Everyone who bought the book had a smile on their face, except for the fan at the end of the line, whose face was ashen!

"You guys, why are you buying so much?!"

""Please consider our feelings!"

Unfortunately, outsiders will not know the complaints and roars in these guys' hearts.

Even if they know, they will buy as much as they should.

After all, when they were in the queue behind, they also had a similar experience.

"Damn it!"

Kaguya punched the pillow in front of her several times angrily.

However, with the girl's weak strength, she could only make the pillow dent.

""Knock, knock."

There was a knock on the door, and then Hayasaka's voice came in from outside the house.

"Miss, the comics you requested have been bought."

Kaguya returned to her cold and icy state, sitting upright on the bed, and said in a steady voice:"Come in."

Hayasaka Ai walked into the room and placed the last four"Four Lies" on the girl's bedside table.

"Get out."

Hayasaka Ai opened her mouth, as if she wanted to say something but hesitated, then nodded:"Yes."

She turned and left the house.

Then she couldn't help but sigh in her heart.

The cause of everything started from that night when she returned home and told Kaguya the failure of the mission and the reasons for the failure. Although she was very unwilling, the girl still chose to give up.

Although it was only a flash, Hayasaka Ai still saw worry, guilt and fear in Kaguya's eyes.

This discovery made Hayasaka Ai feel warm.

Being able to affect the cold Kaguya's emotions, it seems that she is still very important to her.


No matter what the reason, the failure of the mission is a failure, and Kaguya has become more silent since then.

As for the specific reasons, Hayasaka Ai is of course clear in her heart.

Picking up the 4 volumes of"Four Lies" prepared for herself at the door, Hayasaka Ai could only pray in her heart.

"I hope there will be a good ending in the end."

Although she knew that this possibility might not even have a 1% chance.

Inside the house, looking at the last four volumes of"Four Lies" sent by Hayasaka Ai, Kaguya's fingers moved.

She wanted to reach out for it, but was afraid to touch it. She was entangled in this way for more than 10 minutes.

In the end, the desire for the ending prevailed.

In a blink of an eye, after reading the first chapter of Volume 8, Kaguya was slightly relieved. 21

This chapter did not involve the content of Kaoru, but the description of the plot line of Arima and Tsubaki.

In the next chapter, a new girl appeared for some reason.

Although a little confused, there was no place with a knife. , is a success!

In a blink of an eye, the story of this chapter quickly came to the end of the volume.

Arima's conflicting feelings of wanting to see but not daring to see him, Kaguya's complaints about Arima not coming to visit her, and the warm conversation made Kaguya smile a little.

But as the close-up of the hospital appeared on the next page, Kaguya frowned, and then her delicate little face showed a painful look.

In the picture, Miyazono Kaoru, who had finished talking to Arima on the phone, seemed to have just gone to the toilet and was walking back to the ward in the corridor with cheerful steps.

Lu——Korulli——Lu——the long tail sound sounded like singing happily.

But in the next frame, he lay down very abruptly.

""Eh? Eh?" the girl said in surprise.

On the next page, the girl leaned on the handrail beside her, seemingly trying to use it to stand up. In the storyboard, her legs seemed to be dragged unconsciously.

Then, in the tense painting style, the girl beat her legs with both hands, her eyes full of tears.

"stand up!!"

"Stand up! Stand up!"

"This is my own leg!!"

In the last page of this chapter, the girl curled up and cried with sadness and anger.

Looking at the scene in front of me, my heart seemed to be grabbed by the whole thing.

The pain of suffocation made Kaguya extremely uncomfortable.

"It doesn't matter!"

Haven't we known that Xun has a problem?

It's normal to have such a description!

But when I turned to the third chapter, Kaguya suddenly fainted.

The opening was like a thunderbolt!

It seemed that the girl was at home one day before she was hospitalized.

The girl, who was looking at the music score and trying to play, suddenly slipped and fell to the ground.

Because she accidentally hit the metal beside her, a lot of blood flowed from her forehead, and then she fell in a pool of blood.


There was a brief silence, and Kaguya forced a smile:

"No, it’s okay!"

"Judging from the previous plot, the main cause of the disease is the loss of strength in the legs!"

"It's just a small wound and some bleeding, it won't kill you!"

"And Kaoru is fine now, which means her illness has nothing to do with the wound on her forehead!"

With this self-hypnosis, Kaguya had the courage to continue watching.

Arima teaches his new apprentice to play the piano.

