Three volumes will be released next month?

If one volume has 180 pages, that’s 540 pages!!

Under normal circumstances, with the help of an assistant,

I can only draw 120-140 pages at most in a month (the extra is kept as manuscripts).

If I want to slack off this month, I might draw 60 or 80 pages.

Doing the same amount of work as others do in six months in one month is not called internal competition, but directly competing with other cartoonists to death!

Yinsha swallowed his saliva when he saw Zhang, and his voice unconsciously became a little tense~ Zhang:

"Teacher Nangong, are you serious? -"

Think about it again!

In addition to"Four Lies", you also have a book"Three Questions of the End of the World"!

Oh, and there is also the light novel of"Three Questions of the End of the World" and the screenwriter of"Steins;Gate". There are so many things to do!!

In addition to school...

If it wasn't impolite, Yinsha would have asked directly when she saw Zhang:

"Are you still human?"

Even though they were talking over the phone,

Nangong Mu could still imagine what kind of expression Yinsha had when he saw Zhang

"Of course I am serious."

Nangong Mu's voice was not smiling, and his face showed a serious expression.

"I know how ridiculous this is."


"I hope that"Your Lie in April" can have a perfect ending in April!"I hope that"Your Lie in April" can have a perfect ending in April......?

Yinsha couldn't help but smile when she saw Zhang's face, and then sighed helplessly:"Teacher Nangong is still as reckless as ever."

"But I feel your determination."

"I will tell Chief Editor Minano about this matter. As long as Chief Editor Minano can feel your determination, I think he will help!"

Nangong Mu said seriously:"Thank you."

"It’s too early to say thank you now."

Yinsha saw that Zhang did not accept it,"We have to wait until things are settled first!""

"Well, even if it doesn't work out in the end, there's nothing we can do about it."

Nangong Mu knew this.

He just tried his best towards this goal!

It was like he had already tried his best! With this kind of rhetoric, even if he didn't succeed in the end, at least he wouldn't have any regrets when he looked back!

Thinking of this, Nangong Mu also said:

"I just want to take this opportunity to challenge my limits."

Yinsha saw Zhang shaking his head and said half-jokingly:

"You, you have made so much money in the past six months, if it were other people, they would have started to enjoy it, right?"

The implication is, why do you have to work so hard?

Even if you slow down, the fans won't say anything.

Just like the New Year's gift, it's just a congratulatory picture, and the fans won't say anything.

It's like the serialization that has never stopped.

The single volume is sold in advance, and there is nothing else to do after the work is completed?

That kind of thing doesn't exist for Nangong Mu at all!

Only as the other party's editor, can you know how hard this boy works!

It is precisely because he has never stopped drawing that he can come up with good works every time and continue serialization!

Otherwise, if it is changed to the normal process, the single volume will be released halfway through the serialization, followed by various activities, and then it will be completely completed. Take a break for a few months, and then return to the comics industry.

Slowly open a new pit and serialize slowly

"Because I'm short of money."

Nangong Mu also answered jokingly.

Hearing this, Yinsha saw Zhang shook his head helplessly.

If you really need money, there's no need to make money in this way!

No matter how you think about it, launching a sequel to"Magic Circle" is more appropriate than this method, right?

"Yes, yes, yes, I know that you are very short of money, Mr. Nangong."

Yinsha saw Zhang nodding perfunctorily:

"Regarding this matter, I will tell Miss Minano as soon as I go to work tomorrow."

"I'll call you back then."

"Sorry for the trouble, Yinsha Editor."

After hanging up the phone,

Nangong Mu sighed:"Well"

"Anyway, the idea has been put forward, and whether it can be realized depends on the company."

Releasing three episodes a month puts a lot of pressure on Nangong Mu, and the same is true for Shueisha.

With such a short preparation time, as long as there is a problem in one link, it may cause losses in all aspects.

It is not easy for the company to cooperate perfectly!

On the contrary, it will take a lot of risks!

"Never mind."

Nangong Mu shook his head to get rid of the distracting thoughts in his heart.

He had done everything he could, and the next step was to make full preparations for the opportunities that might come!

If the company finally passed the decision, but he, the person involved, could not produce three volumes within the specified time, then the fun would be too great.


Although he worked overtime on the weekend and received such a big"surprise" from Nangong Mu last night that he did not sleep well all night,

Yinsha saw that Zhang still came to the company on time.

With dark circles under his eyes, he said hello to his colleagues.

The editor came to his workstation and sighed with some worry.

"I am such an idiot, why did I agree to it so hot-headedly?"

