“That’s right, that world! It’s the first time I’ve been there! ”

Miyasui Shitaba stepped on the water with joy and waded through the stream with a rattle.

“Look, I’m crossing the Three Journeys!”

This little girl is also big-hearted and not afraid at all.

Miyami Mitsuba held his hand in the shape of a trumpet, deliberately scaring her, and shouted in his mouth.

“If you want to return to the shore, you have to give the most important thing to the gods~”

Gong Shui Siye’s face really changed, holding his arm and looking at Rhode vigilantly.


Rhodes was speechless.

“She said it was dedicated to the gods, not me, what are you looking at me for?”

After Gong Shui Shiba reacted, he giggled.

“It’s also oh, strange, I don’t know why, I subconsciously did it.”

Miyami Miyaka chuckled and gently pinched Rhode’s sleeve with his left hand, leading him into the stream with him.

A loud sound like stepping into a bath sounded.

Until they arrived, the crater-shaped depression was unusually quiet.

Walking in knee-deep water, every step brings a loud sound of water.

Rhode faintly felt that what he was stepping on did not seem to be ordinary water.

The roots of the giant tree are coiled on a huge rock.

Gong Shui Sanye pinched Rhode’s sleeve with a crimson face, leading the way for him.

“Actually, I don’t know very well, whether the divine body is a giant tree or a rock below, or whether the appearance of the two entangled with each other is the body?”

Rhode looked at the surrounding environment, and the golden flames in his eyes flickered and dimmed.

“Perhaps, the entire crater is a divine body.”

There is a small staircase between the roots and the rock.

Climbing down the stairs, they came to a space about the size of four tatami mats.

However, the front was blocked by a heavy stone wall.

Miyamai Mitsuba covered his mouth in surprise.

“How could it be… There was no such stone here before…”

She hurriedly stepped forward to try to push away the stone wall, but her face flushed to no avail.

Gongshui Shitaba also stepped forward and tapped his finger without dying.

“It’s very thick, this is not something that manpower can remove at all, is this offering to be canceled?”

Miyazhui Sanba firmly denied it.

“Nope! Miyasui Shrine has been passed down for thousands of years, and even when disaster strikes, there is never a moment when the worship is broken! ”

“So are we going to contact the town to transfer the machine?”

“It is difficult for large machines to climb mountains, and they can also destroy the divine body…”

“So what to do…..”

The two girls hung their heads in frustration.

“Let me try it.”

Rhode stepped forward and pressed his right hand on the rock.

Miyamai Mitsuba looked over worriedly.

“Even sumo wrestlers can’t push this kind of rock, please don’t force it~”

Miyasui Shiba also said with understanding.

“Even if Brother Rhode can’t push the stone, it won’t affect your handsome image in Yotsuba’s heart! After all, people are not always omnipotent, just like my sister is not good at mathematics. ”

Miya Shui Sanye instantly raised his fist in annoyance.

“Yotsuba, there is no need to say more about this kind of thing!”

Rhode chuckled.

These two girls are girls with good hearts.

He squinted at the rock in front of him.

With his ability, there are countless ways to remove this rock.

However, the Godhead of the God of Fate gave Rhode’s pupil technique to further evolve.

As long as he has the ability to urge, he can see a lot of lines.

Dead line, timeline, marriage line, cause and effect line…

In his eyes, countless threads converged into knots in front of his eyes.

But being able to see doesn’t mean being able to tease at will.

Perhaps only when the level of the God of Destiny Godhead continues to rise.

Perhaps because Rhode “died” once, he was highly adaptable to the death line.

In that case, maybe I can develop that pupil technique.

[Cosmo took the order. 】

[Akasha records successful transfers. 】

[Host possession of future visual assays is detected, which can lead the future to the desired outcome.] 】

[Calculating host willingness.] 】

[All things have a birth and there must be an end, forcibly interfering with the future of all things to lead to the end of death, and pushing back the cause of death. 】

[Congratulations to the host for successfully developing the gem-level Demon Eye Straight Death Demon Eye! ] 】

Rhode raised his eyebrows slightly.

Sure enough!

The ability to go straight to the Demon Eye claims to be able to kill as long as it is alive, which is a very practical ability.

But it is not invincible, and there are obvious flaws in that compliment.

That is, existence without the concept of death cannot be killed.

After all, the Straight Death Demon Eye is only a gem-level, not the highest rainbow-level Demon Eye.

