8 o'clock on Friday night.

Because Nangong Mu posted updates in advance, many fans are watching the interview on time.

Tanaka is no exception.

This time, Tanaka did not use the excuse of studying, but openly stated that he would take a break after dinner.

Considering Tanaka's recent good performance, and today happened to be Friday, he was allowed to rest.

Looking at the constantly updated information on SNS,

Tanaka's face was full of interest and smile.

He showed a surprised look from time to time.

"Wow, I didn’t expect the teacher could also do music!"

"What!? The teacher actually wrote that song himself!?"

Looking at this series of explosive revelations, the boy would occasionally exclaim.

"If you don’t know anything about music, you can’t draw a work like"Four Lies"!

At least from an outsider’s perspective, it would be very difficult to draw such a subject!

How to express various emotions, the design of the storyboards, etc.......These are more troublesome issues.

"Hey, the teacher has been drawing"Four Lies" since last year?"

"Why didn't he submit"Four Lies" for the Tezuka Prize?"

When this thought came to mind, Tanaka also subconsciously weighed the status of"Four Lies" and"Madoka Magica" in his heart.

In the end, the scale tilted towards"Madoka Magica".

"Well, after all, one is a short story that has been completed, and the other is a long story that is still being serialized."

Of course.

Even if"Four Lies" is really finished, it will probably have a heavier weight in Tian Xin's heart!

If you want to give a reason...

"This opens up a whole new direction!"

While waiting for the live broadcast to be updated, Tanaka had all kinds of thoughts in his mind.

Then he saw a piece of news that stunned him.

"《Four Lies", finished in April! ?"

"Is it true or not? ?"

Anyone who has read"Four Lies" can feel it.

This work is different from the teacher's previous short stories!

This must be the teacher's first long work!!

If you want to give a reason, the content of the two volumes has just been explained at the beginning, and there must be a lot of plots in the back!

It will definitely not be a work that can be completed so quickly!! 16 thought about asking the teacher to deny this news, but in reality, he got a definite confirmation from the other party.

Warrior of love and hope (different perspective, so the name written here is different, in order to avoid water word count,"teacher" is used as a substitute):

Today is not April Fool's Day, this news is of course true!

《"Four Lies" can be completed in April. No matter how you think about it, isn't this an answer that fits the topic perfectly! ?

"It's actually true!?"

Tanaka looked at the words in front of him blankly.

In a short moment, various images appeared in his mind.

Finally, he came to the conclusion......

"So"Four Lies" is actually a short story?"

"Will it eventually lead to depression?"

Hasn't he been released from hospitalization?

Then wouldn't it be normal for him to use this as an excuse to kill Miyazono Kaoru later?

"Will Kousei Arima not participate in the piano competition?

If so, then this work......

Tanaka forced himself not to think of those two bad words.

Fortunately, the content updated on SNS distracted him.

Host: Doesn't that mean there is not much content left after"Four Lies"?

Teacher: Of course not.

《In my mind, I expected that there would be at least 7-10 volumes of content in"Four Lies"!

7-10 volumes of content! ?


So is this really a long story? ?

Tanaka was confused

"How can we finish it in 4 volumes?!"

At this moment, fans all over the country couldn't help but sigh in their hearts.

The host obviously understood everyone's thoughts. He also asked this question immediately.

There are so many volumes, how can we finish it in 4 volumes?

Teacher: Isn't it very simple? Just release a little more every month in the next 3 months, isn't it?

Host: What do you mean?

Teacher: According to the results of my communication with the publisher, about 3 volumes will be released simultaneously every month.......At this point, I have to say something to myself!

Everyone, please save your wallet for"Four Lies"!

"About 3 volumes are published every month! ?"

Tanaka opened his mouth subconsciously.

His head was buzzing.

"How many drawings do I need to draw in a month to publish 3 volumes per month?!"

Although it was a simple arithmetic problem, the boy was so shocked that he couldn't figure it out.

"No, no, the teacher started drawing last year, and I mentioned before that I have a lot of drafts in my hands!!"

That is to say......It can be achieved!!

