The stronger Gorgon’s Petrified Demon Eye, the stronger the Stone Demon.

In just a moment, although the body of the stone demon is still the original weak chicken, it is already comparable to Gorgon in terms of petrification power.

This is also the peculiarity of demons in the world of chainsaw people.

But if this is the case, the two can only reach the level of five or five at most, and no one can help the other.

However, the Stone Demon, under Rhode, has absorbed the fear of petrification by humans in the four worlds.

Although it is no longer a god at this time, human fear of it is limited.

But this subtle gap is enough to be the last straw that overwhelms the camel, allowing the weak stone demon to finally successfully reverse!

Guangxi and the stone demon are fighting ahead.

As a result, Rhode, who was behind the scenes, did not leave his home, and easily prostituted Gorgon’s strongest ability.

Not only that, but the strengthening of Guangxi and the Stone Demon will also feed back to Rhode himself, making him stronger all the time even if he lies flat.

It can be called the strongest model of the strongest capitalist.

As soon as Guangxi returned, his figure shook.

Obviously, he just held on and didn’t fall.

Xiaolan and Yuanzi hurriedly stepped forward to help Guangxi.

“Teacher Guangxi, are you all right?”

Guangxi didn’t care about his injury, but looked at 31 Rhode and asked in a calm manner.

“Do you see clearly?”

Rhode nodded and spoke in a slightly more serious tone.

“Well, your feeling is right, you did kill her once.”

Esders on the side was confused.

This kind of battle outside the specifications of playing with her mind has completely turned her into an outsider who cannot be plugged in.

This made her very uncomfortable as a battle freak.

“If so, can you explain it to us?”

Rhode looked at Ai Hayasaka.

“My maid lady must have noticed it too.”

Ai Hayasaka’s face turned slightly red, and she glared at Rhode viciously, and then sighed with a wry smile.

“Actually, I’m just guessing.”

“If it weren’t for this space, I would never have dared to say this in public.”

After a pause, Ai Hayasaka said half-admiringly, half-sarcastically.

“In popular ancient Greek mythology, Medusa has always been depicted as the innocent sacrificial maiden of Athena. Obviously he was forced, but he was also cursed by Athena unreasonably, and finally degenerated into a monster. ”

Sonoko asked puzzled.

“Isn’t that so?”

Ai Hayasaka shook her head and took out the note full of words from her arms.

“Due to the shortage of time, I only consulted the most widely recognized of all the existing records on the appearance of Gorgon.”

“Including the Genealogy of the Ancient Greek poet Hesiod, the works of the ancient Greek dramatist Euripides, the Library of Pseudo-Apollos, the Shield Raft of Hercules, Aeschylus’ Prometheus in Chains, the Iliad, and the Odyssey.”

She looked around at everyone and lightly said the truth that shocked everyone.

“In all the ancient Greek texts, Gorgon does not have any original record of a human being or a goddess.”

“And all the descriptions are surprisingly consistent, Gorgon’s face is hideous and ugly, with a head wrapped around dragon scales, large boar-like teeth, bronze hands and golden wings, and the name of Medusa is not even mentioned in the original myth.”

Ai Hayasaka said categorically.

“Let’s just say that Gorgon was not cursed by Athena, and was a banshee from the beginning in ancient Greek mythology!”

There was a dead silence in the room for an instant.

The original victim was a monster from the beginning ?!

This concept is too different from the mainstream perception!

If it weren’t for the girls’ understanding of Ai’s rigorous temperament, I’m afraid they would have scrambled to refute it loudly.

Ooka Momiji pinched his eyebrows, and couldn’t help but ask.

“But even so, the rumor that Nargon turned out to be a girl can’t always be groundless, right?” (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Ai Hayasaka had already prepared to pick up a book from the side and show it in front of the women.

“The Roman poet Odvi’s Metamorphoses also records the story of Medusa.”

“In this story, Medusa becomes the most beautiful girl for the first time, and Medusa’s snake hair is also beautiful long hair at the beginning.”

“The story says that Neptune defiled Medusa in the temple of the goddess of war and caused Minerva to surrender, and his hair turned into snake hair.”

“This is the origin of the modern Medusa legend.”

So Gwang-hee allegedly killed Gorgon once.

In fact, it is to achieve a qualitative change with the quantitative change of the gun of the god-killing weapon Longinus, successfully stripping off the forcibly given “Medusa Godhead” on the other party, and returning it to the essence of being a Warcraft Banshee.

Whether it was a maiden as a sacrifice or a goddess driven by Athena, all of them are modern man’s forged or outright delusions for some purpose.

The existence of the Godhead sounds very high, but in fact, once received, it is equivalent to being forcibly subordinated.

If beings such as Star Spirit and Dragon Species accept the godhead of a certain god system, instead of becoming stronger, they will be reduced to become extremely weak.

I don’t know that Huoyi suddenly remembered the saying he had read in the novel, and his eyes lit up and said quickly.

“In other words, since Athena is innocent, will the claims that Neon circulated before also be true?”

“Gorgon is actually the degradation of Athena, and its real existence is also the Earth Mother God!”

“Could this be the true nature of Medusa that is revealed in the conditions of victory?”

The women’s eyes lit up.

Athena, who is the perpetrator, actually exists as the same as Medusa, and this dramatic answer is very much in line with the possibility of the game’s mystery.

However, a cold voice interrupted everyone’s discussion.

“Unfortunately, this statement is also unrealistic.”

Under the snow, Yukino walked over with a stack of books, placed it heavily on the table, and breathed a long sigh of relief.

Chika Fujiwara tilted her head in bewilderment.


Yukinoshita Yukino wiped the sweat from his forehead with the back of his hand and explained calmly.

“Artemis and Athena 713 are Mother Earth because their names appear in the linear text of the sacrifice of Mother Earth of Crete.”

Yukinoshita Yukino flatly denied everyone’s previous speculation.

“And Medusa and Gorgon have nothing to do with the Earth Mother God and fertility.”

Ai Hayasaka is an attempt to reverse the essence of Medusa from the perspective of mythological stories.

Yukoshita Yukino is more direct, inferring the origin of Medusa from archaeological evidence and mythology.

Ai Hayasaka wanted to continue speaking, but her throat was a little dry.

Seeing this, Rhode silently handed Ai Hayasaka a cup of coffee.

Ai Hayasaka took a sip with a slightly red face, and faced the reprimanding gaze of Shinomiya Kaguya, “You actually stole away”, and continued to explain to the women.

“I also agree with Yukinoshita-san.”

“As far as the stories recorded in the Book of Metamorphoses are concerned, although the Romans borrowed a great deal of Greek mythology to perfect the mythology of their people, the two systems are not identical.”

“The Romans have always regarded themselves as descendants of Troy, and they are very deeply tied to the side of the Greeks in the battle of Troy.”

“They greatly elevated the status of Mars and Venus, the gods of war, while Minerva, who sheltered the other side, lost the function of the goddess of war, and even found a lover for Diana.”

The political landscape in reality reverses the status and power of the mythical gods.

The advantages and disadvantages of the gods that have accompanied human history also stem from this.

Rejoice because of people, die because of people.

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