However, who could imagine that a master-level expert would compromise and learn from others in secret? !

In this way, more than ten years passed.

Xu Fu has been practicing in the Shaolin Temple and has secretly learned almost all the secrets of the Shaolin Temple!

On this day, after finishing his daily practice, he finally decided... to leave!

After all, he felt that there was no point in staying here anymore!

It’s better to find another one!

In this way, after Xu Fu faked the scene of his 'fake death', he took off his monk's robe and left directly!

And Xu Fu's 'death' naturally aroused Shaolin's wrath!

However, after multiple investigations yielded no results, we had no choice but to give up!

at the same time.

Just as the entire Shaolin was mourning his 'death', Xu Fu had already changed his image and switched to another sect...

Continue to become a disciple!

Chapter 64 All nine states are numb! This Xu Fu is so shameless


At this time, almost everyone was shocked by Xu Fu's 'coquettish operation'!

I saw that after Xu Fu left Shaolin, he changed his appearance again and joined another famous sect in Kyushu...

You know, after years of hiding, Xu Fu has already learned the art of disguise!

Moreover, no one would have thought that the famous ‘eminent monk’ in Shaolin Temple would change his identity and join another sect!

So, Xu Fu relied on his years of accumulated experience to easily sneak into that sect!

Moreover, after several years of ‘study’, he successfully became the mainstay of the sect!

Even the master of that sect wanted to accept him as his direct disciple and entrust the entire sect to him!

Of course, after learning all the martial arts of this sect, Xu Fu repeated his old tricks and faked death again!


At this moment, the entire land of Kyushu was silent!

Stealing lessons?

In fact, in all the sects in Kyushu, things like stealing do happen!

You know, each sect regards their own martial arts and martial arts as secrets that are not passed down!

Therefore, it is extremely difficult for someone to steal it!

However, it is not impossible!

After all, the martial arts skills of various sects are absolutely astonishing, enough to make an ordinary person become a prodigy, reaching a level that is unimaginable by ordinary people!

However, the benefits are great, but the risks are also great!

If anyone secretly learns martial arts, they will face a steady stream of pursuit from that sect!

I think back then, that young man Zhang Sanfeng was hunted down by a group of Shaolin monks because he had learned the Shaolin Temple's Arhat Boxing.

Finally, out of desperation, he left Shaolin Temple and founded Wudang!

However, seek wealth through risk!

No matter how many difficulties there are, there are still endless cases of secretly learning martial arts in Jiuzhou!

But the problem is, who would have thought that Xu Fu would steal his studies like this? !

Enter a sect and become its direct disciple. You will be personally guided by the sect leader and plan to train him as his successor!

Then, after learning all the martial arts of that sect, he turned around and left!

Moreover, after he left, the entire sect would mourn him for three days and cry bitterly!

This is simply speechless!

Looking at Xu Fu slinking away, the entire Kyushu booed!

Shameless person!

If we say that in the past, there were heroes like Zhu Wuwu who did whatever it took to achieve their goals in the Tiandao Golden List, and there were also great masters like Zhang Sanfeng who were righteous and awe-inspiring...

So now, there is one more shameless person on this Heavenly Dao Golden List!

So shameless!

Who could imagine that a strong master would steal learning in this way? !

Even if Xu Fu is willing, he can borrow the master's cultivation to sneak into the hinterland of various sects to find the real secret book...

But Xu Fu didn’t!

In his opinion, how can he feel as happy as learning from a famous teacher while studying in secret? !

So, after another fake death, Xu Fu went to another sect without stopping!

Likewise, it’s still time to become a disciple!


At this moment, almost everyone was dumbfounded!

Is this Xu Fu too outrageous? !

And there are some immortal sects that have been passed down for thousands of years, their faces are ashen and they are about to explode with anger!

For example, Shaolin!

I saw that in the Shaolin Temple, many monks were still excited about the annotations on the scriptures left by the sweeping monk, but now...all of them are angry!

Two thousand years ago, some people regarded Shaolin Temple as their life's martial arts and secretly learned all the martial arts? !

What’s more, what’s even more annoying is that they may still be paying homage to this ‘eminent monk’ who has passed away!


Completely angry!

"Go! Find this...bastard's spiritual place..."

I saw that the abbot of Shaolin was so angry that he ordered some young monks to go to the mourning hall to find the former spiritual tablets...

Two thousand years!

That bastard has deceived the Shaolin Temple for two thousand years!

How can I bear this? !


In fact, it’s not just Shaolin!

You know, as the pictures of that day's Dao Golden List circulated, the hidden sects, the sects with a long history that had been passed down for thousands of years, were all angry!

Because they found out that after the ancestors they worshipped every day, there was such a thing? !

In an instant, the whole Jiuzhou fell into a frenzy!

In that scene, which sect or school Xu Fu entered would cause a commotion in Jiuzhou, and they would all look for whether they had any connection with that ancient sect...

After all, two thousand years of ups and downs!

Except for the supreme sects like Shaolin, most of the other sects have fallen!

Even split into countless small sects!

However, two thousand years is not a long time, and if you look carefully, you will find some clues!

Moreover, although the moves that Xu Fu secretly learned could not be observed by everyone, the names could be seen!

For a while, as long as Xu Fu learned a move, the sect that specialized in studying this move would wail and go to their respective ancestral halls...


It can be said that because of Xu Fu's "sexy operation", the whole Jiuzhou was boiling!

This point, after many sects found out that there was indeed a guy who looked like Xu Fu in their own mourning hall, attracted a lot of abuse!

This guy, it’s fine if he just learned by stealing!

He also licked someone else’s ancestor for two thousand years? !



Zhangtai Palace.

Looking at Xu Fu’s series of operations, Ying Zheng’s face also showed a trace of astonishment, which was really speechless!

"This Xu Fu..."

Suddenly, he sighed and didn’t know what to say!

A generation of masters, mixed to this point, really makes people feel... There is a strong sense of disobedience!

But no matter what, this method of Xu Fu really works!

It can be seen that after stealing from several sects in succession, Xu Fu has already cultivated the strength of a master to the point of perfection!

Not only is he not afraid of facing masters of the same level, but he can even use many moves to fight with some stronger people!

This naturally makes Xu Fu extremely excited!

Then, he stole and learned even more vigorously!

Just like that, hundreds of years passed...

Xu Fu stole and learned everywhere, making the whole Jiuzhou numb!

Previously, if Xu Fu went to a sect, some people would still joke and mock each other!

But now, no one wants to say anything!

Because, they were surprised to find that at that time, almost everyone's sect in Jiuzhou, no matter how big or small, had been stole by Xu Fu!

Even Xu Fu was the leader of a sect!

How could the people of Jiuzhou scold this?


Isn't this just slapping himself in the face? !


Chapter 65 Learn all over Jiuzhou! Xu Fu decided to create his own martial arts?


Really numb!

At this moment, all the major sects in Jiuzhou were silent!

This Xu Fu, stealing and learning is too outrageous? !

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