"After so many days of hard work, it's finally done!"

Eri Lili had a bright smile on her face.

"Come to think of it, this time it was really too smooth!!"

She wrote as if she was assisted by God.

Her mind hadn't thought it through yet, but her body had already started moving before she could think.

The final result also made her extremely satisfied.

""It's the first time I've finished a drawing so quickly in all these years." I feel a little ashamed to say this.

Ever since I debuted as Kashiwagi Eri,

I've always been on the verge of a final draft.

This time, I finished a 20-page finished product a month in advance, with only a few simple steps left.

It can be said that this is the first time for a young lady to get married!



I was so absorbed in the painting this time that I forgot that guy's birthday.......You won't be angry, will you?

Thinking of this, Ying Lili couldn't help showing a guilty expression on her face.

Standing in front of the door, the hand that was about to knock on the door also retracted.

"That's impossible."

Ying Lili sighed:"How could it be impossible?���I am so angry!" Put yourself in his shoes.

If it were me, I would never forgive that guy for forgetting her birthday!!

"At least one week...No, a week is too cruel, at least 3 days, yes! 3 days!!"

"I will definitely ignore him for the next three days!!"

It is unreasonable to force others to do what you cannot do yourself.

"Sure enough, if it's just this gift, isn't it a little bit insufficient?"

Thinking of the limited edition Kakarot figurine in her backpack,

Eriri felt even more uneasy.

"Although it is true that I liked him last year, that was last year after all."

Is he still as fond of me now as he was then? Eriri has no idea

"do not care!"

"Big deal....At worst, if that guy messes up again, I'll..."Be a little more cooperative."

Thinking back to what happened in the house last time, Eriri's originally fair cheeks instantly turned red.

Although she didn't understand why that guy suddenly became so bold at that time, when she recalled that feeling afterwards, it made the girl, who had never experienced this before, extremely fascinated.

30 Even her heart felt like she had eaten honey, full of sweetness.

Even in the middle of the night when no one was around, she couldn't help but eat it as a side dish before going to bed.......

Thinking of this, an abnormal blush appeared on Yinglili's cheeks.

"No, no, I can't think about it anymore!"

It's not dark yet!

Ying Lili, you can't be so shameless!

And I came to see him today for a serious matter!

Thinking of this, the girl's eyes became firm again.

She stretched out her hand and was about to knock on the door in front of her.



The door was opened from the inside.

Eriri was stunned, and then she noticed the person who opened the door before she could speak.

As a beautiful girl, she never cared much about other people's appearance.

No matter how beautiful the other person was, she would not be more beautiful than her anyway.

But at this moment, the girl had to admit that the person in front of her was a beautiful girl who was not inferior to herself!

There was not much difference in height between the two. The long straight flaxen hair was like cloth, soft and shiny.

The other person's skin was as white and translucent as hers, and it was smooth without a trace of roughness.

The nose bridge was straight and straight, the edges of the big eyes were inlaid with long eyelashes, and the plump, bright, and beautifully shaped cherry lips made even the same beautiful girl feel inexplicably moved and wanted to try what such lips would taste like.

There is no doubt that the other person was breathtakingly beautiful.

Especially the gentle temperament, even if she was not wearing a twelve-piece dress, the temperament of Yamato Nadeshiko was naturally revealed.


"Why are you here?"

Ying Lili subconsciously glanced at the plaque on the door, which said Nangong and the floor and number, to make sure she had found the right place.......

"What's going on now?"

Eriri's not-so-bright little brain completely short-circuited at this moment. She stood there in a daze. Shiina Mahiru, who was holding the garbage in her hand, was also stunned after opening the door.

Obviously, she didn't expect that there would be someone standing in front of the door.

But unlike Eriri, after a brief moment of daze,

Shiina Mahiru smiled and said,"Hello, are you looking for Nangong-san?"

And put the garbage bag in her hand next to the door.

The voice in her ear made Eriri reconnect

"Um, who are you?"

Perhaps because of her girlish temperament, Eriri did not show too much aggression.

Although Eriri's aggression is equivalent to the roar of a kitten

"Hello, my name is Shiina Mahiru, and I'm Nangong's neighbor."

Shiina Mahiru?

I feel like I've heard this name somewhere before, but I can't remember it for a while.


"Even if they are neighbors, why are they in that guy's house!!"

For some reason, I felt an inexplicable irritation in my heart.