Kaguya was delighted by the sudden appearance of Kaoru, but then she couldn't help but feel worried about the girl's condition.

""My condition is already very serious, why did you come to school specially!"

But after seeing Xun's words, Kaguya suddenly felt relieved.

Even though she had never been in a relationship, she roughly felt the girl's mood at the moment.

It has been so long, and the person she likes has not come to the hospital to visit her. In the face of the desire to see the person she likes, nothing can restrain her!

"Kousei Arima is such an idiot!!"

This idiot who can't understand a girl's mood is not worthy of Kaoru's love at all!

Although the date between the two seemed very sweet, when Kaguya thought of the previous scenes, she couldn't feel the sweetness at all. Only a faint sadness kept lingering in her heart.

The scene in the school afterwards also pushed this sadness to a climax!

"......Will you forget her?"

"The girl who took care of the lost children with you, the girl who ran out of the hospital and waited on the roadside, the girl who explored the school at night"

"Will you forget her?"

Arima Kousei:"No, I won't forget her."

"I would never die!"

"This idiot!!"

Kaguya couldn't hold back her anger.

Even a girl like her who had never been in love could tell that this was Xun's confession!

At this time, shouldn't she be more assertive and respond boldly?

Xun came this day because of you, but you thought it was for Du!?

"This idiot!!"

He couldn't even see such a simple lie.......It's so infuriating!!

In the subsequent scenes, the staggering Kaoru also turned Kaguya's anger into worry.

In the following scenes,

Arima rode a bicycle and took Kaoru back to the hospital. In the dialogue between the two, Kaoru once again expressed his admiration intentionally or unintentionally.

The naive boy who didn't notice it sighed in his heart.

I don't know if it's because of the cold night, people feel that the words are so warm, and the distance to you is so close. Even if it's Adu's substitute, it doesn't matter. I want to stay in this moment forever- the meteor shower that suddenly fell from the sky seemed to be responding to the boy's prayer.

The starry night sky is so beautiful.

The girl with tears streaming down her face behind her is also so beautiful that it makes people feel distressed.

I-can't ask the reason for these tears.

Kaguya clenched her fists, and then let go weakly.

"What a bastard!"

No matter how much she wanted to deny it, as an outsider, how could she find an excuse after seeing all these scenes?

Xun, why are you crying?

Of course you want to live. It is because you know clearly that the time you have left is so short, so you cherish every minute and every second, right?

"Use the last of your time to save another person?"

Is this what you think and what you want to do?

As a smart woman, how could she not see the reason behind this, and feel what the author's scenes and foreshadowings are trying to express, except for deceiving herself?

"What a bastard!!"

The knife and the like were not excessive. What really made Kaguya feel excessive was - why did they create such a good character like Kaoru!

What's more cruel is that the ending of such a good girl is destined to be sad, and she is only 14!!

Thinking of this, Kaguya's sadness kept surging in her heart.

But she still endured and suppressed her emotions, and decided to finish reading the last chapter of this last volume.

The outburst of Miyazono Kaoru in the hospital made Arima seem to see the shadow of the girl and her mother overlap.

Worried, the boy returned to the hospital alone.

The girl stared at the boy, as if reciting lines.

You are such a strange person (to read the violent novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

You came to the hospital to visit me but remained silent. Under the storyboard, the boy widened his eyes and saw the book next to him.——《"The One-Five Alliance".

Will you commit suicide with me?

The story of this volume also ends here.

Kaguya fell silent again.

She recalled the various novels she had read in her mind.

It's not that she likes reading, but only reading can kill the boring time.

So, of course she has read this book.

After a search, Kaguya found the outline of this book in her memory.

The story is very simple. Ryoichi, a third-year junior high school student, met Naomi, a girl who was seriously ill and hospitalized, through the ace of the baseball team, Toru.

Toru also tried his best to cheer up his childhood sweetheart Naomi during the game.

On her fifteenth birthday, Ryoichi played the piano in the recreation room of the hospital to celebrate.

One day, Naomi suddenly said to Ryoichi:"Do you want to commit suicide with me?"

This is a lyrical novel as delicate as a glass art, depicting love and friendship in youth, life and death.

Recalling everything in the book, Kaguya suddenly put down the comic in her hand.

He sighed for a long time.

"I am also a fool."

Knowing that the final ending will be extremely sad, she can't help but read this.

There is no doubt that the tragedy that follows is doomed through the novel beside the girl's bed.

Facing the 9th, 10th, and 11th volumes placed on the bedside, Kaguya wanted to reach out, but halfway through, she felt fear.

