During this period, Xu Fu's injuries all improved.

Moreover, the strength has been improved to some extent!

You must know that Xu Fu always adhered to the concept of "eating". He swallowed all the treasures in his belly like jujubes...

These medicinal powers are all deposited in his body and cannot be excreted or digested!

However, after Xu Fu took the elixir of immortality refined from phoenix blood, the terrifying power contained in it actually stimulated the effects of the heavenly materials and earthly treasures that had been dormant in Xu Fu's body!

As a result, Xu Fu's strength has undergone earth-shaking changes now!

In fact, as a first-class strong man, he can even resist the attacks of the Grandmaster!

Not only Xu Fu, but also everyone in Jiuzhou was stunned by this change!

Can it still be like this? !

You know, using drugs to forcibly improve a warrior's cultivation level is an act of drinking poison to quench thirst for almost everyone in Kyushu!

Because the accumulation of drugs will hinder the flow of true energy in the meridians!

It may even completely block the meridians!

Therefore, apart from using some herbs when they first entered the ranks of warriors, the truly powerful creatures in Kyushu never placed their hopes on such natural and earthly treasures!

But now, this Xu Fu has simply subverted Jiuzhou's usual understanding!


In fact, when the elixir of life appeared, he was already a bug-level existence!

Da Qin.

Zhangtai Palace.

"This Xu Fu is really a destined person..."

Looking at Xu Fu, who has almost reached the peak of the first-class in this scene and may break through the Grandmaster at any time, a trace of emotion flashed across Ying Zheng's face and he spoke softly.

I have to say it!

This Xu Fu has reached his current situation with such a poor talent!

It really amazed so many people!

After all, Xu Fu's talent was so poor from the very beginning!

Moreover, this has not changed at all with the passage of time!

So many ginseng, Tianshan snow lotus, and countless rare treasures are enough to compare with the entire heritage of a medium-sized dynasty!

As a result, Xu Fu only became a first-class strong man? !

During this period, I don’t know how many people felt heartbroken for Xu Fu’s “wasteful use of natural resources”!

But Xu Fu went his own way.

So much so that now, he is almost becoming a Grandmaster by taking drugs!

More importantly, he also swallowed phoenix blood and achieved immortality!

This is really a case of comparing people to each other, which is so irritating!

In this way, amid the resentment of everyone in Kyushu, Xu Fu spent seven or eight years on an isolated island.

During this period of time, he also returned to Kyushu to inquire about some information.

And after learning that I was indeed deemed 'dead', I was really relieved.

However, when he learned that the new emperor had sent many alchemists overseas to search for elixirs, Xu Fu knew that this was not the time for him to be born...

After all, facing the supreme dynasty, Xu Fu knew that he was too weak.

Even if you break through the Grandmaster, it is not enough to become the enemy of the Supreme Dynasty!

In this way, Xu Fu purchased some necessities, took a boat, and hurried back to the isolated island.

You know, after a few years, this originally desolate island has been transformed into a paradise by Xu Fu!

Xu Fu even took advantage of the opportunity to go to Kyushu to purchase necessities and collected a lot of books on medical skills, divination, algorithms, etc. When he was bored, he doubled it to pass the time!

In this way, Xu Fu lived alone on this desert island for nearly twenty years.

But now, everyone in Jiuzhou is truly convinced of the existence of the elixir of life!

Because, in the past thirty years, Xu Fu's appearance has hardly changed at all!

Live forever!

Looking at Xu Fu in the picture, almost all the emperors took a deep breath, feeling envious in their hearts...

Moreover, in these decades, Xu Fu finally succeeded in breaking through and entered the realm of Grandmaster!

From touching the threshold of a master, to now truly breaking through...

Xu Fu spent a full thirty years!

It is conceivable that if he had not taken the elixir of life, he would be... already very old. How could there be any possibility of a breakthrough? !

At this moment, everyone had to admit that this immortality was... really enviable!

Not long after Xu Fu made his breakthrough, while purchasing necessities, Xu Fu got some extremely exciting news!