Perhaps seeing the confusion in Eriri's eyes, Shiina Mahiru smiled and said,"Anyway, it's so hot outside, why don't you come in first?"


Inside the house.

Nangong Mu sat on the sofa facing the TV, Ying Lili sat on the sofa on the other side closer to him, and Shiina Mahiru returned to the kitchen

"so...What the hell is going on?"

No matter how hard she tried to suppress the irritation that kept rising in her heart, her voice still couldn't help but carry a bit of anger.

"What was supposed to happen finally happened."

As early as the day he promised Shiina Mahiru, he had thought that such a situation would happen, so he had already prepared himself mentally.

Facing Eriri's questioning, Nangong Mu smiled and did not answer the girl's doubts immediately. He took out two cans of��:"It's so hot outside, how about drinking this to cool off?"

Ying Lili took the Coke handed to her but didn't intend to drink it. She just looked at him sitting next to her.

She smiled bitterly.

"It’s a long story"

"Let me make a long story short!"

"Shiina lives downstairs from me and noticed that I didn't eat well and always ordered takeout, so she offered to take care of my three meals a day."

After waiting for a few seconds, Eriri was a little dumbfounded and said,"Is that it?"

"It's over." Nangong Mu was puzzled and said,"Didn't you ask me to make it short?"

"I didn’t make you so short!!" Eriri was mad. Did he really think she was an idiot!?

If they were just ordinary classmates, could others come to help take care of the three meals!?

Nangong Mu spread his hands innocently:"But this is the fact, maybe Shiina thinks I’m too handsome and has other plans for me?"

""Nangong classmate, please don't spread rumors behind others' backs~"

Shiina Mahiru's light voice suddenly sounded behind Nangong Mu.!!

Is this guy a ghost?

When did he walk behind?

Nangong Mu laughed dryly and said,"Ahaha, I was just joking."

"I think that except for Nangong-san, no one would find this kind of joke funny, right?"

After saying this, Shiina Mahiru's eyes fell on Eriri:"Eriri-san, don't listen to his nonsense."

"The day before I transferred here, I was trapped in the heavy rain because of something, and it was Nangong who helped me."

After a pause, the girl continued:"I didn't expect it to be such a coincidence that we not only lived on the same floor, but also transferred to Nangong's class."

"Because I had always wanted to thank Nangong for this matter, when I found that he didn't eat well, I took the initiative to come over to help."

"Nangong refused several times, but in the end, he couldn't resist my desire to repay the favor, so he reluctantly agreed."

"But please rest assured, the situation you think has never happened between us!"


What kind of situation am I thinking of?

Ying Lili blushed a little.

In fact, I didn't think about it that way.

Although it is a little bit......

But this guy didn't eat the fat meat that was offered to him! ?

This is really unlike him!

Feeling Ying Lili's surprised look, Nangong Mu curled his lips and said unhappily:

"You thought Shiina-san was you?"

What do you mean I thought Shiina-san was me!

Our relationship is not that special! We are just childhood sweethearts!

Eriri, who was deceiving herself, could not hide her body.

Her rosy cheeks showed that she was thinking something else.

Shiina Mahiru, who was standing by, did not pay attention to the interaction between the two.

She continued to speak in a calm tone, with sadness in her eyes.

"I didn't know that Nangong and Eriri were in that kind of relationship. Now that I think about it, it was really too reckless to do this."

"Anyway, all of this is my fault. I am very sorry for the trouble I have caused to Nangong and Yingli."

"Don't worry, starting today......"


Before Shiina Mahiru could finish, Eriri interrupted and said,"What do you mean by that kind of relationship!"

"No, it's better to say what kind of relationship is that?!"

Shiina Mahiru blinked and asked in confusion:"Aren't you dating?



The heat rose up from Eriri's face, and then turned into a circle of steam that came out from the top of her head. (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Her cheeks were like cooked crabs, and she swayed from side to side, even trying her best to maintain her balance.


Nangong Mu couldn't help laughing out loud:"No"

"Eriri and I are just childhood sweethearts, not the kind of relationship that Shiina-san thinks."


Eh ?...Not a couple?


I am such an idiot. What stupid things did I say just now?

The girl recalled what she had said just now and felt extremely ashamed. She was so embarrassed that her toes tightly grasped her slippers.

Then she spoke with a stutter:"Then...Um, I'm so sorry, Eriri-san"

"It was my own fault."

As he apologized, he could not help but feel happy.