The Great Sage took the initiative to respond to Rhode’s expectations.

[The possibility of evolving into a rainbow-level magic eye is being calculated. 】

Rhode was a little surprised.

It seems that the Great Sage has also evolved again in the ritual of observing the God of Destiny, and can automatically calculate the elements of ability upgrades based on known information.

[Detects the need to give death to things that do not exist in death.] 】

[Plan 1, devouring the demon god Barol, because of contact with the characters of the box court but did not find the coordinates of the box court, the feasibility is 60%]

[Scheme two, devouring king Hassan, because of the factor of Tiamat affects the possibility of the host being reversely summoned, the feasibility is 70%. ] 】

[Plan three, devouring the last of the four knights of the apocalypse dies, the coordinates of the chainsaw man world have been successfully captured, but the upper limit of demons evolved based on human fear is doubtful, and the feasibility is 30%. ] 】

Rhode looked at the options listed by the Great Sage Luo and hesitated.

It’s hard to say which world is more dangerous.

There is a conceptual existence such as a single-digit decadence wind in the box court.

The type moon world also has a guy like the Enlightened Body and You Xing who can’t accurately judge the true strength.

Generation after generation of gods, how high the upper limit is, it is difficult to draw a definite conclusion without actually probing.

However, the box court world has the advantage that it does not exclude outsiders, except for a very friendly god lineage.

With Rhode’s personality, unless he has developed to the point where he can lift the table at will, he will rarely take the initiative to take risks.

However, the peculiarity of the demon origin gives him the ability to resurrect almost infinitely.

As long as the concept of a “dragon” exists, he cannot be killed.

But also consider the possibility of being sealed or expelled to the corner.

Perhaps you can first use the seed of faith to choose attendants, test the danger level of the world, and then wait for the opportunity to come.

Forget it, let’s solve the current matter first.

Rhode easily saw the dead spot on the stone wall, and then flicked his index finger.

The hard, huge stone walls instantly turned into sand like weathering.

Miyazhui Sanba rubbed his eyes, as if thinking that he had seen an illusion.

However, the touch of the sand on the ground is so real.

She stretched out her right hand nervously and walked through the original stone wall without any obstacles.

Sure enough, the scene just now was not an illusion!

Miyazhui Mitsuba looked at Rhode in disbelief.

“Just kidding, what’s going on?! How did you do it? ”

Originally, she thought that the other party was at most just a prince brother with a high status, but she did not expect that the other party actually had this kind of power.

Miyasui Shiba looked down at his hand in confusion.

“Strange, why doesn’t it work if I knock it…..”

Gong Shui Siye couldn’t figure it out after pondering hard, so he simply walked to Rhode’s side, took his right hand and looked at it carefully, but he didn’t see a reason.

Her eyes suddenly lit up.

“Aha, I see!”

Miyazhui Mitsuba quickly looked at his sister.

“What do you understand?”

Asked by his sister, Miyasui Shiba was quite proud.

“My sister is really a shallow learner, and she doesn’t even know this.” (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

The three-leaf head of the palace water is bruised.

If it weren’t for his image in Rhode’s eyes, he would give his sister a taste of the iron fist of love now.

“Say it quickly!”

Gong Shui Shiba shook his head and talked.

“Of course, this is the Yiyang Finger in the legend of the Ming Kingdom!”

“Sister, I told you a long time ago that what is written in martial arts novels is true, and you still don’t believe it. Many actresses on Twitter highly recommend it! ”



The corners of Rhode’s mouth twitched slightly.

Nima, are you sure they’re serious actresses?

Miya Shui Sanye covered his forehead and let out a long sigh.

You shouldn’t expect anything from your unreliable sister.

It is really unreliable that such a thing as a martial arts novel can actually be taken seriously.

Her brain circuitry was much more normal than her sister’s, and she knew that this was beyond the scope of kung fu.

She secretly glanced at Rhode, and a sense of admiration and awe rose in her heart.

No wonder the big guys treated him with such respect.

Even the results of divination are natural.

Could it be that he is a man of God?

Miyazhui Sanba shook his head.

No, probably because I thought too much, even witches can hardly get a glimpse of the gods.

It’s probably some kind of special ability.

This is how it is drawn in hot-blooded comics!

Miyazhui Mitsuba no longer thought about it, but took out two vials from his bag.

It was white pottery that was usually placed in front of shrines.