Tanaka's eyes lit up with excitement

"Three volumes a month, right?"

"As long as you dare to release it! I don’t look down on you!!"

The reactions of other fans were similar to Tanaka’s.

And the interview continued.

Host:......It's amazing!

It seems that what the teacher said before about having a lot of manuscripts in stock is true!

Teacher: Well, I never joke about such familiar topics!

Host: So, was this a temporary decision, or was it planned long ago?

Teacher: As everyone knows, I occupy two serialization positions in"Weekly Shonen Jump" at the same time, but unfortunately, those two works of mine have already been released as single volumes and completed.

After all, there are limited positions in the magazine. Even if I can draw more, it is impossible for me to occupy all the positions and benefits. I don't want to be stopped by a teacher when I am walking at night one night.

So, although I am helpless, I can only wait for the serialization.���

This also gave me plenty of time to draw"Four Lies"》、《"Three Questions on the End of the World", and by the way, when everyone thought I was free, I secretly wrote a few light novels. /laughs

As the company conducted statistics, they were surprised to find that the sales of the model of selling single volumes in advance were unexpectedly impressive, and as the works in the magazine were completed, many fans couldn't help but buy a collection, which further stimulated the collection.

So at that time, the editor-in-chief Minano from Shueisha specifically talked to me about whether to continue to extend this model.

However, I was still a little nervous about the work"Four Lies". What if everyone didn't like it, what if the sales volume plummeted this time?

With these concerns, I never made up my mind, and in the end it was everyone's voice that gave me this confidence.

Host: Do you mean that the two volumes of single volumes were released at the same time last week?

Teacher: Yes, not only did everyone's evaluations were very good, but the sales were also impressive.

So after connecting and discussing with Shueisha, we finally made this decision!

Host: What is this decision?

Teacher: As long as you have the ability and a fast enough update speed, then release as many as you want first!

Let's see what kind of results this story named after April will have if it is really completed in April.

Host: Both the teacher and Shueisha have great courage!

It's just that the entire industry has not achieved anything with such a release speed! ?

Teacher: Well, so I also said that I was too shameless.

I had to pester the company to accompany me to do whatever I want. (To read the violent novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Host: It can be seen that Shueisha attaches great importance to you, teacher.

Teacher: I also feel particularly ashamed, so I can only shamelessly appeal to my fans here, if"Four Lies" is released, you must come to buy it!

Host: I think everyone will buy it! At least I will definitely buy it as soon as possible!

I also like the story of Arima Kousei and Miyazono Kaoru very much~

By the way, speaking of this, there is one thing I have to complain on behalf of the majority of fans. When your new work is released, can't you print more every time the first print? But it's super, super, super hard to get!!

It's not an exaggeration to say that it's a war!!

Teacher: Eh, is it that exaggerated? But I remember the company's reply was that they printed a lot every time!

Host: But everyone said it wasn't enough! Cat spreading hands.jpg

Teacher: Ahem, I don't think anyone should be blamed for this, but no one expected such sales.

I personally don't have such confidence. The company's first print run is actually not small, 100,000 copies each time.

Those bookstore owners probably didn't expect that a newcomer like me would be so popular. Maybe they are a little too conservative?

Host: Hey, the first print run is 100,000 copies each time!! Teacher

: Yes, my first batch of royalties is calculated to be 100,000 copies, so I am sure.

Host: It seems that no one can be blamed.

It seems that the company is more optimistic about you than you are.

Teacher: Maybe that's the case.

Host: Speaking of which, because of this temporary advertisement, the rhythm is a little short. Let's get back on track next, shall we?

Teacher: Okay.

Host: Regarding the story of"Four Lies", it's not the first time that Kaori Miyazono and Kousei Arima met, right?

Teacher: Eh, isn't it obvious what I said? Friend A is obviously a lie made up by the girl~

Host: Sure enough! So Kaori Miyazono wanted to get close to Kousei Arima from the beginning, right?

Teacher: I can't say anything about this. You can find the answer by just reading the story later.

Host: Then......

In a blink of an eye, the one-hour interview is coming to an end.

