Zenin family private hospital.

A black-haired girl was lying on a clean white bed.

Judging from her appearance, she was definitely a beauty.

But a strange rune on her head destroyed her beauty.

She was Fushiguro Megumi's sister, Fushiguro Miki.

Not long ago, she was attacked by a curser and fell into a coma. She had been staying in the hospital, and was later transferred to the family private hospital by the Zenin family.

"What a nice woman."

Zenin Naoya stepped forward and touched Fushiguro Miki's face.

"I can't wait to see Fushiguro Megumi's distorted face."

He said, staring at Fushiguro Megumi's face.

Ever since he was defeated by Lu Ling, his mentality has become more and more distorted.

He has basically never suffered any setbacks since he was a child, but he was hit hard all of a sudden.

Under normal circumstances, ordinary people would restrain their minds and reform themselves.

However, Zenin Naoya did not reflect on this.

Instead, he transferred his anger to Fushiguro Megumi.

Shinichi, who was standing aside, was a little unhappy when he saw Naoya's behavior.

"As the young master, you have all the women you want. But you can’t touch her first."

Chanyuan Shan also added:

"This woman is an important tool to contain Fushiguro Megumi. There must be no mistakes before he dies."

"After that, it doesn’t matter what you want to do."

After being nagging by the two elders, Zenin Naoya also lost interest.

He withdrew his hand and said

"I say, is it really necessary to be wary of him?"

"He is just a second-level sorcerer. I can handle him by myself."

"Our current situation, except for the super-standard one, is enough to deal with a special-grade one."

Zenin Naoya's confidence is not without reason.

Three first-grade sorcerers, many quasi-first-grade sorcerers, and countless second- and third-grade sorcerers.

Almost half of the strength of the Zenin family is concentrated here.

If you want to deal with this kind of military force, you must have at least the strength of the three great families.

Zenin Fan looked at the ignorant Zenin Naoya and shook his head:

"In the face of absolute strength, what is the meaning of numbers? Have you forgotten the ultimate trump card of the ten shadow spells?"

As senior members of the Zenin family, the three knew about the existence of Mokorara.

However, their attitudes towards Mokorara were not consistent. Zenin Osamu and Zenin Shinichi expressed awe.

Zenin Naoya said it was ridiculous.

"It's an outdated thing from hundreds of years ago, the strongest shikigami. What is"Adapt"? I can just use my projectile spell at the highest speed to kill it before it can adapt."

Hearing this, Zenin Osamu and Zenin Shinichi covered their foreheads at the same time.

If it weren't for the need to ensure their own interests and status, they really wanted to let Fushiguro Megumi be the head of the family.

"Anyway, if Fushiguro Megumi summons Makuro, things will be very troublesome."

"For this, we need Fushiguro Tsume to contain Fushiguro Megumi, understand?"

Zenin fan issued an ultimatum.

Seeing the usually serious elder in front of him showing such a serious expression,

Zenin Naoya nodded tactfully.

"Now that we have come to this point"

"Then I promise that I won't touch Fushiguro Miki before Fushiguro Megumi dies."

"Is that all right, Uncle Shan?"

After hearing Zenin Naoya's assurance,

Zenin Shan retreated to the side and closed his eyes to rest, as if he was waiting for someone.

Now there are still two days before the date agreed with Fushiguro Megumi.

The three Zenin gathered together in advance, not to prepare for the battle, but for other reasons.......

Two hours later, the door opened.

A man with sutures on his head appeared in Tsu Miki's ward.

It was the noso.

It looked around and saw the three Zenin people and greeted them cheerfully.

"Oh, you guys came quite early, didn't you?"

Zenyuan Shan stared at Nosuo with his white pupils.

"Forget the polite words. We want to ask you about the one you told us last time."

"Can it be done?"

When these words came out, the three of them became nervous.

When they decided to kill Fushiguro Megumi, Nozomi gave them an extremely tempting suggestion.

This suggestion was so shocking that they were not sure whether it was true for a while.

So they asked Nozomi to come and verify it today.

"Are you talking about stripping away the ten shadow spells from Megumi Fushiguro and giving them to Zenin Naoya?"

"You can do it."

Luosuo's words are always shocking.

Although I knew this before, I was still shocked when I heard it again.

"I said last time that this matter requires experimental subjects, right?"

"Are you ready for me?"

The three nodded and made a gesture of invitation to Nose.

They brought Nose to the operating room of the hospital.

Two sorcerers were tied to their hands and went on stage.

One was smiling, and the other was full of fear.

The one who was smiling was a member of the Zenin family's [Kikurutai].

The one who was afraid was an ordinary wild sorcerer.

Today one of them will die, and the other will be reborn.

Although the three major families are powerful, they will not attack the sorcerers of the high school, which is tantamount to provoking the sorcery world.

But no matter how many wild sorcerers die, it will not attract attention.

Nose looked at the three Zenin family members and asked:

"Have you confirmed the procedure?

The three nodded and handed a report to Nozomi.

Nozomi glanced at the report and smiled.

"Shikigami? Is it to pave the way for the ten kinds of shadow magic? But it's fine this way."

After saying that, the nosoko started its work.

It picked up the knife in its hand and walked towards the two people.

The two people who were injected with anesthetics had black eyes and lost consciousness.

The nosoko accurately opened the skulls of the two people, and then it was unknown what it was doing.......

The whole process was weird and bizarre.

Nose did not mind letting the people of the Zenin family watch it from the beginning.

After all, it is a technique that can seize other people's spells, and any sorcerer would be curious about it.

If it can be mastered, it will definitely make a family's strength advance by leaps and bounds.

The same is true for the people of the Zenin family.

But they can't understand it.

Just like a monkey knows how to use a lighter, but can't make a lighter.

Nose's technology has surpassed the cognition of people of this era.

Although those who came here are some experienced warriors.

But seeing Nose playing with life so easily, they feel extremely uncomfortable.

Unconsciously thinking in their hearts, if they fall into the hands of such an enemy.

They must commit suicide as soon as possible, otherwise they will definitely be worse than death.......

Half an hour later, the rope carefully sutured the wounds of the two people.

It left the same sutures on their heads as its own.

Although it could have erased these marks, it did not.

I don't know if this was a bad taste or if there was another purpose.


The 羂索 clapped his hands to show that his mission had been completed.

"After that, you can wait for them to wake up and then you can check the results."

After saying that, it pushed open the door of the operating room and walked out.

The three people in the Zen temple looked at each other, unable to say a word.

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