Now the young monk, after years of practice, is not only proficient in Buddhism, but also has some knowledge of medicine!

He doesn't believe that Miss Xiu will die of illness?

He wants to know how his Miss Xiu died? !

"How did she die? Is it important?"

Looking at the ferocious-looking young monk, Qixiu's father laughed bitterly and said,

"I just followed my daughter's last wish. As for the rest, what qualifications do you have to know?!"

After that, he walked out of Qingshan Temple without hesitation and did not look back.

What qualifications do you have? !

With a hint of indifference, the voice echoed in the small temple, making the young monk's pale face even less bloody...

Then, the young monk looked at the direction where the middle-aged man disappeared, as if he had made some resolution.

He kowtowed three times respectfully to the Buddha, and then kowtowed three times to his master...

Then, regardless of the horrified eyes of many monks, he walked away!

At this moment, the picture flashed…

The middle-aged man walked out of the temple, looked at the little monk who was following closely, snorted coldly, got on the carriage without hesitation, and drove away.

Seeing this scene, the little monk looked determined and chased after him step by step.

As the carriage gradually accelerated, the little monk was a little powerless, but even though he was almost exhausted, he did not stop.

Just like chanting scriptures before, he walked mechanically, walked...

I don’t know how long it took, everyone looked at the little monk on the screen, almost fainted, but after seeing the carriage that was about to disappear in front of them, they still caught up with a firm look!

I don’t know if it was intentional, the speed of the carriage no longer increased, but kept at a speed that allowed the little monk to catch up, and moved slowly forward.

Even at the end, the carriage stopped.

It was Qixiu’s father who got off the carriage!

Looking at the little monk who was almost at his limit, Qixiu’s father sighed and told him something.


Qixiu, it is true, did not die of illness.

It turned out that the girl told the monk half a year ago that she was going to get married.

In fact, it was not because she found love.

It was because a prince of a dynasty wanted to force her to marry him, otherwise he would lead his troops to attack the dynasty where the girl was.

You know, there are too many small dynasties like the girl in Kyushu!

They usually rely on larger dynasties to pray for peace!

And facing the requirements of the suzerain dynasty, even if the girl's father is a prince, it is useless.

Originally, the girl thought that if the monk agreed to marry her, she would be with the monk even if she disobeyed her father's order.

However, in the face of her own inquiry, the monk... turned his head and left!

The desperate girl agreed to marry!

But, she had to wait for a year...

Because she was waiting for the monk, waiting for him... to save herself!

However, only half a year later, the prince of the suzerain dynasty could not hold back and wanted to forcibly possess the girl's innocent body.

In this regard, the girl, knowing that she was powerless to resist, stabbed her heart with a pair of scissors...

Blood flowed out, dyeing the plain white dress red, as if she was wearing a bright red wedding dress.

The prince, knowing that he had made a mistake, no longer dared to stay and hurried back to his country!

However, the girl had passed away and it was irreversible!

Hearing the words of the middle-aged man, the little monk was silent!

After a long time, he looked up at the middle-aged man who was also grieving, and spoke word by word,

"Can this poor monk see Qixiu?"


Looking at the determined eyes of the little monk, Qixiu's father sighed, and then he spoke,

"Originally, Qixiu's last wish was to be buried under Qingshan Temple..."

"Come with me!"

How could the middle-aged man not know what his daughter was thinking? !

But, at that time, looking at the stunned little monk, he was disappointed and did not speak.

Now, seeing the little monk's insistence, he finally told his daughter's true last wish.


The little monk saw Miss Xiu again...

The girl was lying in the coffin, very peaceful, holding a pink letter in her hand...

In a corner of the envelope, in the recipient column, the three words "little monk" were written in a beautiful font.

Picking up the letter gently, the little monk opened it in a daze and found that it was a short story.

A story that the little monk was very familiar with.

“Once upon a time, there was an old monk who was always visited by thieves…”

“One day, the thief came again, and he said to the thief, please put your hand in through the crack of the door, and I will give you whatever you want.”

“The thief was very happy to hear that, so he put his hand in through the crack of the door. Unexpectedly, the old monk grabbed his hand, tied it to a pillar, and then beat him with a stick.”

“While beating him, he shouted: Refuge in Buddha! Refuge in Dharma! Refuge in Sangha!”

“The thief was in great pain, and had no choice but to shout: Refuge in Buddha! Refuge in Dharma! Refuge in Sangha!”

“Refuge in Buddha!”

“Refuge in Dharma!”

“Refuge in Sangha!”

“Refuge…Xiu girl!”

Chapter 44 Buddha saved me, why not her

The scene passed…

Qingshan Temple.

The little monk is back.

In the entire Qingshan Temple, countless old monks, including the little monk’s master, all came out to greet him.

After all, the little monk’s profound Buddhist teachings have made him the next abbot!

His departure is a loss for the entire Qingshan Temple!

Now, the return of this little monk naturally makes the whole temple happy!


In front of Qingshan Temple, the little monk's master looked at the somewhat lonely little monk, chanted a Buddhist name, and said softly,

"All dharmas are caused by fate!"

"All dharmas are caused by fate, and they are caused by fate. When fate ends, they end!"

"If you are greedy, how can you become a Buddha?"

At this moment, the old monk was very relieved.

Because he felt that the little monk had understood the essence of Buddha, and he was only one thought away from becoming a Buddha!

"Amitabha! Good, good!"

At this time, many monks also came over, all performed a Buddhist ceremony, with a smile on their faces, as if celebrating the new life of the little monk.

The word love!

As long as love is cut off, there will be no more worries in this world.

The understanding of "Buddha" will also become more profound!


At this moment, it was as if the sound of the Great Dao was silent, and the Buddhist chants from the mouths of the monks echoed in the ears of the people of Jiuzhou through the Golden List of Heavenly Dao.

For a moment, everyone was silent!

The little monk actually... gave up so easily? !

All of a sudden, everyone who saw this scene was filled with righteous indignation and felt sorry for Miss Xiu!

Poor Miss Xiu, even at the moment before her death, she was still thinking about the little monk and wanted to be buried in front of Qingshan Temple...

But, since ancient times, there have been heartless people!

I actually met such a heartless little monk who only knew how to chant Buddha and ring the bell? !

How miserable is this!

"Is this a great master? Pah!"

"What about a great master? He can't even protect his beloved, and he only knows how to chant sutras. Is he really a mean person?!"


At this moment, countless insults came from all over Jiuzhou!

After all, although everyone knows that this little monk is very likely the son of the monk who sweeps the floor in Shaolin Temple...

But, so what? !

Would a great master dare to slaughter all of Jiuzhou? !

You know, this is only ranked fifth!

There are at least four masters who are stronger than him? !

What are you afraid of? !

Therefore, the curses from the whole Jiuzhou never stopped!

It even disturbed the Heavenly Dao Golden List, vaguely condensing these "curses" and echoing in everyone's ears!

Then, everyone in Jiuzhou cursed even more vigorously!

In any case, this is an opportunity to curse the great master without worrying about retaliation!

Does the great master want to defeat them across the Heavenly Dao Golden List? !

Of course, there are also some rational voices, thinking that this little monk has not yet set foot on the martial arts, only studied Buddhism, and is completely powerless...

However, such creatures are too rare, and are directly drowned in the endless curses!

Shaolin Temple.

At this moment, a group of old monks, listening to the abuse coming from their ears, looked at the sweeping monk with some fear, fearing that he would suddenly attack!

You know, although this great master cannot defeat others across the Heavenly Dao Golden List!

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