Lu Ling used two completely opposite spells to counteract his own state.

He felt the power of the spell he had consumed and frowned.

""What a waste of mana!"

Lu Ling cursed inwardly.

Spell strengthening does not consume a certain amount of spell power to get a certain period of strengthening, but continuously consumes spell power to maintain strengthening!

And this process cannot be canceled by oneself.

Unless the total amount of one's spell power is exhausted, or the opposite spell is used to offset it.

It's like being in a semi-permanent state!

"Fortunately, there is power compression and mana usage efficiency (intermediate)"

"Otherwise, use the spell to strengthen while using the spell power to strengthen, and then pull out your hand to summon ten kinds of shadow spells."

"I'm afraid my mana bar will be emptied instantly."

Lu Ling felt fortunate.

At the same time, he also felt that he understood the importance of the total amount of cursed energy.

Throughout the ages, the stronger the ultimate move, the more mana it consumes!

If the total amount of cursed energy is high enough, you can do whatever you want!

The main reason why Ryoumen Sukuna is stronger than everyone else is because of this!

"Now, in addition to [Stronger] and [Weaker], I have one last spell slot."

"I really don't know which one to choose......"

The system gave him three extra spells, two of which had been confirmed, leaving one.

Based on the results of his thinking,

Lu Ling also realized that the spells that were most suitable for him were the effect ones.

However, if the effect spells were not offset by the opposite spells, using them rashly would consume the spell power uncontrollably.

"It's better to leave it alone for now."

"See if there are any unexpected events or new inspirations later."

"Fill in the gap in this spell."

Lu Ling stood up and left the chair.

He had already done everything he should do here.

It was time to start the next stage.

After all, the special rewards after defeating the special grade spell spirit were more than that. He also had an achievement mode reward to get!

However, in order for the achievement mode to appear, he had to exit the venue first, that is, leave this floor.

This was the experience Lu Ling gained after experiencing the achievement mode many times.

After taking a look at the room that looked normal, he turned around and stepped out of the door on the 48th floor of the building.

"Ping Pong——"

As Lu Ling's right foot left the door, the sound of glass breaking came as expected.......Transparent cracks appeared in space.

Achievement mode is here!


Lu Ling glanced at the location where the crack appeared, and then fell silent.

Well, it appeared on the 49th floor of the building, which was the center of the field where Lu Ling and the green curse spirit had just fought, about 4 meters above the ground.

"This position is a bit tricky."

"Although with my current strength, it is easy to jump 4 meters"

"But every time I challenge, I have to jump, which feels a bit weird."

Lu Ling complained in his heart.

Of course, complaining is nothing compared to the rewards of the achievement mode.

He came to the bottom of the transparent crack.

Without using the spell power, he squatted and jumped, and jumped more than 4 meters in one go.

With Lu Ling's current physical fitness, it was extremely easy to do this.

The moment he touched the crack, the system transmitted the information to his brain, and Lu Ling also understood the full content of this challenge.

【Thousand Mouths: The total amount of the cursed spirit's cursed power is doubled, and it can use two spells at the same time. Requirements: Defeat the cursed spirit. Reward: Three additional spells】

【Spring Cleanup: This building has been completely dominated by cursed spirits. All 50 floors are filled with cursed spirits. Requirements: Kill all cursed spirits. Reward: Free Level +5】

【Shura: Level is reduced by half and rounded down. Requirements: Challenge the dungeon again. Reward: Free Level +5】

"With a"pop", Lu Ling fell to the ground again.

He looked at the achievement challenge popped up by the system and estimated the difficulty of it.

"Well, it doesn't seem too difficult."

"You can give it a try first."

Originally, Lu Ling planned to go directly to the Chanyuan family private hospital after helping Zhuye.

But now there is a closer achievement challenge in front of him.

In order to save time and convenience, Lu Ling of course chose this one in front of him.

"Let's start with [Spring Cleaning], this is simply a welfare level"

"I estimate that it won't take long to resolve."

Generally speaking, all sorcerers are afraid of prolonged battles, because it consumes a lot of mana!

Even low-level cursed spirits from level three to four line up and are sent up one by one to the sorcerer for exorcism.

There are about 1,000 of them, and basically no first-level sorcerer can withstand it!

This is also one of the horrors of Geto Suguru's manipulating the mana, the quantity!

Not to mention the quality of the mana he has, just the fact that he can control 5,000 mana spirits is enough to make him a top-grade sorcerer!

"If there is no range killing method"

"The human wave tactic can indeed achieve a terrifying effect"

"But what I lack the most is a ranged output method!"

After Lu Ling determined the first achievement he wanted to challenge, he jumped up again to touch the transparent crack in the air.

"System, the first achievement I want to challenge is [Spring Cleaning】"

As Lu Ling confirmed, a familiar voice came from the system.

【Challenge Begins】

With a change of scene, he came to the place where he was stopped by the security guard before, which was the entrance of the building.

However, at this time, no one came to stop Lu Ling.

The building, which was originally brightly lit, was now even brighter, and even the lights above the 35th floor, which should not have been on, were on.

From the outside, this was a completely normal building.

No one knew that this building was full of monsters!


The surrounding streets were also empty, and the whole world fell into a dead silence.

It seemed as if this glowing building was the last refuge for the people!


"It's really an exaggerated negative energy."

Lu Ling didn't use the power of the spell to perceive, but he could tell how abnormal it was with the perception of the sky and the spell.

There was no breath of living people in the whole building, but he could feel countless things moving inside.

It was like an apple with a bright and beautiful appearance, but full of wriggling maggots inside.

"It's terrifying"

"Once the curse spirit reaches a certain size, will it actually produce such a reaction?"

Lu Ling glanced at the dark street, then at the brightly lit building.

There was a gentle atmosphere inside, as if it was attracting innocent passers-by into a trap.


"It seems that a so-called spring cleaning is indeed needed."

Lu Ling did not step into the building. Just outside the door, he formed seals with his hands.

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