"Snap! Snap!"

The spider spirit on the ceiling spit out a white web towards Lu Ling, trying to block Lu Ling's movements. Maki and the others were unable to move and were wrapped in the web and turned into white cocoons.

Lu Ling, on the other hand, relied on the power of the spell to dodge its attacks and was not hit once.

Seeing this, Xia Yujie waved his hands. A bat-shaped curse spirit flew out from the space and pounced on Lu Ling with bared teeth. He wanted to take advantage of Lu Ling's dodge to sneak attack him.

【Consume 5000 points of reinforcement. Gain ability condensation Lv1, current reinforcement points are 3010 points.

Facing the third-level curse spirit rushing over, Lu Ling raised his fist, and the curse power moved from the whole body to the arm.

The current level of Lu Ling's curse power reinforcement is Lv2. That is to say, the upper limit of the whole body reinforcement is 20%. Through the concentration of the flow, Lu Ling's punch has a 40% reinforcement of power, combined with Lu Ling's Lv5 physical ability


The bat curse spirit was hit by this blow, and Lu Ling felt like he was hit into a bag full of water.

The third-level curse spirit exploded directly and was killed by Lu Ling instantly.

【Defeat the third-level curse spirit and gain 5000 points of strengthening. Current strengthening points: 8010 points.

After gaining the points, Lu Ling planned to spend all the points to strengthen himself as much as possible. Because he knew that Xia Youjie would send out a stronger curse spirit next.

Xia Youjie exclaimed at this scene and asked the spider curse spirit on the ceiling to stop attacking:"Oh, you can easily kill a third-level curse spirit in seconds. You should have reached the standard level of level 2.""

"You are so powerful at such a young age, there is no need for you to lose your life for these monkeys."

Lu Ling stopped, not because he didn't want to move, but he had been dodging the spider's silk attack, which consumed a lot of physical strength and he needed to slow down:"Senior Xia Yujie, I know that everything you do is to protect the sorcerer. Otherwise, you will kill me in the blink of an eye."

This is the truth. Lu Ling knew that Xia Yujie must have let it go.

Xia Yujie can control at least 5,000 cursed spirits.

Not to mention anything else, as long as he throws out the special cursed spirits, Lu Ling will die on the spot.

Lu Ling glanced at Maki who was lying on the ground and continued to reply:

"However, for Maki-san, I am still willing to risk my life."

When Xia Youjie heard this, he narrowed his eyes:"You are really a bit like me in the past."

After Lu Ling recovered his energy, he added all the remaining points to the total amount of cursed power, ready for a protracted war.

If the Lv5 cursed power enhancement is maintained with the Lv5 total amount of cursed power, Lu Ling can only last for 10 minutes.

In order to face the war of attrition, Lu Ling did not hesitate to add all the remaining points to the total amount of cursed power.

【Consume 5000 enhancement points, the total amount of cursed power increased from Lv5 to Lv10, and the remaining enhancement points are 3010.

The original 500 points required to increase 1 level has become 1000 points. It seems that the enhancement points will double every 5 levels.

Lu Ling stopped at the level 10 mark. It is not appropriate to use 2000 points to increase the attribute by 10% now.

In order to prevent himself from being attacked. Lu Ling added the last enhancement points to the cursed power perception. After all, when Maki was attacked just now, he didn't notice it. The scorpion cursed spirit is obviously not something that can be discovered by his current level of cursed power perception.

【Consume 3500 enhancement points, and the mana perception level 2 is raised to level 7. The remaining enhancement points are 10.

The space cracked, and several small mana spirits emerged. Most of them were level 3 mana spirits, but there were a few level 2 mana spirits hiding among them.

Using low-level mana spirits to consume the opponent's mana, and then using high-level mana spirits to attack, this is an extremely reasonable way of fighting. Xia Youjie didn't want to kill him, he wanted to capture Lu Ling alive.

"Judging from the fluctuations in his cursed power when he just killed the bat, his total amount of cursed power is indeed large. However, facing this number, he must increase the output of his cursed power, which should not take much time. He will run out of cursed power and be defeated."Xia You thought so, and ordered the cursed spirits to attack.