The emperor of the Great Zhou Dynasty passed away!

After learning the news, Xu Fu could hardly help but look up to the sky and scream!

Finally, the shadow buried in his heart completely dissipated!

The Emperor of Zhou Dynasty is finally dead!

He finally no longer has to live anonymously on a desert island!

So, why aren't you excited? !

Chapter 62: The Great Zhou Dynasty perished? ! Xu Fu returns to Kyushu

Xu Fu, once again returned to the desert island!

Although, the death of Emperor Zhou was a great piece of good news for him!

However, facing a behemoth like Da Zhou, Xu Fu felt that he had better stay still for a while!

After all, he is already immortal!

Even if it's a waste of decades, what's the problem? !

The long road to life has just begun!

At this moment, everyone in Jiuzhou was helpless looking at Xu Fu's desperate state!

However, I have to say that this Xu Fu is really enviable!

With a nearly infinite life, he can indeed... survive!

In the blink of an eye, another three years have passed...

During these three years, Xu Fu went out to the island more times than in the previous years combined!

After all, for Xu Fu, the haze that had been weighing on his heart was finally gone!

Although still cautious, but... it is much better than before!

And just when everyone thought that Xu Fu would continue to live in obscurity for decades, waiting until no one in the entire Kyushu knew him before he really left the island.

Another piece of news came, changing Xu Fu's plan!

The Great Zhou Dynasty was destroyed!

After hearing the news, Xu Fu's first reaction was disbelief!

How is this possible? !

The Great Zhou Dynasty was the true supreme dynasty, coveting the existence of the entire Kyushu!

How could it fall apart in just a few years? !

So, in order to find out the truth, Xu Fu thought for a long time and finally decided... to go and see for himself!

Soon, Xu Fu packed some luggage, left the island, and embarked on the road to the Great Zhou Dynasty!

You know, Xu Fu took a huge risk by doing this!

After all, it has only been a few decades now. Although it can be said that things have changed and people have changed, there is no guarantee that his identity will be recognized...

However, the rise and fall of the Zhou Dynasty was too important to him!

It's hard to know the truth just by listening to hearsay from some business travelers...

Therefore, Xu Fu left.

Da Qin.

"The Great Zhou Dynasty seems to have... indeed perished two thousand years ago?"

Ying Zheng's eyes moved slightly, looking at the picture of the Dao Gold List that day, he couldn't help but murmured softly.

Great Zhou Dynasty!

For Kyushu, this is a legendary dynasty!

It implemented a feudal system and occupied almost half of Kyushu...

However, two thousand years ago, it fell apart and turned into countless small dynasties...

The name Dazhou has almost been forgotten!

If it weren't for this scene of the Heaven's Golden List, even Ying Zheng would have forgotten this once supreme dynasty!

"It seems that this is the time period!"

At this time, Gai Nie's eyes also moved and he spoke softly.

"Two thousand years ago..."

Hearing this, Ying Zheng nodded and looked up at the picture of the Dao Golden List that day, with a trace of solemnity on his face.

It seems that the Great Zhou Dynasty has indeed perished!

But, how could such a supreme dynasty die so easily? !

There are always different opinions in Kyushu as to why the Great Zhou Dynasty perished.

Some people say that because of its implementation of the feudal system, it led to rebellion among the princes and led to its demise!

Some people also say that the Great Zhou Dynasty was too ambitious and tried to unify the nine states, which caused a huge disaster!

There are even some more bizarre theories, such as falling meteorites, natural disasters, etc...

However, these claims have not been confirmed!

All I know is that such a supreme dynasty that has stood in Kyushu for countless years fell apart almost in one day!

It leaves people with endless reveries!

And now, will the truth behind the demise of the Great Zhou Dynasty be revealed? !

At this moment, everyone in Kyushu became curious!

Didn't they expect that there would be such an unexpected discovery? !

I saw that on the sky, the pictures were flowing...

Now Xu Fu has entered the realm of a master!

Therefore, after just a few days of running around, he set foot in the Great Zhou Dynasty again!

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