"If it's not that kind of relationship, then it means I can still maintain this relationship with Nangong, right! ?"

At the same time, I couldn't help but hate myself for being like this.

"I am such a mean woman!"

Shiina Mahiru's apology did not get any response from Eriri.

It seems that someone whose brain was"burned" will not be able to act in the short term.

At this time, Nangong Mu frowned and said:

"By the way, Shiina Manabu didn't smell anything strange?"

I always felt like I smelled a burnt smell from the beginning, was it an illusion?

"Strange smell?"

Shiina Mahiru was stunned for a moment, then her face changed, and she no longer cared about her usual dignity.

She ran to the kitchen quickly.

She used a spatula to turn the hamburger meat on the pan. As expected, it was completely burnt.


The girl cried out.

At the dinner table,

Shiina Mahiru sat dejectedly on one side. Eriri blushed, thinking about something as she sat opposite Shiina on the other side.

Nangong Mu sat between them, appreciating their expressions with interest.

This scene lasted for a few minutes, until the dishes were a little cold, then Shiina Mahiru said,"I'm very sorry."

"I was planning to prepare hamburger meat, but because of my mistake, I can only make do with the leftovers in the fridge."

Eri looked up at the table in front of her.

Fried meatballs, cola chicken wings, mapo tofu, stir-fried vegetables, and a seaweed egg drop soup.

Five dishes for three people, if it wasn't for the hamburger meat, wouldn't it be six dishes!!

You call this making do?!

Where did this young lady who doesn't care about worldly things come from!

Such a sumptuous dinner, even I, the daughter of a diplomat, think it's a luxury!!

"I think it's already rich."

"Yes, and if you really want to talk about it, this situation is also due to us, right, Eriri?"


The girl replied reluctantly.

"Eat quickly, the food is getting cold."

After saying that, Gong Mu from South 267 was the first to pick up his chopsticks. Ying Lili also followed suit and picked up a meatball.

"Come to think of it, what was I so worried about just now!"

Although Shiina-san is beautiful, I am not weak either!

My eyes subconsciously fell on the other's bear.


We are the same age, why is this guy so well developed!!"

Eri bit her chopsticks unwillingly.

"without...It doesn’t matter, Nangong and I are childhood sweethearts! Childhood sweethearts are invincible!!"

"Just a sky-drop system...Wait, a sky-drop system!?"

A flash of lightning seemed to pass through the sky.

Eriri turned gray.

"without...It's okay, it's just a drop from the sky, not a drop from the sky, I, Eriri, am fearless!!"

"Besides, Nangong and I have something in common. I just know how to cook, but that doesn’t mean I’m good at it......"

As Ying Lili put the meatballs in the bowl into her mouth, the light in her eyes completely disappeared.

"Good, delicious...It's obviously made with ordinary ingredients, why is a meatball so delicious!!"

"Lost! Totally lost!!"


Shiina Mahiru looked at Eriri, who was crying, in astonishment, and asked worriedly:"Um, what's wrong with Eriri?"

Nangong Mu thought for a while and answered:"Maybe she thought the food cooked by Shiina was so delicious, so she was moved to tears?"

"Is my cooking really that good?" Shiina Mahiru wondered to herself

"Be more confident and get rid of this!"

After dinner,

Ying Lili collapsed on the sofa, touched her bulging belly, and sighed with satisfaction.

"Am I in heaven? So satisfied!"

Nangong Mu slumped on the other side in a similar position and complained:

"How come you eat so much! You made me eat less!!"

Ying Lili ignored Nangong Mu and said with regret:"It's a pity for the hamburger meat that was thrown away."

"He's obviously the ace, but he has to leave in such an undignified way!"

Nangong Mu nodded in agreement.

On this matter, the two of them had surprisingly consistent views!

Shiina Mahiru, who was cleaning the table, said with a smile:"You two are exaggerating."

Having said that, the girl was also very happy to see someone so satisfied with her food!

"If you really want to eat, I can make it tomorrow night."

Ying Lili's eyes lit up:"Please let me come for dinner again!" Nangong Mu glanced at this guy and said nothing.

Anyway, whether you agree or not, you will come.

When both of them had rested for a while.

Nangong Mu said:"By the way, I haven't seen you for many days. What's the matter with you coming here this time?"


Ying Lili showed a smug expression:"Guess?"

"The draft is finished��?"


It was so easily guessed that there was no sense of accomplishment at all.

Ying Lili nodded:"Yes, it’s already drawn!"

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