"This bunch of rubbish!!"

"Can't you even consume the enemy's magic power?!"

Looking at the tragic scene in front of him, Chanyuan Shan roared.

He did not regret the sacrifice of Tujuliu team, but was very angry.

Because he could clearly feel that Lu Ling did not consume much magic power at all!

"Fan, Fushiguro Megumi only used it once to escape the rabbit"

""We will deal with all the Tujutsu team."

Shinichi said.

In summary, except for the Tuotu and Nue at the beginning, and the use of cursed power to strengthen the attack on Zenin Naoya, and this time, Fushiguro Megumi did not consume any cursed power at all!

The damage was all done by modern weapons.

Lu Ling himself summoned Tuotu once, and consumed even less!

As for physical strength, it has been restored to almost nothing. The enhanced body of Tianyu Jubin is not a decoration

"What should we do next?"

Shin Yi asked.

The Bings fell silent, their faces looked very ugly.

Lu Ling was in good condition now, and his trump card was still there.

If he really wanted to leave, it would be difficult for the Bings to keep him.

Just when they didn't know what to do, a calm voice came from the ward.

"Oh, it seems you are in trouble.

The noose that had disappeared for a while reappeared in the ward.

This surprised Bing.

""You bastard, where did you go just now?!"

Shan roared.

Seeing the blood-piercing shot used by Luosuo, they could conclude that it was definitely an extraordinary sorcerer.

However, it disappeared without a trace after Lu Ling threw the flash bomb.

They once thought that Luosuo ran away because he was too bothered!

Hearing Shan's accusation, Luosuo also expressed helplessness.

It spread its hands and explained:

"I'm not as strong as you guys. I was hit by a bullet just now. I'm exhausted."

"Just go to the basement of the hospital to get some blood packs to replenish blood"

"You all know the side effects of the Red Blood Manipulation."

Nosuke's words made Zenin Shan speechless.

The Red Blood Manipulation of the Kamo family is a very balanced technique.

It can be used for close combat or long-range combat.

It can be used for enhancement or defense.

It can be said to be omnipotent.

But such an almighty technique has a fatal flaw.

That is, it consumes blood!

Ordinary people simply cannot bear the amount of blood consumed by the Red Blood Manipulation.

Especially for a big move like blood piercing, the amount of blood consumed is even more astonishing. After one shot, it will directly cause anemia!

Therefore, it is common for the sorcerers of the Kamo family to carry blood bags with them.

Nosuke's reason for going back to get the blood bag is even more justified.

No one can question it.

"What should we do now? This guy from the Kamo family."

Shan's tone became sincere.

He believed that Nozomi must have a way to come to them, not just to see a joke.

"Of course there is a way. You know how much I want Fushiguro Megumi to die."

"No less than all of you present here"

"If I can take his life, I will be happy to help."

The rope replied, and it seemed to be prepared.......


Lu Ling took back the Rabbit.

The atrium was now full of seriously injured members of the Kujuru Team and bullet shells all over the ground.

Under this indiscriminate attack, Lu Ling had no way to control the strength.

Inevitably, some people died.

Looking at this group of brainwashed guys, Lu Ling still felt pity.

Born as a tool, die as a tool.

The lives of the Kujuru Team never lived for themselves.

But now it's time to go.

Thinking of this, Lu Ling walked towards the hospital gate.

Although there are still three Bing members who have not been dealt with, my total cursed power is still 90%.

It will be absolutely no problem to leave here

""Puff! Puff!"

Two white shadows attacked Lu Ling.

Of course, this kind of lame attack would definitely not hit her.

But their target was not Lu Ling, but the hospital gate!

The white shadows revealed their true colors. They were the silk.

The silk blocked the hospital gate and blocked Lu Ling's way forward.

"Not allowed...Xu go! I...I want to be Bing!"

"without...That's right! I don't want to be looked down upon either!"

Two stuttering voices came, with unusual enthusiasm.

Lu Ling looked back when he heard the uncomfortable voice.

Two members of the original driver Juliusi team with sutures on their heads came crookedly.

They seemed like two puppets.

This scene made Lu Ling extremely uncomfortable. This was undoubtedly the work of the nosuo.

This kind of inhumane thing.

When he was in the hotel, he had seen it.


The two members of the Tujuliu team heard the sound of the radio on their waists.

It was Bing who was giving them orders!

"Kill Megumi Fushiguro or capture him alive!"

"If you succeed, you will be members of Bing in the future!"

This is the sound of the Zen courtyard fan. Lu Ling looked unhappy.

Why hasn't this old guy given up yet?


A white line shot towards Lu Ling.

After the radio sound ended, the two people summoned their own shikigami.

Lu Ling looked closely.

A spider and a silkworm.

Both were binding shikigami.

If he was entangled by their silk threads, he would need a lot of physical strength and magic power to break free.

Knowing this, Lu Ling naturally did not dare to take it head-on.

He knew very well that Bing's plan was to consume his state.

In order to prevent them from succeeding,

Lu Ling must win with the least consumption!.....

Seeing Lu Ling's embarrassed escape, the high-level Bing members who were watching the battle also showed joy on their faces.

Zenyuan Shinichi shouted happily

"here you go!"

"Fushiguro Megumi's bullets have been used up by the previous team."

"In the next battle, he must use his magical powers!"

Like Zenin Shinichi, Zenin Shan was also amazed.

"I didn't expect that I could make those two pieces of trash so useful."

"This friend of the Kamo family, if there is still a chance, we will definitely cooperate more"

"We in the Zenin family have as many strong experimental subjects as you want."

It's not surprising that Zenin Shan has this idea.

Except for the sorcerers who are born with spells, other people in the Zenin family are trash and tools.

Slightly modify the tools to make them more useful.

Is there anything wrong?

As for the idea of tools? Who would listen to the screwdriver at home?

After listening to Zenin Shan's words, Koso also smiled slightly.

If it can get the experimental subjects of the sorcerer so easily, it will be happy.

Although it has studied many sorcerers for thousands of years.

But which scientist would dislike the small amount of materials in his hands?

It is beneficial to cooperate with Zenin Shan.

At the same time, it also lamented the peculiarity of the Zenin family.

Spellers are a scarce resource, and they can be regarded as treasures in any family. Being regarded as an outcast and an inferior because of not having a spell is unique to the Zenin family.

"Hahahaha, definitely."

"I will definitely make them stronger."

羂索 responded to Chanyuan Shan with a smile.

The two looked at each other and could see the satisfaction in each other's eyes.

Their words determined the future fate of countless people.

But what does it matter?

In the Chanyuan family, the rule of the superior is unshakable!......

""Tiger Burial!"

Lu Ling showed a serious expression and formed a hand shadow with his hands.

A tiger-shaped shikigami with flames appeared.

"Burn them all for me!"

Lu Ling gave the order!

The tiger-type took a deep breath and exhaled a mouthful of flame!


A raging fire ignited in the courtyard.

Both the spider silk and the silk were burned to ashes.

The two shikigami were not spared either, struggling madly in the flames.

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