Worldview is an abstract, macroscopic concept.

It refers to the overall concept, values and philosophical ideas conveyed by the work.

The core idea of the work runs through the story from beginning to end, affecting the theme, character creation, plot development and other aspects of the work.

Simply put, all creations are filled on the basis of worldview.

To put it in a more understandable way,...

"Hasn't this even started yet?!"

"Hello..."You're so long-winded!"

The slightly increased decibel level was obviously to cover up the girl's guilty conscience.

Then there were a bunch of"Creation is not that simple""、""We must boldly innovate on the existing basis." These difficult to understand words filled the room with a happy atmosphere.

After laughing, Nangong Mu said:"So you come to me now with an idea, do you have any idea?"

"Well, I have a rough idea."

Ying Lili nodded and said,"I will try to sort out all these things this month."

"So what do you need my help with?"

"It's very simple! Just help with the background and mesh as before!"


Nangong Mu said seriously:"Let me ask you first, is there any coloring?"

"that......"Ying Lili looked away awkwardly, showing a rare lack of confidence,"Maybe?"

But such a small voice could not be heard by Nangong Mu.



Faced with such a reluctant attitude, Nangong Mu sighed helplessly, and he already had a clear answer in his heart.

"If the progress is not good, you will still be asked for help in the end, right?"

Just like those times in junior high school.

But that was also a rare opportunity to see Eriri's frank side.

In the past, she might have agreed directly after a little hesitation, but not now.

June is the day when the Tezuka Award is announced, and serialization may begin at any time then.

Even if I don't slack off from now until June, I can probably only advance to 7-8 episodes in the original work.

It seems like a lot, but considering that I have to work hard for the final exams at the end of June, and there may be other arrangements in July and August,

I can't feel at ease until it is finished.


"I can't agree to it."

Compared to decisively refusing at the beginning, agreeing but not fulfilling the promise is undoubtedly more excessive.

"But how to refuse?"

Just like it's hard to approach someone you know too well, sometimes it's also hard to refuse someone you know too well.

There must be at least a suitable reason!

That's right!

Nangong Mu's eyes lit up and he said,"By the way, Ying Lili's goal is to become a cartoonist, right?"

"A book artist who doesn't want to be a cartoonist is not a good artist!"

Sure enough, this guy still hasn't given up!

I wonder if the serial author of"Weekly Shonen Jump" can let this guy be my assistant!?

That scene is very interesting just thinking about it!

Of course, even if he doesn't agree, with such a legitimate reason, this guy will not let me help again.

Nangong Mu smiled, like a big bad wolf abducting a little white rabbit:

"In that case, why not give up the pseudonym Kashiwagi Eri as soon as possible and focus on comics?"

"Do you think I don't want to?"

Even if I don't talk about that, I have already tried countless times.

Unfortunately, I can't even tell a short story of only 20 pages, let alone those long comics that require hundreds of pages to complete!

Eriri doesn't have such ability

"It would be nice if there was a suitable manga editor to collaborate with."

In the manga industry, collaborations between two people are not uncommon.

It can even be said to be the mainstream nowadays!

But for Eriri, this is not much easier than creating her own original work.

Her style of painting tends to be gorgeous, so the stories she gets should also tend to be like this, so that Eriri's strengths can be brought into play.

Failure to achieve a 1+1=2 chemical reaction is like an elementary school student who has not passed the basic test and is not qualified to go any further.

Secondly, in the industry, book painters are naturally inferior to others.

At times like this, Kashiwagi Eri's fame is a burden.

Thinking of this, Eriri sighed in her heart and did not intend to explain too much.

She just said,"Comics are not as simple as you think."

"Even someone like me is just a gambler with some strength."

I always feel that this sentence is familiar. Why is it?

Nangong Mu nodded without thinking too much.

"I see. By the way, has Eriri been paying attention to the recent Tezuka Awards?"

"Tezuka Prize?"

Eriri was stunned. From the expression on her face, it can be seen that she was a little confused as to why the topic suddenly jumped to this topic.

But she still answered honestly:"As long as you aim to be a cartoonist, it is impossible not to pay attention to it, right?"

The Tezuka Prize is the highest award for selecting newcomers in Japan.

Not to mention debuting with a selected work, even if it is just an excellent work, it can be regarded as a good qualification! It is a stepping stone to enter other publishing houses.

Thinking about the information related to the Tezuka Prize, Eriri also thought of what happened last night.

"Come to think of it, I didn’t pass the evaluation this time! Damn it!!"

Since the second year of junior high school, Eriri has opened a small vest and secretly participated in the Tezuka Award.

Unfortunately, after all these years, I haven’t passed the evaluation.

Recalling the evaluation list I saw on the official website a few days ago,

Eriri couldn’t help but complain:

"Even a theme like magical girls can pass the evaluation.

It really makes people wonder whether the level of the Tezuka Award has declined over the years!"

Magical girls?

Nangong Mu recalled seriously

"This topic...The only book on the list seems to be Puella Magi Madoka Magica! ?"

Ah this......

"Let me ask you, what do you mean by magical girl?"

"《Puella Magi Madoka Magica! Is this the only one on the list for evaluation?"

After answering Nangong Mu's doubts, Ying Lili also responded immediately:

"Hey, are you also following the Tezuka Award?"

Sure enough!!

"Even Ying Lili would think so, so other people probably have a similar mentality?"

Nangong Mu touched his nose:"Is it possible that this work was able to pass the evaluation because the quality is good enough?"

"I have loved painting since I was a child, so isn't it normal for me to pay attention to Tezuka Shou?"

"That's right."

Ying Lili had no doubts about Nangong Mu's explanation.

It was precisely because she knew this that she came to him for help.

However, the two of them obviously had different opinions on the selection.

"The Tezuka Award has always been centered around the plot. Isn't the magical girl theme just that?

What kind of plot can there be?"

"Perhaps, because the plot has a fixed template, coupled with a gorgeous painting style, it can easily pass the assessment?"

Forget it.

It's too troublesome to explain. I'll tell her later.

"Damn it! Now I can't find any other excuses to refuse!!"

"Did you just agree to help?"

Nangong Mu felt bitter.

But Ying Lili was thoughtful after hearing his words.

"Do you want to use a template to create something? It seems like a good idea!"

Ending this topic, Nangong Mu casually said:

"It’s already this late, do you want to stay for dinner?"

"Since you said so, I will eat something reluctantly."

Nangong Mu couldn't help rolling his eyes.

He was fine just now, why did he start to get sick when it came to this kind of thing!? Dragon Boat

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