Zenyuan Private Hospital.

Hui and Lu Ling walked on the marble floor.

They looked around. They kept planning in their minds.

They wanted to find the best route.

There were basically some members of the Gujuliu team around. They kept patrolling and guarding against the invasion of outsiders.

But these were meaningless in front of Lu Ling's ability.

Lu Ling glanced at the people around him and frowned.

Although most of the members were of low level, and some of them were not even sorcerers.

But judging from the number, there were at least more than thirty people.


An annoying voice came, and Fushiguro Megumi looked up. Zenin Naoya greeted him from a distance.

He came to Fushiguro Megumi in an instant.

This is a projection spell.

"I didn't expect you to have the guts to come here."

Zenin Naoya looked at Fushiguro Megumi as if he was looking at a quail that had fallen into a trap.

"Where is my sister?"

Fushiguro Megumi said this, his voice was cold. Zenin Naoya didn't care about Fushiguro Megumi's ugly expression, and continued to say to him with a smile:

"I'll take you to see her now."

"After all, you mustered up so much courage to come here. It would be a pity if you didn't even see your sister."

Zenin Naoya tilted his head and kept teasing Hui with words.

"Your sister is really beautiful."


A shadow flashed by, and two jade dogs, one black and one white, appeared.

They growled at Zenin Naoya, stopping him from saying anything.


Seeing Fushiguro Megumi's attitude, Zenin Naoya also shut up immediately.

If the battle started here, he was confident that he could defeat Fushiguro Megumi, but if Fushiguro Megumi really wanted to run, he might not be able to stop him.

""Okay, okay. I was just joking, let's go."

Zenin Naoya restrained his expression and walked straight to a building in the hospital.

He waved to Fushiguro Megumi to follow him.


Fushiguro Hui took a deep breath and took back the jade dog.

"It's not the right time yet, save my sister first." He said to himself.

Lu Ling clenched his fist beside him.

I didn't hit you lightly last time. After today, I want you to be unable to sleep when you hear the three words"Fushiguro Megumi".....

Zenin Naoya led Hui and Lu Ling to the inside of the hospital.

Unlike the bright sunshine outside, there was a gloomy atmosphere inside.

Zenin Naoya seemed to be unhappy with this scene.

"It's really weird. Ever since that guy from the Kamo family came"

"This is where things get weird."

Kamo family?

Lu Ling noticed the key information.

The Kamo family was also involved in the kidnapping of Fushiguro Miki.


Although the Kamo family and the Zenin family are both the three great families, they basically have no dealings with each other.

""Master Naoya! Everyone is here."

A member of the original body of the Kuru team arrived.

He was the man who had obtained the technique from the noose surgery.

Because of the technique he obtained, he was promoted to Bing. He became a new member of Bing and officially entered the core circle of the Zenin family.


The moment Lu Ling saw him, his pupils tightened.

That person from the Zenin family had sutures on his head!

The expression of that member of the Zenin family was extremely unnatural, with unusual enthusiasm.

Lu Ling felt that he was a bit like an experimental subject from a horror movie.

Fushiguro Megumi also obviously noticed this obvious feature.

He asked Zenin Naoya

"Who is that person?"

Lu Ling was also curious. The change into this appearance must be related to Nozomi.

But he doesn't look like Nozomi himself.

Zenin Naoya glanced at Fushiguro Megumi and replied:

"Just a piece of trash"

"But with the help of the friend from the Kamo family, it has become somewhat useful now."

After hearing Zenin Naoya's answer and combining it with the suture and the Kamo family.

Lu Ling can now be 100% sure that the Nose is here!

Now he not only has to face at least three first-level sorcerers, but also has to beware of a special-grade curser hiding in the dark!

This is simply hellish difficulty.

Lu Ling began to sweat.

He secretly planned in his mind.

He must rescue Hui's sister before Nose takes action.

Then immediately escape from here and contact Gojo Sensei.

Now in the entire sorcery world, only Gojo Satoru can steadily suppress Nose.

Other special-grade ones are not its opponents.......

Following Zenin Naoya, they gradually came to the upper floors.

Then they turned around and around again.

Zenin Naoya stopped at the door of a room and said to Fushiguro

"We're here."

As the door of the room opened, the people inside said they had been waiting for a long time.

There were four people in total.

Zenin Shan put his hands naturally on his waist, ready to draw his sword at any time.