Even after thinking about the excuse for the whole night,

Yinsha Jianzhang still hadn't figured out how to bring up this matter with Chief Editor Minano.

As someone who has been working in a publishing house for almost a year, she is now very clear about the publishing process of a book.

First of all, the most basic point is that if a work is to be sold as a single volume, it must be brought up at a meeting quite a while in advance.

Nangong Mu's situation is special, and coupled with Minano Chan's dominance, everyone has become accustomed to not following the rules every time.

But that's only one book at most! A slight increase in the workload can still be handled.

"There are three books this time!"

Yinsha sighed heavily when she saw Zhang.

Just thinking about it, she could feel the resentful eyes of the printing department!

After all, for such a temporary task, they would not be able to escape the fate of overtime!

In addition, the release of three volumes in a row will also have an impact on sales.

The students' pocket money for a month is fixed!

Now it is January 22.

Even if three volumes are to be released next month, it must be done in the second half of the month.

Although the sales this time are very good, what will happen next month is another matter.

After all, this is the New Year, and everyone may have some New Year's money left in their hands.

Naturally, two volumes will be released in a row and they can afford to buy them.

But next month, there will be no New Year, let alone New Year's money!

Not to mention that this time there will be three volumes released in a row!!


Extremely headache


Seeing that they had been at work for half an hour,

Yinsha saw Zhang sigh again.

"After all, I have already promised that guy, even if I will be scolded by the editor-in-chief Minano, I will still tell him."

Thinking like this,

Yinsha saw Zhang coming to Minano Chan's office and knocking on the door.

"Please come in."Jie Yechan's voice came from the house.

Yinsha saw Zhang walk into the house.

"Xiao Yinsha."

Minano Chan, who was drinking coffee, looked up and then lowered his head to look at the information in his hand.

"Is there a problem?"

"that...Last night, I discussed with Mr. Nangong about the first-day sales of"Four Lies""

"Well, Mr. Nangong probably doesn’t care about sales."

Minano Chan said without even raising her head:"Compared to how much money can be made, honor should be more important."

Minano is worthy of being the editor-in-chief.

There is no need for her to elaborate. (To read the exciting novels, go to Flylu Novel Network!)

"So, did Teacher Nangong give you another difficult problem?"

"For example, the third volume of"Four Lies" will be released next month?"

Yinsha was stunned when she saw Zhang.

Then she smiled bitterly.

"Editor-in-chief Minano really understands Mr. Nangong."

"I can't say I know him, but I have made a small guess based on Teacher Nangong's personality and the way Xiao Yinsha came to my house early in the morning, wanting to say something but not daring to."

Minano Chan stood up from his seat and motioned for Yinsha to sit on the sofa.

He took two cups and poured two cups of coffee.

"I haven't had time to boil water yet, so this is all I have for now. Little Yinsha, don't you mind?"

Yinsha saw that Zhang was flattered and took the cup in a hurry, complaining at the same time:"You want me to do such a small thing!"

"I've already said it's a small matter, what's there to argue about?"

Jianye Chan shook his head, sat down on the side of the sofa, glanced at Yinsha Jianzhang, and said:

"It seems that I guessed wrong. What kind of difficult problem did Teacher Nangong give Xiao Yinsha this time? Why does he look so worried?"

"It's what you just said, Chief Editor Minano."

Yinsha Jianzhang smiled bitterly:"Teacher Nangong wants to continue to publish the single volume of"Your Lie in April" next month."

Minano Chan looked at Yinsha Jianzhang, but didn't rush to speak, waiting patiently for Yinsha Jianzhang to finish.

She had just secretly expressed that there was no problem with this matter, but it still made little Yinsha so distressed, obviously it was more than this.

"However, the teacher does not intend to publish only the third volume, but wants to publish the next three volumes at the same time!"

Even the calm Minano Chan was stunned when he heard this. He subconsciously asked,"How much?" Yinsha saw Zhang answered with a stiff face,"The next three volumes of"Four Lies"!"

Minano Chan did not speak.

He drank all the coffee in front of him in one gulp, calmed down his surging emotions, and then smiled bitterly and said:

"Should I say he is worthy of being a teacher?"

"This idea alone is enough to shock ordinary people like us."

Faced with Minano's self-deprecating ridicule,

Yinsha saw Zhang Pei smiled bitterly.

"I see"

"I will give you the result of this matter after the regular meeting this afternoon.

Yinsha saw Zhang's ashamed expression:

"Sorry, Chief Editor Minano."

Minano waved his hand:"Why are you saying sorry to me?"

"Everyone has their own ideas, and we have no right to interfere."

