Tokyo, downtown, a high-end hotel.

Lu Ling was lying on the bed thinking about how to face tomorrow's challenge.

First of all, there is the achievement of [Legitimate Heir of the Zenin Family].

The first difficulty he faced was the current head of the Zenin Family - Zenin Naohito!

Zenin Naohito is different from his son Zenin Naoya. He is an old senior with rich experience in the world of sorcery. He is a real warrior!

He is 70 years old, and 50 of them have been spent in battle!

Whether it is experience or the use of techniques, it is far beyond the reach of ordinary sorcerers!

If you only look at combat power, he can even compete with Fushiguro Megumi's father - Fushiguro Shinobu, who is the tyrant of heaven!!

"We can't be careless when dealing with that old man."

Lu Ling thought, pinching her brows.

"And the opponent I have to face is not just him, but all the members of the Zenyuan family!"

"This is quite troublesome."

Lu Ling's thoughts went back to the time when he fought with Bing's members.

If he hadn't taken the initiative by sneak attack and modern weapons, the outcome would still be uncertain.

Bing's configuration is quite violent!

Zenin Ranta's powerful control, Zenin Shinichi's wide-area attack, Zenin Shouro's ability to change terrain, Zenin Fan's melee ability and Zenin Naoya's high-speed assassination!

This combination is completely for full output!

As long as they are properly matched, the opponent will probably be wiped out in an instant!

"The most important thing is Zenin Ranta"

"As long as he controls it and cooperates with the attacks of others"

"Even I would have great difficulty and lose directly......."

Lu Ling rehearsed the battle in his mind

"As for Zenin Naoya and Zenin Naohito, once they start the technique, their speed will be much faster than my normal state."

"At that time, I have to use overload mode to cope with it"

"If there was only Zenin Naoya, I should be able to handle it now. But now there is another Zenin Naohito."

"After all, I have never fought him before."

Thinking of this, Lu Ling couldn't help but sigh.

The unknown is the most terrifying situation.

"But there is no way to deal with them......"

After thinking about it, Lu Ling already had some ideas.

Projection spell is a technique that can divide one second into 1/24 to perform actions.

This means that people who possess this technique will have mobility and destructive power that ordinary people cannot imagine!

And during this period, as long as Zenin Naoya and Zenin Naohito's palms touch the enemy.

Then the enemy will be forced to freeze for 1 second!

It can be said to be an extremely powerful technique!

However, such an excellent technique cannot be without limitations and shortcomings.

To use the projection spell perfectly, you must use your own field of vision as the perspective and then imitate the actions that have been designed in advance in the corner of the scene.

The preset action cannot be interrupted.

Once interrupted, you will also be forced to freeze for one second, and this technique is the same for all!

"Is this a technique based on perspective?"

"It seems that the ability to affect vision will have unexpected effects at this time."

"If I use advanced invisibility at the beginning, it will be easy for them to lose their target......."

"The same is true for Zenin Lanta."

Whether it is the eye-binding spell or the projection spell, they all rely on the eyes of the caster to be realized.

But the tragedy is that the eyes of their owners are not that special.

If Lu Ling activates the advanced invisibility spell, these two spells have a great probability of missing the target!!

And this will bring him a great opportunity

"Sure enough, as long as you know the opponent's details, it will be much easier to target him."

Lu Ling couldn't help but sigh.

In the battle of spells, the importance of intelligence is directly linked to life.

This is why the combat effectiveness will be improved after the spell is made public.

Because the publicization of spells is a kind of restraint, sacrificing such an advantage will naturally get corresponding rewards.

"As for those members who stayed behind......"

"These are the best to deal with......."

The Kūkurutai refers to the special forces that the Zenin family members who only have magic power but no magic are forced to join after they reach adulthood.

Since they are regarded as"lower class" without magic in the Zenin family, their role is to be used by the members of [Bing] to consume the enemy's magic power.

"It took me a lot of effort to deal with them."

"At that time, I didn't have any means of large-scale attack. I could only use modern weapons to consume them bit by bit."

"But now is different from the past, I should not worry about them now."

Although the members of the remaining team are numerous, they are willing to sacrifice their lives and absolutely obey the orders of their superiors. They are a perfect team.

But their individual level is a bit low, basically at the level of level 2 to 3 sorcerers.

Now this level of sorcerers without spells can hardly be Lu Ling's opponent.

The threat that the remaining team can bring to Lu Ling is not high, so Lu Ling does not take them seriously.

"Well, that's about it."

"Excluding Zenin Naobito, Bing, and members of the Kukururutai"

"The remaining people in the Chanyuan family are all ordinary people. The system should not record them in the challenge."

"And even if they are included in the calculation, I will not show mercy!"

The ordinary people left here naturally refer to those ordinary people who cannot control their magic power.

If they are born in the Zenyuan family with this identity, it is no different from falling into hell.

They will lose all their human rights. They will completely become toys and bullying targets in the hands of the upper class of the Zenyuan family!

In the end, they will be squeezed to death without any dignity.

If the system really joins these objects in the siege of Lu Ling, he definitely doesn't mind sending them directly to liberation!!

After thinking about the basic strategy direction of [Legitimate Heir of the Zenyuan Family].

Lu Ling shifted his target to the next achievement, which is [Enemy of a Thousand Years].

Its requirements are very simple, and there is only one enemy.

That is to defeat the most evil sorcerer in history with a thousand years of experience-Nosose.

But Lu Ling feels that this is the most difficult of all the tasks he has challenged so far!

Multiple techniques, open fields, and a thousand years of experience.......

With all these factors combined,

Nozomi is undoubtedly the strongest sorcerer in modern society besides Gojo Satoru!!

This kind of opponent should not be considered by Lu Ling now.

Even if he has special strength now, his chances of winning against Nozomi are not very high!


Don't panic, Lu Ling took a deep breath to calm down her inner mood.

"Just my words, it is true"

"But now, I have the strongest ally.】"

"Let's see what kind of sparks you and Moxu Luo can create!"

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