Li Hanyi smiled like a flower, today’s live broadcast so far, she finally answered correctly once, which is really happy.

[In this round of answers, Mercy Xing, Li Hanyi, and Ren Xiaoyao answered correctly. ] 】

Please select a reward drawing method

Mercy Xing and Li Hanyi thought about it, and finally chose to draw it alone.

[Start drawing rewards.] 】


[Mercy Star draws the rewards as follows.] 】

[Boost six-year lifespan.] 】

[Li Hanyi’s draw rewards are as follows.] 】

[Improve your power for fifteen years! ] 】

[The rewards drawn by Ren Xiaoyao are as follows.] 】

[Xinglin Holy Hand: After having it, you are the most powerful person in this world, as long as you are not completely dead, you have a way to rejuvenate and bring people back to life. ] 】



The three light masses submerged into the bodies of Mercy Xing, Li Hanyi and Ren Xiaoyao, and Mercy Xing and Li Hanyi couldn’t help but let out two seductive moans.

After all, whether it is the improvement of Shouyuan or the skyrocketing of skill, all this is refreshing and intoxicating.

“The six-year life yuan I lost before has been made up, and the fly in the ointment is that this time is not a reward for recovering the arm!”

Mercy Xing was overjoyed, but he was slightly regretful.

Shouyuan is also good though.

But she doesn’t want to be a one-armed beauty all the time.

Li Hanyi was also happy, all her skills came back at once, and now it depends on whether she can make up for the lost ten-year life yuan.

As for the problem of hair….

Of course, it is best to recover immediately, even if it can’t, it doesn’t matter, after a while you can grow on your own.

“Xinglin Holy Hand!”

Feeling the vast medical knowledge in his mind, Ren Xiaoyao took a while to absorb it, and he couldn’t help but be a little shocked in his heart.

The Xinglin Holy Hand is indeed powerful and terrifying.

He can now be said to be the most awesome divine doctor in the world.

“Congratulations to Ren Gongzi for becoming one of the top divine doctors in the world!”

Li Hanyi smiled, and the great healer was very popular.

After all, who can guarantee that they will never get hurt and will not get sick.

If you befriend such a divine doctor, at a critical moment, you are likely to be able to save your life.

“Brother Xiaoyao, how powerful is this Xinglin Holy Hand? Can it really come back to life? ”

Mercy Star leaned over and asked with curiosity.

“It shouldn’t be difficult to let Miss Li’s hair grow tomorrow.”

Ren Xiaoyao pointed to Li Hanyi’s bald head and said.

Li Hanyi: “You…”

“Ren Gongzi, can you really help me grow my hair?”

Although Li Hanyi was a little embarrassed that Ren Xiaoyao said something about her sadness, she was even happier that her hair could grow out quickly.

She is not a nun, but she does not like to have a bald head.

“If your hair can’t be recovered in a short time, then I will give you some medicine so that your hair can grow back quickly!”

“Thank you Ren Gongzi!”

Li Hanyi was overjoyed, and his mood was instantly beautiful.

Xia Xueyi on the side was a little moved, but he had a similar relationship with Ren Xiaoyao, and in the end he couldn’t open his mouth.

[Hu Qingniu: Obtaining the Xinglin Holy Hand at once is really infuriating, making people envious and jealous!! 】

[Ping Yizhi: This is too unfair to us, I think the old man has studied hard all his life, but it is better to answer a question correctly than Ren Xiaoyaoer… How unfair…].

[Saihuatuo: After all, it is not a down-to-earth step by step research, who knows how many percent of the medical skills can be brought into play, it is very likely that it will not be useful! ] 】

[Xue Muhua: It’s just a yellow-mouthed child who has gone to luck, you still can’t be ambitious, you have to be down-to-earth! ] 】

[Zhao Min: You old men are jealous of the talent of brother Xiaoyao, jealous of brother Xiaoyao’s appearance! ] 】

[Huang Rong: They are completely envious and jealous! ] His own skills are limited, and he is afraid of being surpassed by his brother Xiaoyao! 】


The Xinglin Holy Hand was like a bombshell, blowing up all the major divine doctors hidden in the live broadcast room.

You must know that studying medicine is a long and boring thing, and even talented people need to go through a lot of hardships if they want to grow into a divine doctor.

Now that Ren Xiaoyao has obtained the empowerment of the Xinglin Holy Hand in the live broadcast room, the blink of an eye has surpassed the decades of hard work of countless people, how can people be balanced.

Ren Xiaoyao didn’t pay attention to it at all, just as the so-called not being envied is mediocre.

He likes the way others are envious and jealous, but helpless to him.

[This round ends, the live broadcast will continue now.] 】

[Please watch carefully and prepare to start answering questions.] 】

The picture that originally stopped moved, and the strong people of various factions of Extermination Master Tai and others saw that Zhang Cuishan and his wife were dead, and Zhang Sanfeng was furious and left one after another to go down the mountain.

But said that after Zhang Wuji and Zhang Sanfeng recognized each other, they suddenly fainted.

After Zhang Sanfeng’s examination, he found that Zhang Wuji did not know when he had hit the Xuanlu Divine Palm of the Second Elder Xuanxi.

Even with Zhang Sanfeng’s century-old skill, he could only suppress it, but there was no way to cure it.

If he couldn’t get rid of the cold poison, Zhang Wuji would suffer from it day and night.

The only way Zhang Sanfeng could think of was to overcome yin with yang, and even the nine yang true qi of the yang to dissolve the cold poison of the Xuanxian Divine Palm.

However, Zhang Sanfeng only obtained a small part of the Nine Yang True Sutra back then, and turned it into today’s Wudang Nine Yang Gong.

In addition, Shaolin and Emei also got a part of it.

So Zhang Sanfeng decided to take Zhang Wuji to Emei Shaolin, but unfortunately, whether it was Emei extinction or Shaolin Kongwen, they refused to exchange some of their own Jiuyang True Sutra for Zhang Sanfeng’s martial arts.

[Ren Yingying: Isn’t what Shaolin monks hang on their lips all day is to save people’s lives and create a seventh-level floating slaughter? Zhang Zhenren used his martial arts to exchange Shaolin Jiuyang Gong for life, and he heard that this old bald donkey was closed and disappeared, it was really hypocritical, one in front of him, one behind his back! 】

[King Jinlun: Long heard that Shaolin is the Central Plains martial arts Taishan Beidou, now it seems that it is indeed a vain name, let’s not talk about martial arts, but this style of seeing death is really difficult to say! ] 】

[Zhao Min: Looking at their performance on Wudang Mountain, it is already very clear, full of hypocrisy and greed, and it can already be expected not to save Zhang Wuji. 】

[Daisy: These bald donkeys talk about compassion all day long, in fact, they are extremely hypocritical in private, and they are ruthless, but the dark routine of putting down the butcher knife and becoming a Buddha is very slippery, and I don’t know how many evil people put down the butcher knife and become a monk, and they become a righteous monk, which is really eye-opening! ] 】

[Xiao Zhao: It seems that Shaolin is a veritable place to hide dirt and dirt, the last retreat for bad guys! ] 】


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