Chapter 0113: Either Take Jiang Ni Back, or Die at the Sword God’s Hand!!

Jiang Ni’s answer fell in the ears of others.

It is the most simple confession in this world, which makes the corners of the mouth raise slightly.

But in the ears of Cao Changqing, who was thinking about restoring the country, it was like a thunderbolt on a sunny day.

Let this madness that even the Emperor of Lianyang not let in his eyes.

I only felt that what dripped from my eyes was not some hot tears.

It’s cold to the bone.

“Princess, don’t you miss the former Xichu.”

“That romantic country where poetry is everywhere and everyone laughs?”

The tears in Cao Changqing’s eyes seemed to have dried.

Shedding stool again is blood and tears.

He still refuses to give up this rare opportunity.

Still want to impress this is the person in line with Xichu through words.

“Uncle Qizhao…”

Jiang Ni couldn’t bear it, and couldn’t help but silently call out Cao Changqing’s name when he was once in the palace by the emperor.

The chess art is the most world-beating.

Cao Changqing’s body suddenly trembled when he heard this name.

The cute child girl who was only three or four years old quickly reflected in his mind.

The two held hands and strolled through the back garden of the palace full of lotus ponds.

and a gorgeous woman who is almost exactly the same as a cute little girl.

Empress of Western Chu.

The dead heart in Cao Changqing’s heart began to beat violently.

The more you jump, the deeper it gets.


There seemed to be a sound of something breaking in his body. A faint golden halo overflowed from all around him.

And began to slowly form lines of gilded letters.

A bold book business poured out.

Everyone only felt that their hearts at this time were as deep as this kneeling and worshiping.

They actually resonated with Cao Changqing’s heart at this time.

Felt the sadness in Cao Changqing’s heart at this time.

Including Lin Yu.

“Lin Jianshen.”

“Can you see the Xichu in my mind?”

“Is it a beautiful and gorgeous national capital?”

“War has trampled on such a fairyland-like city.”

“I know, this is not to blame Beiliang, nor to blame the King of Beiliang.”

“This is the trend of the times, and it is the mistake of the king’s decision.”

“But it wasn’t her fault!”

Cao Changqing whispered softly, his eyes gradually became resolute, and slowly looked up at Lin Yu, who was protecting Jiang Ni.

As his speech intensified.

The Confucian momentum around him became more and more condensed.

The majesty became more and more solid.

So much so that the martial arts below the second rank.

The last second was still deposited in the depth of Cao Changqing’s state of mind at this time.

In the next second, he was refluxed by that condensed momentum, and the blood and qi of the town flowed backwards.

The mouth and nose bleed, and one by one they withered.

They all looked at the domineering Cao Changqing who gradually became domineering in horror.

“The world praised her as a spring and autumn color armor, peerless fanghua.”

“But some people slandered her, and the destruction of the Chu Kingdom began with her.”

“Reputation, insult, all carried by her.”

“The world only imposes names.”

“But how do they know how heavy this name is.”

Cao Changqing continued to say in a deep voice, and his figure slowly stood up.

The deeper he spoke, the more terrifying the aura around his body became.

“The world also says that I am Cao Changqing, and I have good chess skills, but I can fight against the sky by force in the world, and wander away from the Yang Imperial Palace like mountains and countryside.”

“But no matter how strong I am.”

“If the Chu Kingdom is gone, it will not be able to prove it for her.”

“So, what reason does my Cao Changqing have to live?”

Speaking at the end.

Cao Changqing had already straightened up and looked at Lin Yu levelly.

The brilliant rhyme that poured out of the nest set off Cao Changqing like a saint.

And the truth is.

He is indeed sanctified.

Accumulate the Confucian Avenue in loneliness, and become a Confucian saint after the hope is dashed.

“Today, Cao Changqing will either take Princess Jiang Yi of Western Chu to leave.”

“Or, ask Lin Jianshen to die!”

Cao Changqing’s last sentence fell.

In a word, the heavens and the earth change.

A Confucian saint’s will to die.

Directly shake the sky, rolling dark clouds pouring in.

Quickly cover the sky.

The muffled thunder continued, and it seemed that heaven and earth felt sad and angry because of Cao Changqing’s state of mind, and the thunder exploded into the sky.

Everyone present felt that their hearts were surging.

They couldn’t help but flee quickly.

Nangong Servant also wanted to fight against Lin Yu together.

But he was pulled away from the place by Lao Huang Lian. She is a martial artist who has just ascended to the Donkey Kong Sutra.

Participate in this battle between Confucianism and Confucianism.

I’m afraid it will disappear in a moment.

Lin Yu was opposite Cao Changqing, always squinting his eyes slightly.

Opposite Cao Changqing’s inner monologue.

He was indifferent.

Even the essence in his eyes gathered, as if he was thinking about something.

In fact, the two of them don’t have to fight.

He wanted Jiang Ni to go back and become the emperor of Chu.

He didn’t have any opinions.

Because no matter what Jiang Ni’s future identity is.

She has been Lin Yu’s little daughter-in-law since she was a child.

Even if she becomes the emperor, she will be the emperor’s man.

And together with the State of Chu, it can also destroy the Yang.

Why not?

It’s just that it can’t be done so obviously.

It seemed that he had given up Jiang Ni.

In addition to being shamed by the world, it will also chill Jiang Ni’s heart.

Come to think of it.

Lin Yu couldn’t help but sigh slightly.

It seems that this one, he still has to continue to fight…

Only by beating Cao Changqing’s heart like ashes, the other party can listen to himself well.

It is possible to plan things later.

Think so.

Lin Yu’s eyes gradually became cold.

It’s better to really do the fake play, or let this Cao Changqing submit.

You need to show real strength.

Lin Yu first rubbed Jiang Ni’s hair.

“Go and wait for me first, right away.”

Surrounded by real qi, Lin Yu slowly held up Jiang Ni with one hand.

In the worried gaze of the other party, he sent it to Lao Huang and Nangong Servant’s side.

“Miss Jiang, it’s okay.”

“Gongzi is invincible, Cao Changqing he can’t help Gongzi.”

“I even have to beat Gongzi Fat.”

Lao Huang comforted the restless Jiang Yatou.

Jiang Ni nodded his head slightly.

After sending Jiang Ni away.

Lin Yu was full of momentum.

Compared to Cao Changqing, it is even more magnificent and terrifying, and the original dark clouds cover the heavenly dome.

Change again!

In the thick dark clouds, a faint glow shone in.

The thunder kept roaring.


Such a strange scenery really looks at everyone.

Cao Changqing felt the qi machine that seemed to be so majestic that it was powerless.

There was not the slightest change in his heart.

As he said before.

If he couldn’t take Jiang Ni away, it wouldn’t hurt that he would die in Lin Yu’s hands.

“Although I know it’s a little unfair.”

“But add me anyway.”

“Cao Changqing alone, not Lin Jianshen’s opponent.”

Just when this saber rattling is raging, the wind and rain are about to fall.

A chuckle came from the sky.

One hundred gray and white robes, the handsome Deng Tai’a came slowly.

Stood on the united front with Cao Changqing…

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