedding dress, and his end was extremely miserable.

Lu Ling, who had learned from the past, naturally didn't want to have the same end!!



Hearing Lu Ling's words, Zhu Ye couldn't help laughing.

He approached Lu Ling, patted her on the shoulder, and consoled her:

"Do not worry"

"The four summoned by the visiting auspicious beast are all very friendly beings. They will not do such a thing as taking away the body of another person."

I have used the visiting auspicious beast for so many years and have dealt with the Qilin, the turtle, and the dragon for so long. Don't you know what the tempers of those beasts are?

They look at humans like children.

The reason why Zhuye's"younger generation power" is so strong is also inseparable from the technique of visiting the auspicious beast.

If Lu Ling is worried about this, it is completely unnecessary.

Hearing Zhuye's words, Lu Ling shook his head.

He also used the visiting auspicious beast himself, and felt the breath of the four beasts descending on him.

They are peaceful and tolerant, and naturally they will not do things to take away the body of another person.

But Lu Ling is worried about someone else!

"Mr. Ino, will there be a situation where an evil spirit takes over a human body?"

"For example, a thousand-year-old curser evil spirit?"


After hearing what Lu Ling said, the smile on Zhu Ye's face disappeared instantly, and his expression became very solemn.


Lu Ling knew the answer from Zhuye's face.

It seemed that evil spirits possessing living people was not uncommon in the world of sorcery!

"This is trouble."

Lu Ling couldn't help but sigh, and his heart began to get nervous.

This was the first time he was so worried since he came to this world.

Unlike physical ability, total amount of spell power, and everything else. Lu Ling's soul has not been strengthened in any way!

This means that in terms of the soul, Lu Ling is as defenseless as ordinary people.

If he encounters someone with ulterior motives who specifically attacks the soul!!

Then Lu Ling will not have any ability to fight back!

And what a coincidence, he really knows a few guys who are particularly good at playing with souls.

Sukuna, Noso, and Masamune are all experts in this area.

Their research on the soul is several levels above the entire spell world.

But these guys are all bad guys!

They are all people that Lu Ling has offended, or is about to offend!

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