The Zenin family.

One of the three elite families of spellcasting, also known as one of the three great families.

Although the Zenin family does have impressive strength, it lacks any humanity.

Everything here requires perfection.

Clan members must inherit the spells passed down from generation to generation, otherwise they can only start their lives as losers.

And women are not even allowed to stand at the starting line.

A chain of contempt has formed within the Zenin family.

That is, spellcasters with spells look down on spellcasters without spells, and spellcasters without spells look down on non-spellcasters.

Here, the class system is strict, and there is no possibility of advancement.

For example, Maki, as a heavenly and cursed woman, is both a woman and a non-spellcaster.

This means that even if she is stronger than most people in the Zenin family, she will still be looked down upon.

If she continues to stay here

, she will no longer have a future.

"How can anyone who is not a Zenyuan family call himself a sorcerer? How can anyone who is not a sorcerer be called a human being?

This is the Zenyuan family motto.

It can be said that the word"arrogance" is written on their faces.......

In the antique mansion, three people were sitting around, their faces were a little gloomy.

"What did you say?!"

"What do you mean the next head of the family is not me?!"

The leader was a blond young man, his face was handsome but distorted by anger, and he did not show any grace.

His name was Zenin Naoya, the son of the current head of the Zenin family and the young master of the Zenin family.

Zenin Naoya perfectly inherited his father's technique, which meant he was the best in the Zenin family.

In the Zenin family, which values bloodline inheritance,

The next head of the family must be him.

But today, a sorcerer from the Kamo family suddenly told him that the head of the family is someone else.

Zenin Naoya would never accept the feeling that something that should belong to him was taken away by someone else.

Even if it was a lie, he had to ask for clarification.

Being pointed at by Zenin Naoya's anger, the sorcerer from the Kamo family was not nervous.

It was better to say that he looked calm and even had some mockery on his face.

The sutures on his head proved that this person was Nose.

Over the past thousands of years, it has had countless identities.

It once obtained the identity of Kamo Kenrin, but in fact it has always been the actual controller of the Kamo family.

As long as it wants, it can call on everything of the Kamo family at any time.

Its power is above the current head of the family, and it can even replace the current head of the family and become the real head of the family anytime and anywhere.

It is easy for it to get an identity of the Kamo family.

Facing Zenin Naoya, Nose replied:

"You should know this, right? Fushiguro Megumi inherited ten kinds of shadow magic"


As soon as this sentence came out, everyone fell silent.

Fushiguro Megumi's existence was no secret, but he was not a member of the Zenin family after all, just an outsider. Even if he possessed the Zenin family's main family technique, he could not inherit the title of head of the family.

"I thought you were talking about that?"

Zenin Naoya laughed and said,"Although that guy is the son of Shinji, he is not as good as me in terms of qualifications and strength! And I am the only son of the current head of the family!"

"That Fushiguro Megumi doesn't even have the word"Zenin" in his name, how could he possibly pass me by and inherit the position of the head of the family?"

A muscular man next to Zenin Naoya also agreed with Naoya's statement. He is Zenin Shinichi, Fushiguro Megumi's uncle. But he doesn't feel close to this son of his younger brother.

"If the head of the family is not crazy, he will never give the property of the Zenin family to an outsider."

The last person present in the Zenin family also nodded. The white and black of his eyes were switched, and most of his eyes were black. He had a long sword on his waist and looked like a samurai.

He was Zenin Osamu, and the biological father of Zenin Maki and Zenin Mayi.

"Indeed, that Fushiguro Megumi is not qualified to be the head of the Zenin family."

The atmosphere became calm.

After explaining the reasons why Fushiguro Megumi could not become the head of the family, the anxiety in the hearts of the three Zenin people seemed to calm down a little.

Looking at this group of guys who could not recognize the reality, Koso sighed helplessly:

"Is that so? What if I say that it was the current head of the family who made Fushiguro Megumi the head of the family?"


Before Nozomi could finish his words, Zenin Naoya grabbed him by the collar:

"Huh? If you keep talking nonsense, I will knock your teeth out. Why did the old man pass the position of head of the family to him?"

Nozomi was not angry. Rather, the more Zenin Naoya could not accept him, the easier it would be to achieve his goal.

""Pa, pa, pa—"

The lasso clapped his hands three times, and a short old man suddenly stood out.

"This is the agreement between Zenin Naohito and Fushiguro Shiori. The original plan was for the Zenin family to take over Fushiguro Megumi, but Gojo Satoru also intervened."

The short old man took out a contract, which was the agreement between Zenin Naohito and Fushiguro Shiori:

"If Gojo Satoru dies or loses his ability to think for some reason, Fushiguro Megumi will be welcomed back to the Zenin family. He will be made the head of the family and given all the family property."


The three people from the Zenin family were all shocked at the same time. They knew one thing clearly.

That is, this contract was very likely to be true.

Zenin Naoya's eyes were instantly bloodshot:

""Okay, okay, you old man, you're going to do this to me, right? Where is Fushiguro Megumi?! I'm going to kill him now!"

Zenin Shan was much calmer:

"Gojo Satoru's death and loss of the ability to think? Who in the world can do this?"

Zenin Shinichi agreed with Shan's statement:

"Naoya, don't be impulsive. Besides, Fushiguro Megumi has Gojo Satoru protecting him, so there's nothing he can do to him."

Indeed, the premise for Fushiguro Megumi to become the head of the family is Gojo Satoru's failure.

Under normal circumstances, it is more likely that Zenin Naoya will be the head of the family.

Nozomi saw that the three Zenin were still hesitating, and thought to himself that he had to add fuel to the fire:

"Don't you think Gojo Satoru is too popular? Our three families are collectively known as the Three Great Families. But everyone thinks that the Gojo family is the leader of the world of sorcery."

"Why is this? It's because of Gojo Satoru"

"Now I have received the internal report from the Kamo family. Gojo Satoru cannot stay with Fushiguro Megumi because of the mission."

"This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity."

The Kamo family is one of the three great families, and there must be someone who is a high-ranking member of the academy.

With the information given by the insider, Nosoko was able to remain undetected during Gojo Satoru's pursuit.

Nosoko looked at the three Zenin people who were already shaken in their hearts and continued with a smile:

"Fushiguro Megumi is currently in high school"

"He has a fatal flaw, which is his sister Fushiguro Miki"

"She fell into a deep sleep due to the attack of the curse master, and I happened to know the address of her hospital."

"If, I mean if, she was attacked by a curse master, do you think Fushiguro Megumi would save her?"

After saying this, Muso looked at the reactions of the three.

Zenin Naoya was eager to try, while Osamu and Shinichi were silent.

Muso knew that this matter had become

"Should I continue to wait in fear, or should I eliminate all risks and take the position of the head of the family into my hands??"

"Everything depends on you."

The noose rose up and its purpose had been achieved.

""Wait a minute!" Zenin Shinichi shouted."Why are you doing this? This will not benefit the Kamo family at all."

Unexpectedly, the rough-looking Shinichi turned out to be the most rational of the three.

This surprised Nososo a little, but it still answered Shinichi's question.

"You say, if Fushiguro Megumi's body was thrown in front of Gojo Satoru, would he feel upset?"

"Recalling the child I raised. More than a minute?"

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