She wanted to read but didn't want to.

She wanted to read and wanted to know what kind of story would happen later. She didn't want to read and didn't want to see the cruel ending.

The girl was entangled, and her outstretched hand was reluctant to fall. It was

11 o'clock in the morning.

It had only been two hours since the release of"Four Lies".

Logically, the fans who bought"Four Lies" at this time should be reading the comics seriously.

In fact, at this moment, many fans ran to Nangong Mu's SNS account to leave messages!

And these fans have just finished reading Volume 8. Those with higher EQ are more emotional and have lower tear points, while those with lower EQ are crybabies.

"I just finished reading Volume 8 and I am already broken!!"

"Me too, I've been crying like a dog!"

"Woo woo woo, is there anyone like me who doesn’t dare to read on?"

"Me too, I want to read the last three volumes but I don’t dare!"

"Why can it be so cruel?!"

"Xun, my Xun!!"

"This old thief is really too much! Xun is such a good girl, she shouldn't have to endure such a fate!!"

"No wonder there were only 2 volumes last month! If I finish volume 8, I will definitely not read the rest!"

"Damn old thief, I'm going to send you a razor blade!!"

"You and I cannot coexist, old thief!"

"Don’t even think about me spending a penny on you again!!"

Messages like these continued to increase, and some fans who didn’t buy the book were delighted.

"If you don't dare to look at it, why not just sell it to me! I don't care about the knife!!"

"Yes, don't you think it's a waste of money to keep something you don't like? If anyone is willing to sell it, please contact me!"

"I don’t care about the knife, I just want to watch"Four Lies"! If you don’t want it, you can sell it to me without worrying about it!"

However, these messages did not receive any response.

Those who just said they dared not watch it and didn’t want to continue watching it seemed to have disappeared at this moment!

And these fans who originally did not buy the work and ignited their hopes also gradually reacted.

"Are these guys cheap?"

They kept saying they didn't dare to watch it, they cried like dogs, it was too cruel, but in the end they really gave up, well, they couldn't even see a single person!

"Damn it!"

So we can only wait for more printings!?

Obviously"Four Lies" is so popular, how come these bookstores always sell out so quickly!

Can't you take a little more?

You opened the store as a charity, you don't even want to make money, right!?

It's just that the bookstore owner doesn't know what these guys are thinking, otherwise he would definitely fight back

"Isn’t it because you guys say you don’t want to buy it every day and you don’t dare to continue watching?"

"How could I have imagined that as soon as the book was released, everyone would line up to buy it! ?"

"Besides, compared to other books,"Four Lies" has already taken a lot of stock, who knew you could still buy it all in one or two hours!!"

It can only be said that no matter which industry, the relationship between buyers and sellers is so wonderful.

In fact, these fans who came to leave messages are just to vent their inner emotions.

My mood is already so uncomfortable now.

If I don’t find some way to distract my attention, how can I have the mood to continue reading the following content!

"Sure enough, after complaining under Lao Zei's account, my mood became much better!"

I feel much better, so I naturally want to finish reading the rest of the content!

What? I just said Taidao? I won't read it anymore? Is that true?

Besides, what does what I just said have to do with my current thoughts!

With such a mood, these fans opened the ninth volume.

And those fans who never stopped reading in the middle have almost finished reading the contents of the ninth volume!

What can I say about the content of this volume ?...Many fans did not understand the sudden appearance of the girl, Xiang Zuo Su, in the later part.

But after reading this volume, they suddenly understood the meaning of her existence!

She was paying tribute!

She was paying tribute to Xun who brought her out of despair!

She was talking! She was talking about her current state, so that she would not worry!

She was paying tribute!

Because...Now I have the ability to guide others!

After hearing the sound of the two people playing together, Xun, who was lying on the hospital bed, also stood by the window.

Although she didn't have a violin in her hand, the girl was imitating the posture of playing the violin, as if she wanted to play with the two.

Perhaps, this scene silently tells the story - the girl no longer has the strength to pick up the violin?

In this episode, Arima Kousei and Prime Minister Zuo Su, two somewhat similar people, seem to overlap with each other. Did the two convey their thoughts to the person they wanted to convey?

Definitely...The story has been conveyed, right?

The previous plot is still so warm and touching.

The final chapter of the ninth volume has once again made fans excited.

"It's all your fault that I miss you so much."

These 10 short words filled many fans' eyes with tears of sadness.

"I'm so greedy - I'm dreaming again"

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