Holy altar!

In their Immortal Changchun Valley, there is a holy altar. Every morning, the people in the village will pray collectively.

Then, they began to work from sunrise to sunset!

But for some reason, their life span is much longer than that of people in the outside world!

However, there is also a disadvantage, that is, once they leave the Immortal Changchun Valley, they will age rapidly.

They may even die on the spot!

This magical scene not only aroused the interest of Jiuzhou, but also Xiaoyaozi was extremely curious!

Moreover, it seems that the Immortal Changchun Valley has a natural barrier. Xiaoyaozi is the first outsider to enter it in hundreds of years!

Therefore, no matter which family it is, they warmly entertained Xiaoyaozi and asked him about the situation in the outside world!

In this way, Xiaoyaozi stayed in this village.

Time passed bit by bit.

In the blink of an eye, more than a month passed.

During this period of time, Xiaoyaozi has been meditating in front of the altar, day and night...

For a grandmaster, staying up all night, not eating or drinking for a month is not a problem, but it is unbearable...

However, Xiaoyaozi sat cross-legged in front of the altar, not only did he not feel uncomfortable, but he became more energetic!

"There must be something inside this altar?!"

Suddenly, such a thought flashed through Xiaoyaozi's mind.

However, he is a cultivator and rarely does things that harm others and benefit himself!

Moreover, the villagers here take great care of him. Xiaoyaozi did not choose to open the altar to find out, but planned to continue to meditate...

But this time, he did not sit for more than a month.

Instead, he worked from sunrise to sunset like the villagers.

He even built a small hut in the corner of the village and lived there!

As time passed, Xiaoyaozi completely integrated into the village, occasionally helping to plough the fields and thresh rice...

Sometimes, he would go into the depths of the valley alone to hunt some prey and improve the food for the villagers.

And because Xiaoyaozi knew some things about the outside world, he became the person that the children in the village were most willing to approach.

Over time, he had some prestige in the entire village.



Looking at Xiaoyaozi's appearance, everyone's face showed a trace of disbelief!

Who could have imagined that a great master of a generation would actually farm here like ordinary people? !

Moreover, not long ago, Xiaoyaozi was still a person that made countless alien races terrified!

All these changes were too fast, and it was really hard for people to react!


Is he going to live in seclusion?

Looking at the picture above the void, many people in Jiuzhou had such a thought in their minds.

After all, everyone can see the strength of Xiaoyaozi!

Even if there was something in the holy altar, he would not live here directly!

Perhaps, he was tired of fighting and wanted to live in seclusion in the valley? !

However, some people looked at some of Xiaoyaozi's actions, and a trace of contemplation appeared on their faces.



Zhangtai Palace.

"Hide in the mortal world..."

Looking at the picture above the void, Gai Nie's face showed a trace of contemplation, and he whispered softly.

Become a mortal in the mortal world!

At this moment, such a thought flashed through his mind.

Because, since Xiaoyaozi entered the Immortal Changchun Valley, he has never used the cultivation of a grandmaster.

Even when he went out hunting, he just used some traps like ordinary hunters.

Then, relying on his strong physique, he captured and killed the prey!

He never used any true energy at all!

You know, how terrifying a grandmaster is!

If he went all out, no life outside the valley would survive!

Moreover, Xiaoyaozi no longer practiced fasting, but borrowed some seeds from his neighbors, reclaimed a few acres of land, and planted them...

Because Xiaoyaozi had helped the villagers to farm before, he also had some experience!

Now he was doing it himself, and he was familiar with it!

Looking at Xiaoyaozi like this, Gai Nie's mind surged, as if he saw a broader road...

He even couldn't help but resign to Ying Zheng and return to the fields!

However, this conflict was only a moment, and Gai Nie soon calmed down!

His realm was not enough...

This Xiaoyaozi was at the level of a great master, and because of constant killing, he was stained with countless evil spirits...

Now that he has become a mortal, he can eliminate the evil spirits and calm his mind, and naturally he can go further!

And he only has one sword...

If he lives in the mortal world and his sword heart is covered with dust, he may never be able to swing the sword again in this life!

Thinking of this, Gai Nie decisively gave up this idea!

He almost made a mistake? !

"Perhaps, when I have mastered the sword, I will be able to understand Xiaoyaozi's state of mind!"

Looking at Xiaoyaozi who rolled up his sleeves and sowed seeds in the field, Gai Nie couldn't help but show a trace of emotion on his face, and whispered softly.

Just when Gai Nie was lost in thought, the picture of the Heavenly Dao Golden List passed away again...

In the blink of an eye, Xiaoyaozi has been in this Immortal Changchun Valley for more than a year!

During this year, he almost forgot his Grandmaster's cultivation.

Every day when he opened his eyes, he began a busy day, and only when the sun set did he drag his tired body back...

Of course, this was also the most relaxed period for Xiaoyaozi after the death of the old Taoist priest!

And at this time, something strange happened...

Who in the world doesn't want to live forever? !

Therefore, although this Immortal Changchun Valley has been secluded for a long time, it will eventually attract prying eyes!

On this day, several first-class masters and two elderly masters broke into this village.

Their purpose is very simple...

Find out the secret of the eternal youth of everyone in this Immortal Changchun Valley!

Especially these two masters, who are already in their twilight years and need to prolong their lives more urgently!

The battle is about to start!


Chapter 103 The divine book went with Xiaoyao, and only the Changchun Spring remained in this valley

Immortal Changchun Valley.

Although everyone in it is long-lived, very few people set foot in the martial arts.

Therefore, when the master came, it was a complete crushing!

No one had the power to resist!

And at this time, Xiaoyaozi took action!

Just a fallen leaf, gently waved, turned into a stream of light...

Two great masters, and countless masters.

Killed instantly!



Seeing this scene, countless people in Jiuzhou couldn't help but take a breath of cold air, and their hearts were shocked!

In just one year, Xiaoyaozi's strength has improved again? !

You know, Xiaoyaozi, although a great master, has always used the mysterious methods in the Taoist Canon to fight against the enemy!

Although powerful, his means are still a little weak!

But now, just picking leaves to hurt people is already the pinnacle!

I'm afraid that Xu Fu, who has practiced for two thousand years, is not the opponent of Xiaoyaozi in his twenties? !

Unable to help, everyone suddenly thought of Xu Fu, who was aliased as Emperor Shitian...

You know, although Emperor Shitian's four tribulations of the holy heart are extremely terrifying, they are far from the state of returning to the original nature like Xiaoyaozi!

Not to mention other things, just the state of mind is inferior!

For those who practice Taoism, their state of mind sometimes represents... strength!

What did Xiaoyaozi... experience in this year? !

Thinking of this, such a thought emerged in the minds of countless people in Jiuzhou.

The shock in their hearts is even more indescribable...


After killing the Grandmaster, the whole village returned to peace again.

Still as before, working from sunrise to sunset.

However, Xiaoyaozi could feel that the whole village had a kind of... awe and alienation towards him!

Although he picked leaves and hurt people, no one else saw it.

But the whole village knew everything about him, and he was the only outsider.

Moreover, the people in this village just avoided the world, but they were not stupid!

A simple guess, the answer is obvious!

Moreover, the people in this village are very simple, and the appearance of the corpse falling to the ground and the blood flowing gave them too much shock!

Therefore, although the villagers wanted to treat Xiaoyaozi as usual, they couldn't do it.

The naughty children who used to pester Xiaoyaozi to tell stories every day have also disappeared.

Blend in the dust!

There will be a moment when the sharp edge is revealed!

When Xiaoyaozi's sharp edge is revealed, some ordinary villagers will naturally find it hard to bear.

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