【Challenge Success】

【Freedom level +5, current freedom level is 20】

【Observed"Severing the World" three times, progress +12%, current progress is 24%]

With the death of the mission target, Lu Ling also successfully returned to the real world

"Damn it, you are such a scoundrel."

Lu Ling cursed.

Although he did win in the end, the process was still too embarrassing!

【The slash that cuts off the world is not only fast, but also has almost no breath!

This makes it extremely difficult to dodge!

When Sukuna uses this move, he needs to form the Yanma Heaven Seal with both hands. But Moxu Luo can swing it as long as he charges up!

His own Huzang and Nue were directly cut by it like the fruits in Fruit Ninja!

There is no resistance at all!

Even Lu Ling himself almost died there!

"I don't know if it's an illusion, but I feel that Moxu Luo is getting smarter."

Observing Moxu Luo's performance this time, Lu Ling came to this conclusion.

He has a hunch: as his strength increases, Moxu Luo will become more and more difficult to deal with in the future!

"But the ending is pretty good"

"After being stabbed three times, the learning progress of [Slashing the World] has reached 24%"

"This is almost a quarter."

"As long as you work harder, you can learn it!"

Lu Ling clenched his fists, he was very excited.

It was because he had personally experienced the power of this move that he knew how powerful it was!

Lu Ling was looking forward to mastering the skill [Slashing the World] in the future.

"Okay, we are almost done here."

"It's time to leave."

Lu Ling looked back at the transparent crack in the air, which was slowly closing and disappearing.

After he completed all the achievement challenges, the mission of the transparent crack was also completed.

"I don't know how Mr. Zhuye is doing."

In the previous battle with Baikou, he and Zhuye were blown out of the building.

Although Lu Ling arranged for Nue to send him to a safe place.

But Lu Ling is not Mingming, he does not have the ability to attach vision to the shikigami.

So he naturally does not know where Nue sent Zhuye.


After a moment of silence, he left the 48th floor, which had become a ruin.

No matter what, Zhuye survived.

Knowing this is enough.......

Step, step.

Lu Ling walked down the stairs alone.

Since the cursed spirits in the entire building had been cleared out by Lu Ling and Zhu Ye, the strange atmosphere no longer existed, leaving only a peaceful silence.

"What is going on with the curse spirit this time?"

Lu Ling thought about this question as he went downstairs.

The birth of curse spirits also requires conditions. They need a lot of negative emotions to form!

Therefore, high-level curse spirits usually only appear in gloomy places such as abandoned hospitals or cemeteries.

As for this building......

It is normal to produce curse spirits, but it is basically impossible for special-grade curse spirits to appear!

"Someone is definitely playing tricks on him."

Lu Ling had thought of a possibility during a break in the achievement challenge mode.

That is, Baikou is very likely a product of Sukuna's finger.

For this reason, he even took out Sukuna's finger from his shadow dimension.

But the result was that he did not sense the breath of other Sukuna fingers nearby.

Even Baikou's body did not burst out Sukuna's finger.

"It seems that this matter has nothing to do with Sukuna's finger."

Lu Ling sighed helplessly.

He was not very good at anything other than fighting, and he only had a superficial understanding of the knowledge of the world of magic.......

So he couldn't figure out the truth of the matter.

"In this case, let's not consider these for now."

"Let's do it step by step, starting from leaving this building."

He thought so.......

Tokyo, downtown, inside a building.

Unlike the simulated world, Lu Ling's total amount of mana in the real world has not been consumed.

Therefore, when he arrived at the surveillance area of the building, he had enough energy to activate the advanced invisibility technique.

"So, do you feel a lot more relaxed?"

"It was like something that had been weighing on me was lifted off my shoulders."

When Lu Ling passed by the employees' workroom, she heard their conversation.

"What?! You feel the same way?"

"I thought the coffee was especially good today, so I plan to buy a few more cups from that store next time." The cursed spirits in the entire building were exorcised.

The negative energy that affected the human body disappeared, and the former employees seemed to become more energetic.

"It seems that everything is fine now."

Observing the people whose faces have returned to normal, Lu Ling also felt relieved.

It seems that this building has completely lost its ability to affect ordinary people.......

"Tokyo, Shinjuku-ku, XX Building, Room XX"

"A special grade curse spirit appeared here!"

"I am Takuma Ino, a Level 2 sorcerer. I am formally requesting support!"

"There is another student! Please come quickly!"

When Lu Ling was about to reach the gate, he heard a familiar voice.

He saw a young man with brown hair making an anxious phone call.

This person was Zhu Ye who had traveled with Lu Ling before!


"Mr. Gojo is out on a mission, Miss Jiujiu is not here."

The message from the other end of the phone made Zhuye extremely desperate.

This is exactly the current situation of the high school. The high school has only two special-grade sorcerers. Only they can completely defeat all special-grade curse spirits.

And the number of special-grade curse spirits is......

That's a lot!

There are 16 of them in the records of the college alone!

If we count those unregistered cursed spirits, it will definitely be a terrifying number!

Of course, it doesn't mean that only special-grade sorcerers can defeat special-grade cursed spirits.

There are some gifted people who can defeat special-grade cursed spirits even if they are first-grade sorcerers!

But they are a minority after all, and most first-grade sorcerers still can't do this.

"what to do?"

"What should I do?"

Zhu Ye paced back and forth, looking very anxious.

He was very worried about Lu Ling's safety, but as a second-level sorcerer, if he went up to fight against the special-level curse spirit, his hope of winning was really slim.

"How about asking Mr. Nanami to come over?"

"As a senior first-class sorcerer, he should be able to......"

He flipped through his phone, browsing the various names in the address book. He finally stopped at"Mr. Nanami". Just as he was about to dial, a hand was placed on his shoulder with a"pop".


Because of a series of negative emotions such as anxiety, despair, etc.

Zhu Ye jumped up when he was touched.

"Who is it?!" He turned around suddenly, his voice trembling slightly.

"Lu Ling?!"

"You also managed to escape?"

Zhuye's voice did not conceal his joy. He was really happy for Lu Ling's survival!

But then Zhuye's face became serious.

"Okay, let's get out of here now."

"The special grade spell spirit has been formed. This is no longer a place for low-level spellcasters like us."

"I have already informed the high school"

"Someone will come to deal with this matter later!"

Lu Ling listened to Zhuye's words silently, with a complicated expression on his face.

Then he said to Zhuye:"It's okay, Mr. Zhuye. The crisis has been resolved."


When Zhuye heard Lu Ling's words, he showed a puzzled expression on his face.

"Wait, what do you mean?"

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