Zongwu: Madam, please respect yourself

Chapter 286 Save Huang Rong

(In the hospital, refreshed every half hour.)

"The Mongols invaded again?"

The sound of war drums was heard.

People on the road were also stunned, and everyone stopped in unison. Everyone knew the Mongols were invading the moment they heard the war drums. However, what is surprising is that after people knew that it was the Mongolian invasion, they did not show any panic expressions, not even a little bit of panic. Even ordinary people who were not in the martial arts world were like this. Very calm, as if he was already used to what was happening in front of him!

This also indirectly shows that the frequency of Mongolian invasions during this period was really too high. So much so that even ordinary people don't care at all. And even ordinary people can be sure that the Mongols cannot take down the Xiangyang defense line at all, so they are so calm and don't even feel a little panic.

However, not panicking does not mean that there is no preparation. As the sound of fine iron bells rang, the melodious bells spread throughout the city. A large number of soldiers and people in battle armor quickly moved towards the city wall. Approaching, they quickly climbed up the city wall or mounted their horses to reach the designated location. Once the Mongols really start to attack Xiangyang City, they will fight back without hesitation.

A huge crossbow with a length of more than three or four meters was also pulled up the city wall.

Bow and arrow.

The arrow points straight to the distant horizon.

More people appeared on the city wall. Many people who looked like they were wearing ordinary people's clothing also went home and put on their battle armor and ran towards the city wall.

As the first line of defense against the Mongolian invasion, Xiangyang City actually has a complete set of defensive measures over the years. It will not issue a warning when encountering a Mongolian squad or a troop of several thousand people approaching for investigation. commanded.

A secret sentry responsible for monitoring outside the city.

The news will be transmitted back to the city through flying pigeon transmission and other methods as soon as possible, so that the city can dispatch corresponding robbery and killing teams to carry out the robbery and killing. In fact, it is absolutely impossible for those small Mongolian troops to get close to Xiangyang City, not even close to the edge of Xiangyang City.

They would be driven out or slaughtered, and their heads would be hung on Xiangyang City as a way to frighten the Mongols.

This should be a level 1 alert.

When this kind of alarm occurs, most people in Xiangyang City will not know what is happening. At most, they will see some fully armed cavalry rushing out from the main gate, and then coming back covered in blood, followed by Dozens or hundreds of Mongolian military horses.

And when the second alarm occurs.

There will be dense crowds of archers on the city wall. These archers are squatting on the city wall like ants, and the gates of Xiangyang City will be closed. The whole city will know that the enemy is coming, but other than that, the infantry and cavalry But he won't take action.

Because the number of Mongols who came was too small, it was impossible to attack Xiangyang, so they only needed to defend. This is considered the second alarm, and the state when it occurred is also the state that Xiangyang City has experienced the most in recent times.

And the current level is the top level 3 alarm.

War drums beat and bells ring.

All soldiers in Xiangyang City must arrive at the designated location within the designated time to assemble, because when the third alarm sounds, it means that at least 100,000 Mongolians are approaching Xiangyang City. 100,000 people may not necessarily be able to take down the fully armed Xiangyang City.

But it has to be taken seriously.

Therefore, we need to be prepared to defend the city.

Wu Gong hesitated for a while, and finally decided to blend in with the crowd and get on the city wall. There are not many archers on the city wall, most of them are soldiers with various weapons and people wearing military armor. The dense black crows on the horizon in the distance are like a black wave, approaching here, and like black ants moving, it looks spectacular.

"At least 200,000 people came this time. Do these Mongolians really have too much food and no place to use it? You must know that the food and water resources consumed by each emergency march like this are several times more than when they are usually stationed. So, then With so much food and military rations, are the Mongols not prepared to fight a protracted war with us? Or have they obtained other sources of food?"

The people around him suddenly made confused remarks.

Don't blame them for thinking this way.

The Mongolian grasslands are not a place that produces food.

Although the Mongolian grasslands are rich in cattle and sheep, you cannot eat meat every day. Military rations are still the most important thing for marching and fighting.

In addition, even if the Mongols do not eat food, the horses still need to eat fodder.

A long time ago, the Mongols had started cutting straw on nearby grasslands because they had nothing to feed their horses. For this reason, Huang Rong also organized a team of cavalry to set fire to the grasslands, just to deprive the horses of food.

Mongolia had just arrived three days ago. They marched an army of 150,000 troops to Xiangyang City for a day, and then went back. In the process, they consumed in vain the military rations that could last more than ten days.

And with so many people today, there must be at least two hundred thousand.

The military rations consumed increased geometrically.

If the Mongols just come and go back this time, it can only mean that the Mongols are really not short of food, or they want to paralyze the Xiangyang defense line.

If it's the former, it's really difficult.

After all, if the Mongols and the Song Dynasty were to fight against each other, the Song Dynasty would not have the numerical advantage. By then, even two Mongolians for one Song man would be able to completely replace the entire Xiangyang defense line.

But if it is the latter, it can only be said that the Mongols are overthinking, because Huang Rong and Guo Jing are stationed here now, and they will not be careless.

Wu Gong was mixed in the crowd, his eyes quickly scanning the city wall.

According to the news from Guo Fu, Huang Rong should be stationed on this city wall, but why didn't she see her?

Just as he was wondering, the sound of a horn suddenly sounded in the distance.

Then thousands of small black dots rushed towards Xiangyang City from the horizon.

The yellow sand accompanied by the horse's hooves swept up the dust all over the sky.

It was like a big hand of yellow sand whose complete shape could not be seen, slamming towards the direction of Xiangyang City.

The speed was so fast and the momentum was so fierce, it felt like the sky was about to collapse along with it.

"Stretch the bow."

Wu Gong suddenly turned his head in one direction, and suddenly he saw the person he wanted to see.