Because it is a text interview, both sides communicate through typing, so the time is set so long!

Host: Thank you very much for the visit of the Warrior of Love and Hope, and for sharing so many stories with us.

Teacher: I am also very happy to be invited to participate in this interview!

Host: Then at the end of the program, it is the usual fan Q&A session!

Our staff selected the 3 most popular questions during the program. I hope you can answer the fans' doubts.

Teacher: Okay, please go ahead.

Host: Then the first fan's words: Teacher, I like your"Four Lies" very much, but my favorite is"Magic Circle". Will there be a sequel to"Magic Circle"?

Teacher: Hey, everyone chooses to give me a question for free? You are too polite~

Regarding this question, didn't the last episode of"Magic Circle" give everyone the answer?

If I were to say, this chapter is called"Warcraft". What kind of story will this chapter tell, and when will it appear in front of everyone?...

Speaking of which, have I said too much? Everyone's question is whether there is a follow-up?

My answer is, yes!

At this moment, all the fans who are watching the live broadcast have only one word in their heads - Baka!!

Host: The teacher is really mean to tease us like this. Cat smiles bitterly.jpg

Can I change the follow-up question to these two?

Teacher: Doesn't this break the rules? Can we do this?

Host: Of course...No.

Well, then it’s the second question. Let me see....Hey, this is the kind of question!!

Teacher: I have a bad feeling...

Host: Do you have a girlfriend? What are your criteria for choosing a girlfriend? Cat Smirk.jpg

Teacher: Can I talk about this kind of private information? ?

Host: If you don’t want to talk about it, we can change the question~

Teacher: Well, it’s not something you can’t talk about. You must have a girlfriend, right? As for the criteria for choosing a spouse, of course it has to be like my girlfriend. Host: Hey

, you actually have one? I’m really curious, how good is a girl 573 to be able to charm an old man?���!

But the teacher's female fans will be heartbroken!

Teacher: Hey, why are you heartbroken? Don't you all just like my work?

Host: The teacher knows what I'm talking about, you're really cunning.

Then the last question is, is"Four Lies" a healing or depressing work?

Recently, there has been a lot of discussion on the Internet about this issue!

Teacher: Isn't"Four Lies" going to end in April?

I think the final answer is still interesting for everyone to feel.

What do you think?

Host: If there is still a long time, I would like to know the answer directly from you.

But if I just have to endure until April, I still have no problem!

Teacher: I think most fans should agree with you!

Host: Well, you've worked hard today!

Teacher: You've worked hard too.

Host: Today's interview with the warrior of love and hope teacher ends here.

Thank you all for watching.

Teacher: Thank you very much~ By the way, the third, fourth, and fifth volumes of"Four Lies" will be released in mid-February, so everyone must remember to buy them!

Host: Teacher, I think you should pay us some advertising fees!

Teacher: Hey, should I ask for an appearance fee?

Host: Ahem, that’s it for today’s interview. If you want us to interview someone next time, please leave a message in the dynamics~


Tanaka sighed with satisfaction, with an excited look on his face.

"It's actually true!!"

After watching the entire live broadcast, he no longer had any doubts that"Four Lies" would be completed in April!

The boy couldn't wait to pick up his phone and leave comments under Nangong Mu's SNS account.

On the other side,

Nangong Mu walked out of the house stretching lazily.

Not to mention, this way of online interview is quite novel.

With a glance,

Nangong Mu showed a surprised expression:"Hey, has Ying Lili gone back?"


Mahiru lowered his head, his expression unrecognizable.

""Mahiru, are you okay?" Mashiro asked worriedly. Mahiru shook her head:"I'm fine, Mashiro, can you help me get some clothes from the room?""


Mashiro blinked, as if wondering why he needed clothes at this time.

But he still nodded obediently:"Okay."

Then he walked to the entrance.

With the sound of the door closing, he went outside.

"Mujun...Why do you want to tell me?"

Mahiru looked up, her face already covered with tears.

That's it!

Nangong Mu understood everything.

He sat down beside the girl and wiped away the tears on her face.

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