Mercy Xing, Li Hanyi, and Murong Fu analyzed similar to Xia Xueyi, in fact, most people would choose the last option.

After all, the first two options are too extreme and the probability is very low.

Although there is a certain possibility of taking Yin Susu off from the three options, considering that their children Zhang Wuji is almost ten years old, even for the sake of the child, Zhang Cuishan is unlikely to choose to take Yin Susu off and break off with her from then on.

Sum up.

The four options are the most likely to happen.

“Brother Xiaoyao, why did you choose the second option?”

After answering the question, Mercy Xing knew Ren Xiaoyao’s choice through the barrage discussion in the live broadcast room, and looked at Ren Xiaoyao very curiously.

She won’t answer this question wrong, right?

She has now lost an arm.

If I come again….

No way!

“I can see at a glance that Zhang Cuishan’s heart is not good, typical of cowardice and incompetence, both unresponsible and a little heavy, especially for people in the division.”

Ren Xiaoyao casually found a reason and said unhurriedly:

“So Zhang Cuishan is destined to be unable to kill Yin Susu.”

“And Yin Susu and Yu Daiyan cannot coexist, and there must be someone to leave.”

“Yu Daiyan is definitely impossible to leave, then the only option is Yin Susu.”

“If there were no major factions to be aggressive, Zhang Cuishan would have a great probability of choosing to take Yin Susu off.”

“But the major factions have always been aggressive, although with Zhang Zhenren sitting in the town, Zhang Cuishan will not have personal safety problems, but Zhang Cuishan does not want to involve the Wudang faction.

“Originally learned about Yu Daiyan, Zhang Cuishan was already guilty in his heart, he didn’t know how to face the division, and now he has to burden the division, and he is a hundred unwilling in his heart.”

“And he knows very well in his heart that as long as he does not die, those who want to know Xie Xun’s whereabouts will not stop harassing him, and Wu will never have peace from now on.”

“And his suicide can not only solve the unfavorable situation of persecution by various factions, but more importantly, he can have an explanation for Yu Daiyan, and he will no longer have to live in torment all day, and he doesn’t know how to face Yin Susu and Yu Daiyan.”

“It’s just that he chose to die but it was painful, leaving Yin Susu and Zhang Wuji orphaned and widowed, the helpless picture can be imagined!”

Ren Xiaoyao shook his head, his heart full of sighs.

On Ice and Fire Island at this time, Yin Susu looked at Ren Xiaoyao, who was as rich as jade in the light curtain, listening to his evaluation of Zhang Cuishan, and his mind turned:

“Fifth brother, what will he choose? Is it really like Ren Xiaoyao said, will he really cowardly choose to abandon me and Wuji and die? ”

“He’s definitely talking nonsense! How could my dad have committed suicide? Zhang Wuji looked angry, and his tone was very excited.

At this time, on Wudang Mountain, Song Yuanqiao and other Wudang Seven Heroes were also dissatisfied with Ren Xiaoyao, and slandered Zhang Cuishan in various connotations in the live broadcast room.

At this time, the voice of Mo De’s emotion in the live broadcast room sounded.

[Deadline for answering questions].

[Correct answer for this round: choose two].


With the announcement of the answer, the originally stopped picture continued to play, and I saw that Zhang Cuishan’s mentality, who knew the truth in the light curtain, completely collapsed.

He ran Tiyun to Zhang Sanfeng, asked Zhang Sanfeng to help him rescue his child, and then pretended to be a wave of useless persecution against various factions, and finally killed himself.

The screen also stops here.

“The correct answer is really two!”

Mercy Xing and Li Hanyi listened to Ren Xiaoyao’s analysis, and although they were already prepared in their hearts, they still felt a little unbelievable the moment they really saw the answer.

They got it wrong again!!

“What’s special, Zhang Cuishan, this instigation, really chose to commit suicide? What a big disappointment! ”

“It’s so infuriating!”

Murong Fu cursed and completely froze.

“I didn’t expect Zhang Cuishan to be such a waste, it’s really disappointing, Zhang Sanfeng’s disciple is of this character.”

Xia Xueyi was also very angry.

He has now become a eunuch, and he originally wanted to muster up enough energy to get a reward for answering correctly and restore himself to being a real man.

Unexpectedly, reality gave him a hard slap.

Zhang Sanfeng is a martial arts myth recognized by the rivers and lakes, and a peerless powerhouse who has reached the realm of heaven and man.

With him behind him, what is Zhang Cuishan afraid of?

Do you need suicide?

Did he feel that he was worthy of Yu Daiyan when he died?

Is it worthy of Zhang Sanfeng who cultivated himself?

Can you be worthy of your wife and children?

“My previous analysis was still narrow-minded, but since Ren Xiaoyao can analyze it correctly, I can do it next time!”

Although Xia Xueyi was lost, her heart was still full of energy.

According to previous punishment experience, the probability of erasing punishment is still very, very small.

As long as it is not erased.

He still has a chance to be rewarded.

“Why is this kid in Cuishan, so stupid!”

At this moment, on Wudang Mountain, Zhang Sanfeng saw the picture of Zhang Cuishan’s suicide, and it was heartbroken.

Yu Daiyan also struggled down from the wheelchair, full of regret and self-blame:

“Blame me, blame me, if it weren’t for me, the fifth brother wouldn’t have committed suicide.”

“I’m a useless waste, what am I still living in this world? My life will only destroy the relationship between the husband and wife of the fifth brother. ”

“Dai Yan don’t talk nonsense, you must not be cranky!”

Zhang Sanfeng reprimanded and comforted Yu Daiyan again, and then looked up at the live broadcast room.

[Blood Dao Ancestor: I rely on! ] Unexpectedly, Ren Xiaoyao’s little white face was really analyzed correctly, and Zhang Cuishan’s nest waste actually committed suicide! 】

[Mu Wanqing: You found no, Brother Xiaoyao is not only handsome, but also has always answered all the questions correctly, which is really powerful! ] 】

[Yu Daiyan @ Zhang Cuishan: Fifth brother, don’t do stupid things, if you really die, I won’t be able to get through this hurdle in my life! ] 】

[Zhang Sanfeng @ Zhang Cuishan: Cuishan, you don’t have so many concerns, and don’t blame Susu, Daiyan can’t blame Susu for this. ] 】

[Everyone is a person in the rivers and lakes, when they fought for the dragon slaying knife, they were their own masters, Dai Yan’s trick could not be blamed on Susu’s head, and Su Su did not have a harmful heart at that time, and also entrusted the Dart Bureau to send Dai Yan back to Wudang, the accident on the road is definitely not what Su Su can think of, the real blame is the culprit who hurt Dai Yan with the power of King Kong. ] 】

[Besides, there are countless capable people and countless genius earth treasures in the comprehensive martial arts continent, and Wei Shi has heard that some martial arts can even bring back the dead, and there are genius earth treasures that can recover any injuries and reach the level of life and death human flesh and bones. ] 】

[If you really feel guilty in your heart, you should work with Susu to cure Daiyan, instead of choosing to die like a shrunken turtle and escape your responsibility! ] 】

[Zhang Cuishan @ Zhang Sanfeng: Master, the disciple has disgraced your old man, Cuishan must remember the teachings from now on, and use all his strength to cure the third senior brother in the days to come! ] 】


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