Chapter 51 Perfect Ending! The fourth on the peerless list?

The sweeping monk just disappeared in the light rain...

Unexpected, but reasonable!

However, one cannot help but sigh that the little monk back then and the sweeping monk today are actually no different!

Four Refuges!

Refuge in Buddha, Refuge in Dharma, Refuge in Sangha, Refuge in... Miss Xiu!

The story of the four refuges finally has a perfect ending!



"In the end, I chose this path..."

Looking at the sweeping monk who turned into light rain and disappeared, Ying Zheng's eyes moved slightly, and he sighed softly,

"This world has lost a great master!"

"But there is one more little monk!"

"Not bad!"


For the experience of the sweeping monk, Ying Zheng was also grateful!

Such an ending really made up for the regret in the heart of the little monk.


At this moment, Ying Zheng slightly raised his head and suddenly looked into the void. He saw that the picture was flowing, and it seemed that... it was going to show another scene!

Could it be the fourth on the peerless list?


That's not right!

After just one look, Ying Zheng was stunned, because the picture flowed and actually showed a scene that Ying Zheng was very familiar with!

Qingshan Temple!


In fact, not only Ying Zheng, but countless dynasties in all parts of Kyushu all saw the picture of the golden list of the day!

Then, they were all shocked!

Qingshan Temple!

Looking at the small temple, everyone's eyes trembled, and they vaguely saw a little monk who was knocking on the wooden fish...


And as if responding to everyone's expectations, the picture turned slightly, and a handsome little monk appeared in front of everyone in the small temple!

Looking closely, this little monk had a trace of vicissitudes in his eyes, and was a little surprised.

After a while, he came to his senses, bowed slightly and performed a Buddhist ceremony.


A faint voice came out from the little monk's mouth.

Although he did not do anything else!

But, just from that Buddhist chant, everyone in Jiuzhou knew that he... must be the sweeping monk!

Is it true that he traveled through time? !

If everyone had some doubts about the Heavenly Dao Golden List before!

Then now, this last bit of doubt has completely dissipated!

This Heavenly Dao Golden List is really so powerful!

"Little monk..."

"I'm here to listen to your story again! Little monk."

"Open the door! Little monk..."

Just when everyone was shocked, the picture flowed, and a slightly delicate voice came out, gradually approaching...


The next moment, the door of the temple was pushed open, and a sweet-faced girl walked in cautiously.

It seemed that she was a little out of breath while avoiding the old monk's pursuit.

Her light blue long skirt was a little messy, and the breeze blew over her hair, giving people a sense of tranquility and longevity.

For a moment, the little monk was stunned!

He had seen this scene in his dreams countless times, but... when he woke up, everything was empty!

But now, it seemed... to be true?

"Little monk?"

"Little monk!"

"Little monk?!"


Looking at the dazed little monk, the girl seemed a little angry, pouting and shouting,

"If you don't respond, I'm leaving!"

The girl was a little angry.

She had finally concealed it from her father, and avoided a bunch of old monks in Qingshan Temple to come here, but she saw that the little monk was in a daze and ignored her at all!

Well, it was almost like a piece of wood!

It was really annoying!

"Poor monk, I..."

Looking at the girl who wanted to leave, the little monk was slightly startled, subconsciously took a step forward, but felt a little abrupt, and froze in place again!

At this moment, he didn't look like the sweeping monk in Shaolin Temple who faced everything indifferently.

On the contrary, he looked more like the little monk under Qingshan Temple back then!

Time passed, but it never wiped out his innocent heart.


Looking at the silly look of the little monk, the girl smiled, and the face pretending to be angry could no longer be maintained. She said to the little monk,

"Little monk, let you dawdle and make me angry!"

"I'll punish you! Well, tell me a story?"

The girl was looking forward to it.

After all, this little monk has read the Buddhist scriptures and knows a lot of little stories!

Very interesting!

However, the little monk only knew how to recite his Buddhist scriptures and rarely told her...

This time, the girl felt that the little monk would probably refuse by reciting Buddhist scriptures again!


To the girl's surprise, facing this request, the little monk was slightly startled, then smiled and nodded, and said,

"I will tell you a story about the Four Refuges..."

"Four Refuges?"

Hearing this, the girl was slightly stunned, a hint of doubt flashed across her face, and she subconsciously asked,

"What are the Four Refuges?"

Four Refuges?

How come she has never heard of it!

"Once upon a time, there was an old monk..."

Hearing this, the little monk smiled, looked at the girl's face, and said seriously,

"He was always visited by thieves..."

"Finally, he couldn't stand it anymore!"

"One day, the thief came again, and he said to the thief, please put your hand in through the crack of the door, and I will give you whatever you want."

"The thief was very happy to hear that, so he put his hand in through the crack of the door. Unexpectedly, the old monk grabbed his hand, tied it to the pillar, and then beat him with a stick."

"While beating him, he shouted: Refuge in Buddha! Refuge in Dharma! Refuge in Sangha!"


Speaking of this, the little monk paused slightly, his eyes fell on the girl, took a deep breath, and spoke word by word,

"Refuge...Xiu girl!"

The breeze gently caressed the girl's hair and gently brushed across her slightly red cheeks.

The picture was interrupted!



At this moment, there was silence!

The little monk's love was finally fulfilled!

Although, a great master of a generation disappeared from the land of Jiuzhou!

But, thinking carefully, it is not a bad thing!

After all, no matter which side the Grandmaster leans towards, it is unacceptable to other dynasties!

At this point, the most important thing for the major dynasties is no longer to fight for the Grandmaster level, but to prevent the Grandmaster from being snatched away by their hostile countries!

Otherwise, it will be an unimaginable disaster for their own dynasty!

Even the Supreme Dynasty dare not be careless about this!

Although they have the strength to fear no Grandmaster, how can such an existence that can be called "foundation" be obtained by other Supreme Dynasties? !

Next, is it the fourth on the Peerless List? !

At this moment, the eyes of countless dynasties fell on the Tiandao Golden List!

The sixth and fifth on the Peerless List are all Grandmasters, incredibly strong!

Then, how terrifying will it be to surpass them in the ranking? !

What kind of existence will he be? !

Chapter 52 An existence that has lived for two thousand years! Emperor Shitian

The little monk has finally come to an end!

It is really admirable that a great master of his generation chose to give up everything!

However, this is also a perfect ending!

After all, the boy saw the girl again!


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