"1 billion yen?!"

Lu Ling cried out in grief. It was the first time he had heard of such a huge sum of money.

Maki picked up a dagger-shaped curse tool from the wall and came to Lu Ling.

"This is already considered cheap. The price of curse tools is in the hundreds of millions, which is very normal. For example, this [Tuzuoma] costs 200 million yen."

"If there is not enough funds, we can only give up this plan."

Lu Ling knew that the value of spell tools has always been high.

Special-grade spell tools are even more in short supply, and you may not be able to buy them even if you have money. Although Lu Ling has some savings at present, he does not have so much money.

How about giving up?

This idea came to Lu Ling's mind.

Anyway, as long as he reports this matter to Zenin Naohito, he can temporarily put an end to it.

This is both safe and fast.

But he soon gave up this idea.

If he gave up like this, Fushiguro Tsuyoshi's safety would be difficult to guarantee.

He had clearly promised Fushiguro Megumi to rescue his sister, and it would be a very bad thing for the elders to take back their previous promises in front of the younger generation.

And this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

He finally made Zenin Naoya set up a bondage and gathered all those who opposed Fushiguro Megumi to become the head of the family.

Once missed.

Unless he can break directly into the Zenin family next time, it will be impossible to catch them all in one fell swoop.

Lu Ling shook his head at Maki.

"Don't I still have three days? A mere ten billion, I'll gather it up for you to see."

Lu Ling turned on his phone and began to check the location of nearby banks.

Just kidding, I now have both advanced invisibility and a body bound by heaven and curse.

I have all the means to get money.

Watch me come up with a few eternal unsolved cases for you in a minute.

Maki saw Lu Ling's malicious expression and seemed to have guessed his thoughts, and shouted to the first-year students:"Hurry up and tie him up, this guy is thinking about something bad."

Finally, under the persuasion of the first-year students, Lu Ling gave up the idea of robbing a bank.

In order to make Lu Ling behave himself, he almost tied him up.

Fushiguro looked at Lu Ling silently, his eyes a little strange.

At this moment, Lu Ling looked very much like Gojo Satoru who raised him.

Lu Ling was a little hurt by Fushiguro's eyes: I feel that my tall image in Hui's mind seems to have collapsed a little.

After suppressing Lu Ling, the panda said breathlessly:

"Lu Ling, don't do something that only a curse master would do."

"In addition to the top figures of the three great families, there is another person who can come up with such a huge sum of money at once."

"First-class sorcerer Mingming, she is a wealthy person in the sorcery world"

"If she wants to do this, she can get it in one go with just 1 billion."

"The principal has her contact information, and I have one here too."

The panda took out a pen and paper and wrote down a string of numbers and handed it to Lu Ling.

First-level sorcerer Mingming, Gojo Satoru's predecessor, was the former assistant supervisor of the Tokyo Metropolitan Sorcery High School. He is now a freelance sorcerer and owns shares in many companies in Japan.

Moreover, he has a prominent family background and joined the high school through his family.

If it was her, the 1 billion could indeed be collected in an instant.

Lu Ling took the number given by the panda, bowed his head to thank it, and then went out.

The panda looked at Lu Ling who was gradually leaving, as if he had forgotten what he had said.

Suddenly he slapped his head

"Oh, I forgot to tell Lu Ling. Mingming is a loan shark."


At the gate of Tokyo Metropolitan College of Jujutsu,

Lu Ling arranged to meet Ming Ming here.

As soon as the other party heard Lu Ling's name, he immediately agreed to Lu Ling's request to borrow money.

This made Lu Ling feel embarrassed.


A long luxury car drove up, and a tall woman with light blue hair opened the door and got out.

Next to her was a little boy with the same hair color.

It was the first-level spell master Mingming and her brother Youyou.

Youyou supported Mingming and came to Lu Ling, and looked at her with an unhappy expression.

"You actually sacrificed my sister's precious afternoon tea time, you are really guilty of a heinous crime."

Mingming smoothed the long hair covering his eyes and apologized to Lu Ling politely:

"Please forgive my brother's rudeness. Let's talk about the deal, shall we?"

Lu Ling nodded. He liked to get straight to the point.

Mingming skillfully took out two contracts from his briefcase. It seemed that he had done similar things many times.

"For 1 billion yen, how about an annual interest rate of 16%?"

"Lu Ling, you are the favorite disciple of Wu Tiao, so I will give you a little discount."

"How about 15%, this is my biggest concession."

Mingming is Gojo Satoru's senior in the high school, who once guided their actions, so they are old acquaintances.

Only 1% reduction.

Gojo teacher's face is really worthless.

Lu Ling secretly complained in his heart, but soon he found a bigger problem

"15% annual interest rate?! That's a bit too high."

If Lu Ling doesn't pay back the money within a year, she will have to pay an additional 15 million yen.

After hearing Lu Ling's answer, Ming Ming was still calm.

As if she had known Lu Ling's reaction long ago, she continued to speak to Lu Ling with a smile:

"Yeah, that's not very reasonable."

"Debt is a shackle in life, and I don't want Gojo Satoru's students to be burdened with such heavy debt at such a young age."

"So, I have a contract here."

"Once you finish, how about I give you 1 billion for free?"

Lu Ling was shocked when he heard this. There was such a good thing.

There must be something wrong when things are abnormal. Lu Ling took Mingming's second contract.

"Curse spirit exorcism mission. There are several first-level curse spirits gathered together, which is extremely difficult. It is recommended that first-level sorcerers form a team to complete it."

I see, so you get rewarded by completing the mission? That's just what I want!

Lu Ling took the second contract and said to Mingming,"This is it."

Not only can you get money, but you can also gain some experience.

It can be said to kill two birds with one stone. Lu Ling will not refuse this mission.

Mingming smiled knowingly when she heard Lu Ling's choice. She also guessed that Lu Ling would choose this contract.

Although the reward for the mission was 9 billion, she did not tell Lu Ling that

"As expected, he is a boy, he likes fighting and killing more"

"Although you are currently ranked as a quasi-first-class sorcerer at the technical college"

"But I have heard about you from Kusakabe. You should have the strength of level one, right?"

Lu Ling nodded. At least according to the rating requirements of the technical college.

The requirement for a level one sorcerer is to completely defeat a level one cursed spirit. Lu Ling meets the standard.

Seeing Lu Ling nod, Mingming continued to smile:

"Okay, that's fine. Otherwise, I'd feel bad letting you go and die."


Why do you say you're going to die? Is this mission more difficult than I thought?

Lu Ling asked in confusion:"If I die, Miss Mingming will probably not be safe and sound, right?"

At this time, Youyou popped up:"With me here, sister won't be hurt at all."

Mingming touched her brother's head and said:"That's the fact. Youyou's technique is ultra-long-distance teleportation. And it takes a very fast time to activate. The disadvantage is that it can only carry one person at a time."

"That is to say, if you encounter any danger, we can't do anything about you."

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