"Besides, isn’t the purpose of our industry to do our best to serve authors?"

"Rather, facing the teacher's incredible request, you did not refuse immediately, but agreed to discuss it with me, which was beyond my imagination."

"I've let you take charge of the teaching, which shows that my vision is not wrong."

Yinsha saw Zhang's embarrassed smile, scratched his head, and was at a loss.

"If it were Xiao Yinsha, who had just entered the industry, he would not have handled this matter so well. He might be at a loss and crying, not knowing what to do!"

"Editor-in-Chief Minano!!"

Faced with the other party's malicious ridicule, Yinsha saw a blush on Zhang's face.

"Hahaha, go do your thing."

"Just let me handle this matter."

""Thank you for your help."

Yinsha saw Zhang finish the coffee in front of him, nodded to Jianye Chan, and then turned and left.

In his heart, he couldn't help but sigh:

"Obviously, Chief Editor Minano is not much older than me, but in front of him, I feel like a child."

When there was no one else in the room, Minano couldn't help but sigh:

"Teacher Nangong really likes to give me difficult questions."

"This afternoon's meeting is going to be very busy again."

In the evening.

Looking at the name on the caller ID,

Nangong Mu couldn't help showing a hint of surprise on his face.

After a brief pause, he answered the phone.

"Teacher Nangong."

The voice of Minano Chan sounded in his ears.

It seems that there is an answer!

Realizing this, Nangong Mu felt a little nervous.

However, he remained calm:

"Sorry, I have to trouble you again, Editor-in-Chief Jieye."

"Well, our profession is to serve you teachers, so it's not a big deal......."

Minano Chan smiled and said,"I just hope that if the teacher has any ideas next time, he can communicate with me in advance."

"I wouldn't be so passive."

Thinking back to what happened in today's meeting, Jianye Chan felt exhausted.

After all, if she really wanted to talk about it, this matter itself was not authentic on her part.

"Fortunately, the final result is not bad."

Thinking of this, Minano Chan also showed a happy expression on his face.

""I'm sorry." Nangong Mu apologized sincerely.

The other party could say this, but he couldn't take it for granted.

After all, whether to help or not in such a matter that would inevitably offend others depends entirely on the other party's mood.

"Teacher Nangong is too polite."

Having said this, Jianye Chan suddenly changed his tone to a serious one:

"Before I reply you, there is one thing I must ask you clearly!"

"Are you sure you can produce three manuscripts per month?"

Nangong Mu answered without hesitation:"I am sure!"

"What do you think about the release time?"


After these days of hard work, Nangong Mu now has enough for two volumes, and the third volume is almost halfway done.

There will be no problem in finishing the third volume in the remaining few days.

According to the normal progress, the fourth volume can be finished.

"Does that mean the manuscript has to be submitted by the end of the month?"

Minano Chan said thoughtfully:

"Teacher Nangong has so many drafts saved!"

Does that mean these are not freshly drawn, but are the drafts saved from previous hard work?

Nangong Mu understood and said with a smile:"Well"

"After all, I usually don’t have much to do, so I just drew a little more."

"Who knows, maybe it will come in handy someday."

Jian Ye Chan smiled and said,"Teacher Nangong,"

"The company is planning to do an online interview for"Four Lies" on Friday. Do you have time?"

Online interview?

Faced with this sudden proposal, Nangong Mu was a little surprised.

But he still agreed:"Of course."

The other party is a reliable person.

There must be her reasons for doing this.

Minano Chan nodded, and then returned to the topic.

"The proposal for the third volume of January made by the teacher last night has been passed at the meeting today."

Nangong Mu was not surprised by this result.

If it had not been passed, he would have said it directly at the beginning and would not have talked about so many off-topic topics.

"However, I also spent a lot of effort to get everyone to pass this proposal at this meeting."

"If Mr. Nangong fails to produce three volumes of content within the stipulated time, I will also resign."

Nangong Mu stood in awe and said,"Thank you for the help, Chief Editor Jianye."

"But please rest assured, I won't joke about my career."

Minano Chan smiled indifferently and said,"Teacher Nangong, don't be so nervous."

"I am not saying this to add to your psychological burden, but just to let you know that you and I are now on the same boat."

"No matter what happens next, you can trust me completely."

"I'll also let you know in advance that the online interview on Friday is to tell your fans that Your Lie in April will end in April, which is a proposal we have discussed with you a long time ago."

"This is also a bold attempt made by Shueisha!"

"I hope you can cooperate with me and promote it this way."

Just thinking about it, Nangong Mu understood the reason for doing so.

He immediately responded with a smile:"Don't worry."

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