In the general tent of the princes, the princes became more relaxed after Su Yan helped them figure out a way to attack Hulao Pass.

As long as Hulao Pass can be captured.

These princes will not be laughed at by the people of the world, and their coalition of princes also won the first battle.

Su Yan smiled and said to these princes while drinking tea,"Everyone, how are you going to deal with Lu Bu? If you don't defeat Lu Bu, Dong Zhuo's first general, can you still capture Hulao Pass?"

Cao Cao looked at Su Yan. He laughed and said,

"Haha, don't worry, Miss Yan, a slave with the surname of the third family is nothing to worry about. This time, there are several powerful generals in our coalition of princes. No matter how powerful Lu Bu is, it is useless. Our generals are also very powerful."

"Yes, a slave with a third family name is nothing to worry about."Yuan Shao also said loudly and energetically that the powerful generals hidden by these powerful princes were not originally planned to be used at this time, but the situation is compelling. If they still hide their strength, I am afraid that this war will really end in vain..

Su Yan looked at the princes in surprise after hearing this. She did not expect that these princes were not going to hide their strength. She saw that these princes had been tortured by Hulao Pass in the past few days.

At this time, a The soldiers came in and reported to Yuan Shao,"Report to the leader of the alliance, there is a person from Wushuang City who wants to see the leader of the alliance."

Yuan Shao heard the guarding soldiers' words and said doubtfully,"People from Wushuang City? Why did the Wushuang City of the four major forces in the rivers and lakes come to our coalition of princes? Is it because Tianxiahui?"

"Leader, the people in Wushuang City must know about the alliance between Dong Zhuo and Tianxiahui. The city lord of Wushuang City is probably also worried that Tianxia will continue to grow bigger. This time the people from Wushuang City came uninvited. They must be here to ask for cooperation."

"cooperate? What qualifications does a Jianghu force have to cooperate with us?"

"That is, we are all dignified court officials and princes, and those reckless Jianghu people are not qualified to cooperate with us."

"Leader, we don’t need to pay attention to those Jianghu people. Although Wushuang City is one of the four major forces in Jianghu, it is incomparable to us. Jianghu people are all reckless people and lack discipline."

"Yes, the imperial court and the Jianghu people are inherently antagonistic. The Jianghu people do whatever they want regardless of the law. If not for the rebellion of the Yellow Turban bandits in our Han Empire and His Majesty the Emperor's inaction, these Jianghu forces would have been eradicated by the imperial army long ago."

Some of the princes in the big tent were talking with disdain when they heard the people from Wushuang City coming. They are all nobles and princes of the Han Empire. They all look down on the people of Jianghu. Cao Cao heard this Some of the princes looked very ugly when they saw it. Some of the princes here were not successful enough and failed more than they were. Dong Zhuo would be even more powerful with the help of the masters of the world. They princes had to contact the masters of Wushuang City before, but some The princes actually looked down on Jianghu forces for the sake of noble face, which made Cao Cao want to drive these arrogant princes out of the general's tent.

Cao Cao took a deep breath and said with an ugly face,

"Everyone, be quiet. Everyone, Dong Zhuo and the Tianxiahui have cooperated. There are many masters of the Tianxiahui. We must and need the Jianghu forces to help us fight against the masters of the Tianxiahui. Otherwise, we will not be able to assassinate us by those masters of the Jianghu. It’s also hard to guard against."

Sun Jian stood up directly and said to the princes who had just objected,"Yes, don't we also need to contact the people in Wushuang City at the beginning? The forces of Jianghu fight against the forces of Jianghu, we need the help of Wushuang City"

"Yes, to deal with the masters of martial arts, we need the help of Wushuang City."Kong Rong touched his beard and said to the princes who had just objected.

Yuan Shao looked at the princes in the big tent and said decisively,"Okay, we need the help of Jianghu people. Wushuang City comes to the opponent this time. We have an advantage, we can't abandon it, people from Wushuang City come in"

"Yes, leader!"

The princes all became quiet after hearing Yuan Shao's words. Although they looked down on the Jianghu people, they were also afraid of the Jianghu people's assassinations.

Although it was impossible for the Jianghu masters in the coalition of princes to assassinate them, But what if the coalition of princes disbands? Will they have to worry about being assassinated all day long after returning to their respective territories?

Su Yan did not expect the people from Wushuang City to arrive. It seems that the city lord of Wushuang City is also afraid that the world will continue to be a big threat. Come to them.

This time there is a good show to watch, the world will meet!

Unparalleled City!

Jianghu forces versus Jianghu forces!

It seems that the war in Hulao Pass is really changing, and I don’t know what changes will happen in the future.

Su Yan laughed as she thought about it.

None of this mattered to her.

She wanted to watch the show.

Three of the four major forces in the Northern Continent's arena have now appeared. Huanyinfang and Dong Zhuo Alliance are around her. The Tianxiahui, Wushuang City, and the princes are now cooperating, so there is only one Xuanming Sect that has not yet appeared.

Su Yan thought about it and was no longer interested in reading any more.

The person who came to Wushuang City must be a pawn.

The Tianxiahui People have already appeared at Hulao Pass, and the masters from Wushuang City are probably also near Hulao Pass. The people from Wushuang City came this time to test whether the princes would cooperate with Wushuang City.

Then Su Yan took Huang Zhong and the others left.

The princes didn't say anything when they saw Su Yan leaving. They didn't dare to stop Su Yan. They didn't dare to offend this cruel little girl. If this little girl went crazy again, they, the princes, would probably also Unable to stop it.

Southern Continent, Gusu City,

Xuanniiao Palace.

In the Fusang Tree Garden, this place has been designated as a forbidden area by Queen Yanfei. No one is allowed to come in here except Su Chen's women.

Su Chen is in the garden After planting the spiritual fruit seedlings and burying the spiritual stones, the spiritual energy in the hibiscus tree garden is very rich, even richer and more abundant than the spiritual energy in some secret places.

Powerful women such as Jellyfish Yin Ji and Shi Guanyin are in retreat here. , even women such as Hu Ji, Zhu Yuyan, and Fan Qinghui will not return to the forces and sects they manage.

This is a holy land for cultivation.

If you can practice here for a year at will, some of them with strong strength can break through. Realm of Heaven and Humanity

"who?" The Shadow Assassins were responsible for guarding the Fusang Tree Garden, but a strange aura suddenly appeared here, which made the Shadow Assassins who were hiding here appear one by one to look for the intruder.


A woman's laughter suddenly came out.

This woman did not expect that she would be discovered as soon as she arrived here. It seems that the Xuantian Empire is very powerful. The guards here are really very strict. This is still some The guards discovered her. If those powerful women had not retreated, she might not even be able to enter the Black Bird Palace.

After the shadow assassins discovered a woman in white standing on the high wall, the shadow assassins immediately surrounded the woman one by one. The woman who broke into the Black Bird Palace.

The captain of the Shadow Assassin looked at this powerful woman and asked coldly,

"Who are you? This is the Xuantian Palace of the Xuantian Empire. It’s not a place you can come in at will."

"Haha, no one can stop me from where I want to go. Although you are good at it, your strength cannot stop me."

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