The spherical bottle with a diameter of about five centimeters has a fan-shaped base at the bottom.

The cap is sealed with a set button, and you can hear the liquid shaking when you shake it slightly.

Miyamiya Mitsuba explained a little shyly.

“The wine produced by combining this body and rice with MUSUBI is our half. We dedicate half of our bodies to the gods, which means serving the gods. ”

Rhode nodded and said playfully.

“It’s similar to holy water, isn’t it?”


Miyamichi Mitsuba snorted secretly, pretending not to understand the other meaning of holy water, stuffed one of the bottles to his sister, and placed the chewing wine on the small stone altar with his sister.

After the worship, Miyami Mitsuba carefully removed the two old bottles of chewing wine behind the altar.

When lifted, there is a slight resistance, and at the same time there is a “popping” interference sound.

Because of the humid environment, moss has grown on the bottom edge of the bottle.

Miyamizu Mitsuba unfastens the button that seals the cap, and there is also a cork under the cap.

After pulling out the cork, a slight smell of alcohol wafts out.

Miyazhui Mitsuba poured a little wine into the lid.

The chewing wine is quite transparent in color, and there are small particles floating inside.

Miyami Mitsuba handed the lid to Rhode with both hands and shyly pinned his face.

“Please, please.”

Gong Shui Shiba pouted and shouted dissatisfied.

“I want Kang Kang mine too!”

Saying that, she also learned her sister’s movements and handed her chewing wine to Rhode.

The two sisters did not give in to each other, and sparks faintly flashed in their eyes.

“I’m a sister, I’m more experienced than you!”

“I’m my sister, I’m more Ding than you……. Pure! ”

“Chewing wine is not such a simple thing, sister, the water here is too deep, you can’t grasp it. Listen to me, Rhodes should drink mine. ”

“Sister, haven’t you heard? Men like small green! ”

Gong Shui Shiba straightened his chest and retorted loudly in disbelief.

Miya Shui Sanye also puffed out his mouth and glared at her fiercely.

See the two sisters arguing.

Rhode took the chewing wine of the two together.

“Don’t argue, since that’s the case, then I’ll be wet with rain and dew.”

Saying that, he drank half of the sisters’ chewing wine separately, and then handed it back.

“It’s your turn.”

Miyami Mitsuba wanted to say that they usually chew wine and don’t drink it themselves.

And if it were not for the divination results, it would not have been given to any outsiders.

But she looked at the mark on the lid that had been used by Rhode, and for some reason did not say anything against it.

Miyazhui Sanba turned around as if disguised shyness, and drank the other half in disguise.

The same is true of Miyasui Yotsuba.

Rhode’s eyes suddenly narrowed, and his right hand turned into a stone, and casually threw it into an inconspicuous corner on the side.

The moment the three of them took a sip of chewing wine.

The chirping of the chilling cicada suddenly sounded.

The mournful chirping sound of rattling sounded from all directions at 360 degrees without dead ends, and then stopped abruptly as if the stop button had been pressed.

A circle of ghostly blue ring-shaped ripples spread rapidly.

The extreme frozen gas, which cannot be formed naturally on earth, rushes out.

The entire mountain on which the depression is located has been completely transformed into frosty and frozen soil.

The ground condensed into a thick layer of ice, and the leaves fluttering in the wind were covered with ice.

Birds in the air, reptiles on the ground…..

All the originally vibrant substances were completely stopped at this moment.

The blue-haired woman walked indifferently to Rhode with slender thighs, raised her military hat and carefully observed Rhode’s expression.

The two were so close that they almost kissed together.

Rhode was looking at Miyakoshui Sanye expectantly for two years, and time seemed to be stopped at that moment, and he didn’t notice anything unusual at all.

The blue-haired woman tilted her head and sighed rather disappointedly.

“So that’s how you are.”

She slowly pulled out the long knife around her waist and circled it behind Rhode.

“Death without knowing anything is not a kind of happiness for you.”

The blue-haired woman took a step and swung her long knife at Rod’s head.

However, the moment she landed with her right foot, she accidentally stepped on a stone.

The sturdy and specially made military boots suddenly disintegrated and aged rapidly!

The blue-haired woman’s face changed, she reacted quickly, and she was about to get up and jump away.

Then a hand gently squeezed her blade, which alone made her immobile.

Rhode turned around and said lightly.

“So you’re just like that.”

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