At that moment, the blue bird seemed to enter a mysterious state.

When she came back to her senses, she looked at Lin Yu in surprise.

Only to find that Lin Yu had long disappeared.

Yu Youwei thought about it, and she pointed in the direction of the barracks.

Signaling that Lin Yu had gone back again.

The blue bird was surprised.

The glass of wine before was actually a state that allowed people to enter the state of comprehending sword intent!

Gongzi turned out to be so bloody.

Even this unattainable immortal wine was brewed for those six hundred pawns.

It seems that he really wants to cultivate those pawns.

There can be such a centurion.

This group of guys is blessed.

Just in the blue bird sighed in his heart.

The pawns who were lying on the ground and had slowed down finally found the three large buckets of water here.

Now they are tired, hungry and thirsty.

As soon as he saw water to drink, he rolled as if he was dead, and came to the bucket.

Just wanted to probe directly into it and drink, but the only remaining will made his body stiffen.

Then he looked at the blue bird cautiously.

The longing eyes made the blue bird a little panicked.

After getting permission from Blue Bird.

These chapped lips are dry, and the pawns, who are already tired and out of phase, begin to gobble up.

Or hold it with both hands, or directly serve it with a scoop.

After a drink, it will return to its original appearance in a moment.

“Cool! It’s really refreshing, how long has it been since I sweated like this. ”

“Huh? Is there a problem with this water? How to get a smell of wine? Am I tired and confused, how can there be villains fighting in my head? ”

“I felt a surge of pride in my chest, and I felt the urge to carry a knife and fight quickly.”

I couldn’t help but let out a long roar, and the qi and blood in my body rose to a higher level.

And some pawns who are too tired to talk have discovered the mystery of the water.

I couldn’t help but talk softly in twos and threes.

Gradually, the voices of conversation disappeared.

Those who had invoked these waters lay flat or crossed their knees.

They all stayed quietly in place, their eyes slightly closed.

It seems as if you have fallen asleep.

In fact, every pore of their bodies is frantically releasing the true qi in their bodies.

Between the eyebrows, a sword intent was bred in it.

As more and more pawns returned, so did the number of people on the ground inside the camp.

Until the sun sets.

The sky is covered with red light.

Lin Yu’s first day in the barracks was over.

Inside the Northern Liang Royal Mansion.

Chu Lushan sent someone to transmit Lin Yu’s performance in the army today back to the palace.

“This kid really has some skills in leading troops.”

“I was able to suppress those men who were not afraid of heaven and earth with just momentum.”

“Gee, that’s amazing.”

“Find a way to add some elite soldiers to him in the future.”

“Let’s see if he can bring out a team of male armor like the Great Snow Dragon Rider.”

Xu Xiao only wore a close-fitting outfit, while talking to Xu Yanbing on the side.

While holding a silver sword, he practiced it in the courtyard.

One move after another, it seems to be very slow, but it will be mixed with the sound of breaking the air.

“Wang Ye, in addition to sending someone to report this, Chu Lushan also wants to ask you.”

“Isn’t it possible to start the military competition?”

Xu Yanbing watched Xu Xiaowu’s sword movements, and there was a twinkle in his eyes.

“Won’t Zuo Zong come back either?”

Xu Xiao couldn’t help but raise his eyebrows, and the movement of dancing the sword still didn’t stop.

“Now that Chen Zhibao is in charge of the north, and Yuan Zuozong is in charge of the west, it just suppresses Bei Mang’s heart that is about to move.”

“I can’t come back.”

Xu Yanbing replied truthfully.

The big competition in the army is a custom that the Northern Liang Army performs every year.

In the past, it was Xu Xiao’s six righteous sons who led a team to compete.

But this year, Xu Xiao’s six righteous sons, only Chu Lushan is in Northern Liangcheng.

The rest couldn’t come back.

Fortunately, there is still Lin Yu this year.

“Then let’s hold it tomorrow.”

“Anyway, just Lin Yu and Chu Lushan two teams.”

“Lin Yu’s six hundred people were originally first-class soldiers, and they also knew the rules.”

“Go and send someone to inform Lin Yu, it will start at noon tomorrow.”

“The royal palace just let the stomach bear go for me…”

Xu Xiao slowly put down the silver sword in his hand, slowly exhaled turbid gas, and began to explain the matter of Dabi.

“Brother Xu, did Lin Xiaozi also go to the barracks now?”

At the same time that Xu Xiao explained things to Xu Yanbing in every detail.

A loud voice suddenly sounded outside the courtyard.

Xu Yanbing’s brows instantly furrowed.

The true qi of the surrounding body suddenly came out, and he absorbed a long gun in the courtyard into his hand.


But when he saw the person coming, he was stunned.

“Old Sword God? How did you get out of the tide pavilion? ”

“You… Did you figure it out?! ”

“But leaving?”

Xu Xiao was also shocked when he saw the person coming, with a white beard, sloppy and one-armed coat.

Only those eyes are no longer full of dead silence, but spirited and radiant.

It’s like a new life.

This person is Li Chungang, the old sword god who has been in prison for twenty years.

“Thanks to the blessing of the Lin boy, that sword intention wine is indeed a good thing.”

“Under the three or two altars, what should be there has been improved, and what is missing has also been completed.”

“I don’t want to come out and meet that kid.”

“Look what he lacks, make up for my favor.”

New Year’s Day and beyond, read books and relax! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive (Event Period: December 31st to January 2nd)

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