The gleaming golden armor covered Huang Rong's body. Huang Rong stood on the tower, looking extremely majestic. She wielded a long sword and directed the archers to aim at the cavalry in the distance. Her eyes were firm and brave, full of indomitable faith.

With the sword in his hand flying down from the air.

Under her command, the archers began to shoot arrows, and the arrows fell on the cavalry in the distance like a heavy rain.

As the sound of bowstrings continued to sound.

In the distance, the big hand made of khaki dust also began to dissipate quickly, and dense holes appeared on the big hand of khaki dust.

These bows and arrows not only successfully penetrated the khaki dust in the distance, but also hit most of the cavalry.

The Mongolian cavalry fell off their horses like dumplings.

Some Mongolian horses also turned into hedgehogs, their bodies covered with bows and arrows, and blood flowed out from their wounds.

It looks extremely bloody and cruel, and blood will spurt out as the muscles twist when running.

It's like a moving fountain, which makes people's hair stand on end.

Under such saturated bow and arrow shooting.

The cavalry had no room to resist. Even if the distance between them was large, the dense arrows could still turn all the cavalry into corpses.

The soldiers bent their bows again, but did not continue shooting.

The number of bows and arrows in Xiangyang City is not too many.

Therefore, it is necessary to economize, otherwise, after shooting them all in one go, if the Mongols come to attack the city again, there will be big trouble.

At the same time, the city gate slowly opened, and a group of cavalry rode out from the city gate. Although this group of cavalry only numbered dozens of people, they were full of momentum, like a sharp sword. Like a long knife, it flew out from the city gate and rushed straight towards the scattered cavalry team in the distance.

The Mongolian cavalry in the distance actually had no intention of resisting under this round of bows and arrows. They were already frightened deep in their hearts, but the horses under them were already frightened and could not resist at all. He didn't listen to their orders and just kept running forward.

Therefore, they could only watch the cavalry team, which was like a rainbow of energy, charging toward them.

It cuts through the air like a long knife.

The air rustled.

Between the horse's hooves and the ground hitting each other.

Clear footprints, one after another.


The people on the city wall watched helplessly as the long knife rushed into the Mongolian team. In an instant, heads and arms took off, blood and internal organs wandered in the air, and the breath of death was like an invisible waltz. The battlefield spread and bloomed. These surviving Mongolian cavalry had no possibility of survival at all and were quickly killed.

The leader took off his helmet.

A head of flowing hair was revealed, an indescribable power of temptation. Along with the shocking military formation, murderous aura bloomed in the air. A red illusion seemed to appear behind this woman. This illusory shadow was nothing else. It was a big flag flashing red.

Big flags flying in the air.

Blood dripped down the spear she held in her hand.

He is a member of the Heaven and Earth Society.

He is the new chief rudder of the Tiandihui!

The sound of introduction came from the crowd.

But at this moment, someone screamed in surprise.

"Gang Leader Huang, be careful."

Wu Gong quickly grasped his head.

Not far away, a black shadow suddenly appeared behind Huang Rong. The black shadow was incompatible with the golden armor and was particularly eye-catching. It was impossible to pretend not to see it.

The people around him immediately understood that this was an assassin. Although they didn't know where this assassin came from, since he appeared here, it meant that their target was Huang Rong.

The black shadow quickly rushed towards Huang Rong. The sharp dagger flickered in the center of his palm. Under the sunlight, the surface of the dagger was rippling with a light blue luster.


Huang Rong seemed to have no reaction until the person behind her shouted, but there was still no reaction. It was as if he was completely unaware of the danger coming from behind.

Everyone had a look of horror on their faces. In a sense, Huang Rong is more important to Xiangyang's defense than Guo Jing, because Huang Rong took care of everything on Xiangyang's defense while Guo Jing was recovering from injury. Although the top commander of Xiangyang's defense line is Guo Jing, the county magistrate is not as good as the current one, so there is no problem in saying that Huang Rong is very important.

At this moment, if the assassin succeeds, then the Xiangyang defense line, which has finally been strengthened, is likely to be demoralized, and the only method of exchanging Mongolian heads for silver is likely to be in vain.

So Huang Rong was about to be attacked.

Many people quickly rushed over there, trying to save Huang Rong, but most of them were not very fast, and were not even as strong as Huang Rong herself.

That is to say, watching the dagger almost sinking into her back, Huang Rong quickly rolled on the ground as if she was aware of it. However, while rolling, Huang Rong also held her stomach with her hands.

Although it seemed that his movements were a little clumsy, like a bear turning over, he still escaped the assassination of the dagger. However, the black wing did not let Huang Rong go so easily. The black shadow rushed towards Huang Rong again. In the past, he kept waving the dagger in his hand, seemingly determined not to stop until Huang Rong was killed.

Huang Rong waved her palm, Luo Ying Shen Sword Palm, towards the dagger, but after seeing the sharp poisonous luster on the tip of the dagger, she quickly stopped her palm.

But in this way, she also completely exposed her body to the assassin. Of course, the assassin could not let go of such an opportunity. He immediately waved his arm and stabbed Huang Rong's neck. It seemed that he was preparing to do so. Pierce her throat directly, thus killing this leader of the world on Xiangyang's defense line.

Seeing that he was about to succeed, but the crowd around him had not yet rushed forward, death seemed to be coming to Huang Rong at this moment.

Huang Rong herself was a little overwhelmed.

He could only keep taking steps and retreat.

But he saw the dagger getting closer and closer.

Finally, Huang Rong hit the city wall and there was no possibility of retreating.

"My life is at stake!"

And in just a split second, an arm suddenly stretched out from the side and grabbed the sharp dagger, directly holding the sharp edge of the dagger in the center of his hand.

"Godmother, I'm coming!" (End of chapter)

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