Countless cursed spirits surrounded Lu Ling, and Lu Ling maintained a 10% enhancement to break through the siege and distanced himself from Xia Youjie.

Looking at Lu Ling who was moving away, Xia Youjie smiled and"kindly" reminded:"When facing a summoner, you should attack the main body as soon as possible. This is common sense. Didn't they teach it in the technical high school? Look, I'm going to summon new combat power again."

After that, Xia Youjie summoned a few more third-level cursed spirits.

Hearing this, Lu Ling rolled his eyes. Others may not know Xia Youjie's ability, but he knows it.

Close combat is indeed a good strategy against ordinary summoners.

But Xia Youjie is different. As a summoner, he has the best physical skills in the whole play.

If I fight him in close combat now, I will definitely be beaten to pieces.

At present, Lu Ling's strategy is to defeat as many low-level cursed spirits as possible released by Xia Youjie to obtain enhancement points.

""Puff! Puff! Puff!"

Another cursed spirit was killed by Lu Ling. This time there were three in total, all of them were level three cursed spirits.

They were all blown up by Lu Ling's enhanced fists and feet. But every time Lu Ling attacked, the other cursed spirits would take the opportunity to counterattack Lu Ling, causing him huge wounds every time. Soon Lu Ling was covered in blood.

Lu Ling, who had no means of recovery, knew that if he continued like this, he would definitely lose.

【[Three level 3 cursed spirits have been defeated, and a total of 15,000 points of enhancement points have been obtained]

Seeing such a rich experience value, Lu Ling couldn't help but sigh that he and Geto Xiayou are really compatible.

Sometimes the battle between sorcerers depends on the restraint relationship.

If the strong party is restrained, then the strong party may also lose.

And he is restraining Geto Xiayou. As long as he keeps releasing cursed spirits, he will become stronger and stronger.


A sense of crisis came over him.

Lu Ling looked back and saw a transparent scorpion at his feet, ready to attack. However, with the enhanced level 7 curse power perception, Lu Ling still found it. Then he crushed it.

In this action, Lu Ling had several more wounds on his body from the attacks of low-level curse spirits.

【Destroy the second-level curse spirit and gain 8000 reinforcement points】

【[The current enhancement points are 23010 points]

After destroying the little cursed spirit, Lu Ling was a little surprised that it was actually a second-level cursed spirit. After all, its combat power was too weak.

But think about it carefully, if it weren’t for the fact that his own cursed power perception level has been raised, it would be an extremely dangerous invisible killer.

Xia You saw that the cursed spirit was destroyed, but he did not show disgust but was very happy:"Oh? I didn’t expect that the cursed power perception is so excellent. Sure enough, monkeys are different from us."

Lu Ling felt something was wrong with the injuries on his body and thought to himself:"I must get more enhancement points." He looked up and saw the second-level spider cursed spirit on the ceiling. Because it would affect other cursed spirits besieging Lu Ling, Xia Youjie kept it on standby.

Lu Ling used his feet to jump directly in front of the spider cursed spirit, and it was still dazed because of Xia Youjie's order.

Lu Ling grabbed it, pulled it down from the ceiling, and threw it to the ground. Then he concentrated the cursed power on his legs and stepped on it to death with a heavy enhanced leg.

【Destroy the second-level curse spirit and gain 8000 reinforcement points】

【The current reinforcement points are 31010 points】

"system......!" Just when Lu Ling was about to invest points to continue upgrading.

He felt dizzy. Lu Ling knew the reason. It was not poisoning, but he had lost too much blood. He had accumulated too much damage.

Seeing this flaw, Xia Youjie grinned and the swordfish curse spirit at the beginning appeared again.

In the past, Lu Ling could have barely avoided it. Although there was still a lot of curse power, Lu Ling's body was no longer under his control.

""Puff! Puff!"

The curse pierced through Lu Ling's thigh, and Lu Ling couldn't help but kneel down.

He sighed in his heart:"Without the means of recovery, the final outcome is still being exhausted to death. If I could reverse the spell, the ending might be better."

Xia Youjie looked at Lu Ling kneeling down and slowly approached him to persuade him to surrender:"Become my partner, I can't bear to see such an excellent spellcaster like you die in such a meaningless way."

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