There is one more shadow spell among the ten.

Lu Ling's spell is a little bit weird if it is called the ten shadow spells.

"Maybe it should be renamed the Eleven Shadow Magics?"

Lu Ling thought.

As he absorbs other different shikigami to expand his own magic, the name of his magic may keep changing.

"Maybe one day my ten shadow spells will become a hundred shadow spells?"

Lu Ling smiled.

Shadow is a super shikigami that integrates all shikigami.

Every time Lu Ling obtains one , the combat power of Shadow will be greatly improved!

And having new and different shikigami means that Lu Ling will have more combat options in the future!

"Let’s take a look at the effects of the newly acquired Shikigami first."

""Huju Fox."

He made a hand shadow and summoned the shikigami he had just subdued.

A handsome shikigami appeared in the center of the temple, its hair reflecting brightly in the sun.

Very beautiful.

"You won't suddenly do it to me now, will you?"

Looking at the soft fur of the white fox, Lu Ling smiled.

When the fox was just summoned, he had been thinking about it.

Now he can finally touch it.

How could Lu Ling miss this opportunity?

The expected touch came, as if it was high-quality silk.

The fox did not show any displeasure, and let Lu Ling touch it.

After satisfying his desire, he took his hand back.

""Let me see your ability."

Lu Ling ordered the shikigami to use its ability.

Although he had just taken a look at it when he subdued it, he felt that the ability of the fox was not that simple.


The Shikigami cried out.

A flash of white light appeared, and it split into two.

A first-level Shikigami turned into two quasi-first-level Shikigami.

They sat in the center of the temple, waiting obediently for Lu Ling's next order.

Lu Ling looked at the two confused foxes again and again.


As if he suddenly discovered something, he was stunned for a moment.

"These two shikigami are exactly alike."

Lu Ling said in amazement.

Generally speaking, there is a clear difference between the original body and the clone.

Even if they look the same, their strength will be different.

For example, the ten shadow spells can create clones.

But the clones created by the ten shadow spells are very weak and basically collapse at the first touch.

But the clone of Huohu is as strong as the original body!!

"I can't tell the difference. I really can't tell the difference."

"Who among you is the real body?"

"If it is the real body, stand out."

Even if Lu Ling turned on the maximum power perception, he couldn't tell the difference between them.

So he had to order the foxes.

As Lu Ling spoke, one of the foxes walked in front of Lu Ling.

It showed that it was the real body.

Lu Ling stepped forward and looked at it again and again, and then glanced at the clones.


Then he sighed helplessly.

Even if he knew who the original and the clone were, he still couldn't tell them apart.

Just as the name suggests, the confused fox.

The confusing fox.

Lu Ling speculated that the ability of the confused fox is to separate half of its own magic power to create a clone that is exactly the same as itself.

This ability is not suitable for frontal combat, after all, it will reduce its own combat effectiveness.

But it is more than enough to interfere with the opponent.

"If you use the Fusion Fox to fuse with other Shikigami."

The next moment after learning about the ability of the Fusion Fox,

Lu Ling was already thinking about which combination of its ability would be more suitable.

Should it fuse with the Rabbit to create a sea of rabbits?

Or fuse with the Jade Dog to give the enemy four Jade Dogs?

Due to the unique fusion mechanism of the ten shadow spells, each Shikigami can produce different chemical reactions!

The appearance of the Fusion Fox undoubtedly adds many options to Lu Ling's tactics!


After a moment of thinking, Lu Ling stopped thinking.

"Don't think about these things for now, just complete all the achievements first."

After all, he still needs to absorb the remaining 6 kinds of shikigami techniques, even if he figures out something now.

With the acquisition of new shikigami, he will have to think about it again.

It's better to go back and make plans later.


The two foxes turned into black shadows, and the confused fox was recovered by Lu Ling.

"There is only one achievement left."

Lu Ling cast his eyes towards the crack under the Buddha statue and touched it with his hand.

【Please select the achievement you want to challenge】......

As the scene changed, he once again came in front of the ape monk.

Densely packed monkey shikigami surrounded Lu Ling.

【The conditions for the"God of War is alive" are: the number of the monkey monk's shikigami is doubled, and the strength is doubled.

And it is forbidden to attack the monkey monk before all the shikigami are eliminated.

Due to the blessing of the system.

The whole temple is crowded with shikigami.

Their strength, which was originally equivalent to the second-level shikigami, has also doubled!

The originally skinny bodies now look strong and muscular.

The strength has been raised to the quasi-first-level level.

But Lu Ling didn't care about these. He turned around and looked around and found the defenseless monkey monk.

There was an invisible force around it.

The light was distorted beside it.

It seems to be the protection of the system. In order to stop Lu Ling from catching the thief first, he must catch the king first.


One of the shikigami shouted.

Countless spears stabbed at Lu Ling from all directions!

But facing this overwhelming attack, he did not dodge or evade.

Before, Lu Ling could withstand a sneak attack from a level 1 shikigami, the Humiho.

Now he has made full preparations.

How could a quasi-level 1 attack hurt Lu Ling?

"Ping! Ping! Ping!"

The swift attack was forcibly stopped.

For a moment, the monkey shikigami thought that they were attacking not a person but a steel plate!

"A first-level sorcerer can use spell power to strengthen the defense against bullet-level impact."


I am now stronger than the average first-level sorcerer.���He said.

He ignored the horrified expressions of the monkey shikigami.

He stretched out his hands to hold the two guns, and then pulled hard.

He directly pulled the guns and the arms of the shikigami down!

Then he spun around.

He directly knocked all the nearby shikigami to the ground.

Since there was no magic power added to the weapons, the gun in Lu Ling's hand quickly broke.

He dropped the weapons in his hands, and then the magic power surged all over his body, forming a hand shadow.

"When facing human wave tactics, it is natural to use large-scale attacks."

"Guan Niu + Man Xiang"


""Mountain Meteorite."

Lu Ling used a new chimera.

A huge monster formed in the sky. It had huge horns, but its body was like an elephant.

Its name was Mountain Meteorite.

The summoning of the ten shadow spells seemed to be related to the mass of the summoned creature.

The more massive the Shikigami, the more mana it required, and vice versa.

For example, the Man Elephant and the Rabbit.

The mana consumed between them is not of the same order of magnitude!

So the mana required for the two-in-one Shikigami summoned by Lu Ling is more than the three-in-one Shikigami such as the Devouring Demon!

"Guanniu is a shikigami whose destructive power increases with the attack distance."

"Man Xiang is a shikigami that can attack by falling from a high altitude with its huge mass."

"I have now mixed them together to form a meteorite"

"It is 200 meters above your head at this moment."

Lu Ling introduced the ability of Shanyue to the monkey shikigami, and further improved the effect through the ritual.

"Let's see if you can take this."

After that, the giant beast in the air began to fall rapidly!!

Lu Ling quickly found a good cover and used all his strength to defend himself.

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