Because of this meal, Cosmo was completely captured by Xiaolan, and his attitude was much warmer.

Rhode could see at a glance that she wanted to please Xiaolan so that she could eat more food, but she didn’t debunk it.

After the meal, the three of them walked around the whole villa again, and then went back to their respective rooms to take a bath and rest.

Rhode stretched out on the soft big bed, rubbing his forehead, which was still a little painful.

Forcibly accepting the universe still made his mental state a little bad.

“Go to bed early today…”

Rodella picked up the quilt and fell asleep.

After a while.


The bedroom door was quietly pushed open.

This was followed by the sound of clothes rubbing.

A silky body burrowed into Rod’s bed.

She hugged Rhode from behind, rubbed her cheek lovingly, and muttered.


Rhode had actually woken up, but he didn’t care when he felt the familiar smell, and went back to sleep.

The other side.

Until eleven o’clock in the evening.

Xiaolan finally threw away the pencil in her hand and directly lay on the desk exhausted.

“There are still two big questions that have not been written… Whew, when will I be able to go home…”

“I have to write homework before crossing, and I have to write homework after crossing, then didn’t I cross in vain?!” That’s not how it is drawn in the manga! ”

There is no developed Internet to query information, and there are no close classmates to learn from each other.

I don’t know anything about demons, and literature and history are completely different from her world, and science is not a strong point in the first place, let alone English.

“If only I could call the police and say that the homework is too difficult to do…”

Xiaolan even began to think cranky.


By the way, isn’t Cosmo a cosmic demon? She should know everything, right? I went straight to ask her if it was over?

Xiaolan pushed away the chair excitedly, feeling that she was really a little clever ghost.

She came to Cosmo’s room lightly with her homework, knocked lightly on the door, and asked softly.

“Cosmo, are you still awake?”

Waited for a while, did not wait for a response.

Xiao Lan’s expression suddenly collapsed.

Cosmo actually fell asleep, so what should I do?

Do you want to ask Rod? But I remember that Rhode’s original grades were similar to mine….

But since Rhode has that strange power, maybe he is actually quite knowledgeable behind his back.

Xiaolan’s mind suddenly flashed the picture of being sucked by Rhode that night, thinking of the appearance of taking the initiative to hold Rhode at that time and wanting the whole person to blend in, her legs involuntarily came together.

Forget it….

At this moment, Xiaolan suddenly glimpsed that Cosmo’s door was not closed.

Xiaolan was a little helpless.

This kid really has no common sense, and he shouldn’t have been covered by a son.

Xiao Lansi always felt relieved when she thought about it, so she quietly pushed open the door.

However, she only saw empty bedding.


Xiaolan’s dull hair stood up.

Catch the traitor radar early warning!

She walked over to the bed and put her hand under the covers.

It’s cold.

Xiaolan walked to the bathroom expressionlessly, and pulled the door open with a “bang”.

It’s good, there’s no one inside.

Detective Mauri Lan on the trumpet.

There were no traces of fighting in the room, ruling out the appearance of bad guys.

The door to the living room is still locked to rule out running away from home.

Excluding all impossibilities, there is only one answer.

She walked to Rhode’s door with heavy steps, knocked on the door, and her voice was very gentle.

“Rod, are you sleeping?”

A cold aura and killing intent directly made Rhode instantly regain consciousness.

It took him 0.01 seconds to figure out the current situation, and another 5 seconds to feel the softness behind him, and then he began to think about how to deal with Xiaolan.

Knock knock.

“Rod, I can’t do a topic, can you help me?”

Well? It turned out to be asking me to help with the problem, but it’s okay.

Homework is something that is not copied temporarily before class the next morning, and it is not called authentic.

Rhode was about to pretend to be asleep.

Click, click, click.

The sound of turning the doorknob jerked Rhode’s heart.


Cosmo also woke up and muttered in a low voice.

What the? Did you lock the door when you came in? Well done!

Rhode was finally relieved.

Although Cosmo touched it himself, he couldn’t explain it.

As long as you let Cosmo go back early tomorrow, everything must be fine.

Outside the door, Xiaolan’s footsteps faded away, and Rhode arched back and began to sleep contentedly.

It’s not that he doesn’t want to do it with Cosmo, but with his current skills, I’m afraid Xiaolan should know what happened even if he blocked his ears.

In this regard, Rod slightly regretted, but the head of the coming day is not in a hurry.

Rhode’s eyes gradually closed, and the sound of Cosmo’s breathing behind him became smoother.

And yet….

Not too often.


A towel-wrapped fist pierced the door directly.

Rhode’s eyes widened sharply.


That hand struggled to figure out where the door lock was.

Rhode swallowed.

With a “click”, the door lock is unlocked.

Xiaolan’s cold face poked out from the shadows, like a fierce ghost in the movie.


Even Cosmo, who was a demon, was frightened and exclaimed and got directly into Rhode’s arms.

No way! You are too filial too! I’m afraid I won’t die tonight, right?!

“…… Rod! ”

Xiaolan’s faint voice sounded.

Rhode jerked Cosmo away and straightened his upper body.

“What, what’s wrong?”

Although he currently has no substantive relationship with Xiaolan, and he has not done anything shady with Cosmo, in the face of such an imposing Xiaolan, Rhode just feels a pang of weakness.

Xiaolan walked to Rhode’s side and squatted down.

Instead of getting angry, she said softly.

“I know Rhode will have that kind of need, if you really need it, you can find me.”


Ding Zhen?

Rhode was really moved.

As if advising her husband who was about to go astray, Xiao Lan begged, “You can’t either… You can’t do that to a child you pick up, she’s still very young. ”

Rhode subconsciously complained.

“In Neon, she was pregnant and gave birth to two babies at the age of sixteen, where is she young…”

Xiao Lan raised her head and looked at Rhode suspiciously: “Is there a requirement that blood sucking cannot be targeted at pregnant women?” ”

Rhode blinked, and it took a long time to come back to his senses: “You… Are you talking about sucking blood? ”

Xiao Lan was puzzled: “How else?” ”

The corners of Rhode’s mouth tugged into a reluctant smile: “Ha, ha, I thought you were talking about playing poker?!” ”

“Playing poker?”

Only then did Xiao Lan notice that Cosmo on the other side of the bed was actually undressed.

Xiao Lan instantly blushed to the base of her neck, instantly pounced on Cosmo and covered her tightly, and said in shame without looking back.

“Rod, you you are too much!”

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