Chapter 0148 – The Great War Will Begin, Black Pro!!


Lin Yu changed into a brand new white robe and slowly walked out of the courtyard gate.

Around the waist hangs a sachet hand-sewn by the fish children.

Dressed in red, the heroic Xu Zhiyu had already mounted a war horse.

Behind him was the six hundred morale of the Jianlin Army.

Nangong Servant held two sword boxes in his arms and followed behind Lin Yu.

This was what Lin Yu had specifically found someone to do with the Xuanyuan Sword and the Chest Sword.

Swords may be unsheathed, but they need to have a cassette.

Only then can we better cultivate the sword intent in the sword.

Lin Yu let Lao Huang and the others stay in Zhizhang City.

He and Nangong Servant were ready to go to solve the final break.

Xu Zhiyu led six hundred pawns to open a way for Lin Yu and kill all the Lianyang troops who stood in the way.

The 150,000 Northern Liang army from the Yang border.

Lin Yu’s order has been received.

The army is up.

Eliminate all the forces that leave the sun along the way. Completely remove the foundation of the Yang.

until advancing to the outside of the Lianyang Imperial Palace.

The war is officially on!


Wudi City.

Wang Xianzhi changed into a gray power suit today.

Majestic and domineering.

“You wait to stay in the city.”

“Wait for the return of the teacher.”

Wang Xianzhi looked at the three apprentices behind him.

Explain in detail.

Lin Yu is going to eradicate the Lianyang royal family.

This is something that Wang Immortal is very interested in.

Most importantly, he wanted to see if Lin Yu could do what he had not done to break that man’s defense 917.

It is also to witness the end or rebirth of a dynasty.

Yu Sina and the three nodded in unison.

Wang Xianzhi’s robe stirred, stepped on the void, and flew towards the distance.

Outside the Yang Imperial City.

It has long been heavily guarded.

The water in the three outer layers of the huge palace cannot be drained.

On the street, there are no people for a long time.

Families close their doors.

All inns and restaurants are closed.

There were even people in the city who hid in the wilderness outside the city. And not far from the Imperial City, on a towering ancient tree.

Cao Changqing, who was in an old state of dragon bell, stood with his beard, his eyes burning.

Standing next to him was Deng Tai’a holding a peach blossom.

“Twenty… Thirty…”

“Is this an all-army sorty?”

There were four or five hundred thousand forbidden troops outside the imperial city.

Deng Tai’a couldn’t help but sigh.

Such an army of numbers.

Even if it was him, he did not dare to provoke.

Manpower is sometimes poor.

Even if he is a sword fairy.

“It’s just a castle in the air.”

“Stay until Lin Yu arrives.”

“Gu Jiantang will be completely reversed.”

“Of these more than 400,000 troops, only half will become enemies.”

Cao Changqing said lightly.

He and Gu Jiantang have been planning an anti-departure strategy for twenty years.

Today it is finally possible.

It’s just that……

What worried Cao Changqing the most was the guy in the palace.

The culprit who lifted the entire palace into the sky a few days ago.

The young eunuch who looked harmless to humans and animals, but several times hindered him from taking Zhao Chun’s dog’s head.

It is also until the other party shows its true strength.

Cao Changqing knew why Gu Haitang had already mastered the overwhelming military power of Lianyang.

But the reason why he did not dare to reverse.

In front of that person, the number of people is just a useless string of numbers.

“The poor monk borrows the treasure land and uses it.”

“I don’t know what the two of you think?”

Right now.

Behind Cao Changqing and the two, an elegant and magnetic voice slowly sounded, “Self-convenience.” ”

Deng Tai’a didn’t even look back, and said directly.

The person who came was dressed in white, and he was still bald.

But that face is a rare handsomeness in this world.

The white-clothed monk from the two Zen Temples was called Li Zhong, the leader of the King Kong Realm, who was called by Wang Xianzhi.

“How could Li Shengmonk have the heart to come to see such a bloody scene?”

“Could it be that the holy monk will also help quell the war at that time?”

Cao Changqing had dealt with this Li Danxin several times.

The other party is an extremely strong person who has reached the peak of the Vajra Realm cultivation.

If you want to step into the Earth Immortal, it is only a matter of a kick.

But the other party is concerned about red dust and is unwilling to abandon his wife and daughter in order to ascend to the Tao.

Therefore, there is a delay in becoming a living Buddha.

And Cao Changqing had fought with the other party.

The other party was the same as the young eunuch in the palace.

Only willing to defend, not willing to attack.

And at the beginning, Cao Changqing never broke Li Danxin’s Dharma golden body.

It can be said that Li Danxin is in addition to his master, the Nagarjuna monk.

The second person in the Buddhist family.

“Effect begins with cause.”

“There are so many disputes that even poor monks can’t stop it.”

“What’s more, this battle is not something that poor monks can participate in at all.”

“Just come and be a witness.”

“Witness the end of an era.”

“Or a turn of the times.”

Li Danxin claims that there is no Zen in this world.

He sees things much more clearly than the average compassionate monk.

There are some things that can’t be done.

He didn’t.

Compared with all kinds of things in the world, it is not comparable to his own acre and three points of land.

It is important for one’s own wife and daughter to come.

When Cao Changqing heard this, he chuckled and said no more.

Just when the three of them waited for the big battle to come.

Lin Yu had already sailed away from Zhizhang City.

At the same time that Lin Yu left the town, a black suit quietly followed.

The unhurried Jia Jiajia and Xuanyuan Qingfeng had just arrived in Lin Yu’s city, not long after the two of them entered the city.

A panting figure, rather embarrassed figure followed.

The bad horse that Wen Hua bought at a low price had already run away halfway.

Twenty miles later.

He came running over alone.

But he was still one step late after all…

Lin Yu and Nangong Servant shot away from the town and walked into the countryside and forests.

Slowly stopped.

“There are no people in this place.”

“It couldn’t be more appropriate to fight.”

Lin Yu said inexplicably.

After Nangong Servant and Lin Yu’s relationship became very close.

I have already had a spiritual relationship with each other.

She immediately realized that someone had already targeted them.

One hand slowly strokes the hilt of the knife at his waist.

The eyes are fierce.

“Indeed, you are quite good at picking places.”

A figure in black quietly appeared from the forest.

It’s just the moment the other person appears.

The slightest trace of anger leaking out of his body suddenly wasted several meters within the three sheets of his body.

Nangong Servant’s eyes were suddenly startled.

It was seen that the other party had killed the sermon.

Cultivation has reached the ultimate realm.

Another unheard of horror figure.

“On Xia Gaoshu Road, I have seen the world-shaking Lin Sword God.”

The man in black came to the place where Lin Yu was less than twenty feet around.

It seems reasonable to hold a fist with Lin Yu.

In fact, there is any respect between the eyebrows.

And the man in black broke out the name.

It directly made Nangong Servant’s eyes widen.

The mouth involuntarily gasped.

Tall Tree Road?!

How can it be.

Isn’t that a peerless figure from four hundred years ago?

How could it be here?

Famous figures in history, either in good name or notoriously.

It has always survived to this day.

Eight hundred years ago, the first person who shocked the world, Lu Zu.

The jianghu who killed four hundred years ago did not dare to call Gao Shulu a master.

Two hundred years ago, Liu Songtao, who was half Buddha and half demon.

and various popular figures in modern times.

And the name of this Gao Shulu is not weaker than Lu Zu.

He is a heavenly man walking on earth!

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