Zenin Shinichi, with his upper body exposed, looked at Fushiguro Megumi with a look of pity.

There were two others, Zenin Hisahiro and Zenin Ranta.

They were a skinny old man and a young man with a determined look.

They were Bing.

The strongest magician group of the Zenin family.

Together with Zenin Naoya, there were a total of five first-level sorcerers.

A huge pressure rushed towards Fushiguro Megumi.

This made him, who was still a second-level sorcerer, break out in a cold sweat.

But he did not stop.

Fushiguro Megumi wiped the sweat from his forehead and walked in.

He ignored everyone and came to the largest ward in the room.

Fushiguro Tsume was lying here.

Her gentle breathing showed that she was fine.

Just like the Sleeping Beauty in the fairy tale.

Hui approached Tsume, and the tension in his heart calmed down.

He lowered his head and said softly.

"Sister, I'm here to take you back."

He was about to reach out and pick up his sister, Fushiguro Miki.

But things would definitely not go as Fushiguro Megumi wished.


Another person came to the ward.

It was wearing a white coat that only doctors wear, with sutures on its forehead.

Its face was exactly the same as the one Lu Ling had seen in the hotel before.

It was Nosoko himself.

The moment he saw it again, Lu Ling's heart suddenly rose to his throat."

Thump! Thump!"

Although because of the advanced invisibility technique.

People present have not begun to pay attention to him.

But at this moment, Lu Ling has begun to hear his own violent heartbeat.

His thoughts are in a mess.

Originally, he wanted to go all out before Nosoko made a move.

But now Nosoko appeared here directly.

This situation is that the final boss does not send monsters, but jumps directly on the player's face.

Nosoko slowly approached Fushiguro Megumi and said to him:

"Mr. Fushiguro Megumi, please don't leave in a hurry."

"Since you are here, you must be mentally prepared."

A mountain of corpses and a sea of blood.

This was the first impression that Nozomi gave to Fushiguro Megumi.

Its oppressive feeling was stronger than that of all the members of Bing present.

It was an opponent that he could not defeat.

Fushiguro Megumi made a judgment in an instant.

"You should feel honored, Megumi Fushiguro"

"Your death can open a new era."

An invisible force held Fushiguro Megumi in place, and Nozomi made a move.

It did not kill him directly, as it had made an agreement with Zenin Naoya. Before killing Fushiguro Megumi, it would let him vent his anger first.

Zenin Naoya took out the knife in his hand and slowly walked towards the incapacitated Fushiguro Megumi.

"Will you regret becoming my enemy?"

After he had enough fun, he would ask the man from the Kamo family to take out the ten shadow spells from Fushiguro Megumi's mind. In this way, the overall situation would be settled and even his father Zenin Naohito would not say anything.

But for some reason, the closer he got to Fushiguro Megumi, the more uneasy he felt.

Zenin Naoya saw Fushiguro Megumi's eyes.

Those were not the eyes of a desperate person.

Fushiguro Megumi stared at him and answered firmly.

"No, I believe we will win in the end."

These words were full of trust, and they calmed Lu Ling's mind.

Yes, this was not the first time Lu Ling faced an opponent stronger than himself.

He actually started to lose his composure before the fight even started.

""Escape from the rabbit!"

Hui suddenly broke through the suppression and used ten shadow spells.

Countless rabbits suddenly appeared and filled the entire room!

Nozomi was also shocked.

According to the information from the Zenin family, wasn't Fushiguro Megumi just at the level of a second-level sorcerer?

Being able to break through his suppression means that Fushiguro Megumi already has the strength of a quasi-first-level sorcerer.

He is so much stronger than expected. What happened during this period?


A masked owl destroyed the wall.

Fushiguro Megumi hugged Fushiguro Miki and jumped down from the high floor.

The two landed on the back of the Nue and began to fly towards the exit.

"Damn it!"

Zenin Naoya roared, wielding his knife to chop the surrounding rabbits into pieces.

The members of Bing did the same, but because���It affected their vision.

The space was narrow, and they were afraid of accidentally hurting their teammates.

So they didn't use any spells.


In the chaos, Zenin Naoya suddenly felt that his hand holding the knife was clamped tightly by a huge force.

In an instant, his thoughts were interrupted for a moment.

Then two attacks reached his head and abdomen.

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