On the grasslands of the Western Continent, under the control of the Xuantian Empire, groups of Jurchen female cavalry were galloping on the grasslands. Each of them carried an edict written by Hai Lanzhu. The edict was stamped by Su Chen as the Xuantian Empire. After sealing, these female cavalry announced war recruitment orders to various tribes on the grassland.

Among the grassland Linhu tribe, the Linhu tribe is a large tribe with a population of more than 100,000. However, after the Xuantian Empire controlled the eastern grassland, the Linhu tribe did not dare to annex other weak tribes at will, otherwise the Linhu tribe would suffer The black armored troops who went to Shanhaiguan and Shengjing City were annihilated.

The Xuantian Empire's black-armored cavalry is very powerful. Not only are there 200,000 elite black-armored cavalry from the Eastern Combat Legion in Shanhaiguan, but the more than 200,000 Jurchen women's black-armored cavalry in Shengjing City are also very powerful.

The armor is sharp!

The army is strong!

There were many unruly alien tribes on the grassland that were wiped out by the black-armored army. Even the entire tribe was completely destroyed. The men were all slaughtered as tall as a wheel, and all the women were demoted to slaves and escorted to Shanhaiguan and Shengjing. Think about those alien tribes. The woman's fate will not be easy in the future.

In a luxurious tent among the Linhu tribe, a Linhu cavalryman ran over on horseback and shouted,

"Report, first order, a messenger came from Shengjing City"

"Take me to the messenger quickly!"After hearing this, the leader of the Linhu tribe hurriedly ordered the Linhu cavalry.

The leader of the Linhu tribe did not dare to neglect the envoys coming from Shengjing City.

If he angered the envoys from Shengjing City,

I am afraid that the powerful black ones will come next time. Army A

"Yes, leader."

In the Linhu tribe, tens of thousands of Linhu people looked at the arriving group of black-armored female cavalry with great respect.

These foreign tribes knew the origins of these black-armored female cavalry. These were the black-armored women from Shengjing City. Army, it is said that Hai Lanzhu, the controller of Shengjing City, is the woman of the Emperor of Xuantian Empire.

Although the Linhu tribe is very powerful among the grassland tribes and is a large tribe with a population of more than 100,000, it is not at all the same as the Xuantian Empire. It may be comparable.

The huge Xuantian Empire controls two of the four continents in the Tianxuan Continent. There are millions of elite black-armored troops, and there are millions of servants. Any one of the Xuantian Empire The fighting legions were able to easily destroy their Linhu tribe.

The leader of the Linhu tribe hurriedly came to the priest of the Linhu tribe. When he saw a group of black-armored Jurchen female cavalry in front of the priest, the leader of the Linhu tribe came The black-armored female cavalry saluted and said,"Aji Taikang, the leader of the Linhu tribe, has met the envoy from Shengjing City."

"Aji Taikang, leader of the Linhu tribe, and His Majesty the Emperor of the Xuantian Empire issued an order!"A female cavalry captain took out a black black bird scroll and held it up high, saying,

"Aji Taikang of the Linhu tribe respectfully welcomes the imperial edict!"The leader of the Linhu tribe immediately knelt down and saluted.

Tens of thousands of people from the Linhu tribe around him also knelt down.

They were frightened.

This was an edict from the Emperor of Xuantian Empire!

Xuantian Empire's How could the Bird Edict issue an order to a small tribe like them? The Linhu tribe is loyal to the Xuantian Empire and has not violated any of the Xuantian Empire's orders. The people here are worried that His Majesty the Emperor will order their massacre. tribe.

The black-armored female cavalry captain saw that the people of the Linhu tribe around her were kneeling, so she opened the black bird scroll and read loudly,

"Xuantian Empire, His Majesty the Emperor declares!"

"Zhaoling: The Linhu tribe will assemble 30,000 elite tribesmen from now on and assemble in Shengjing City within half a month. For example, they will not obey the order, delay their arrival in Shengjing City, and use the old, weak, sick and disabled as elite troops to exterminate the tribe!"

"His Majesty the Emperor decrees!"

"Tianxuan Continent, Xuanniao Calendar, the first day of the second lunar month of the first year"

"The Linhu tribe accepts the order! The Linhu tribe obeyed His Majesty the Emperor's orders."The leader of the Linhu tribe respectfully took the Black Bird scroll with both hands and said hurriedly,

"Linhu tribe, then we won’t stay any longer. We have to go to other tribes to announce His Majesty’s decree."

"Messenger, can you tell me why His Majesty the Emperor wants to assemble the army?"

"The leader of the Linhu tribe is about to launch a war to destroy the country. I hope you, the Linhu tribe, can perform well this time. Farewell!"

"A war to destroy the country? His Majesty the Emperor wants to destroy those countries again?"When the leader of the Linhu tribe saw the female black-armored cavalry leaving in a hurry, he muttered to himself in confusion.

A Linhu general came to the tribe leader and asked directly,"Chief! Should our Linhu tribe gather an army?"

The bearded leader of the Linhu tribe shouted excitedly and ordered,"Gather, assemble immediately, gather all the elite troops of our Linhu tribe."

"Are we, Lin Hu, all of our strong troops assembled?"The general of the Linhu tribe was surprised when he heard what the leader said.

His Majesty the Emperor's edict stated that 30,000 Linhu tribe troops should be gathered, but how could the leader gather all the strong Linhu troops? If all the strong Linhu people were gathered, , that can gather an army of almost 50,000.

The leader of the Linhu tribe looked at his general and said seriously,

"Yes, this war is an opportunity for our Linhu tribe. As long as our Linhu tribe performs well in the war, the commander of the Hailanzhu Army will definitely reward our Linhu tribe with fine wine, fried tea, soap, and even snow salt and Food, by then our Linhu tribe will be able to get it."

The leader of the Linhu tribe is very much looking forward to the luxury jewelry in Shengjing City, but their tribe has never performed meritorious service, and the nobles who can exchange for the luxury jewelry every time are not enough. General Linhu asked very worriedly,"But The strong troops of our Linhu tribe have left, what will happen to the tribe? What should we do if we are attacked by other tribes and take away the women and children of our tribe?"

The leader of the Linhu tribe patted his general on the shoulder and said with a smile,

"Ha ha! Don’t worry, the tribes on the grassland dare not do this at this time. The war call order was personally issued by His Majesty the Emperor. No matter which tribe dares to cause trouble during the war, the commander of the Hailanzhu Army will massacre their entire tribe."

"Leader, then I will immediately assemble my clan’s army"

"Go for it!"

At this moment, other tribes on the grassland began to assemble their troops to assemble in Shengjing City, whether they wanted to or not. These foreign tribes did not dare to disobey His Majesty the Emperor's orders.

They did not obey orders from Shengjing City and Shanhaiguan. If they listen, they will be massacred. They dare not object to His Majesty's orders at all. If these foreign tribes violate His Majesty's orders, I am afraid that what awaits them is a crueler punishment than massacre. In

Shengjing City,

Su Chen looked at Looking at the beautiful women's dresses in the system space, he asked the system,"System, please introduce to me this wide-sleeved flowing fairy skirt and pleated Ruyi moon skirt. Why do these women's dresses have a fake word in them?""

"Ding, the wide-sleeved flowing fairy skirt and the pleated Ruyi Moon Skirt: they were originally the dresses of powerful fairies in the fairy world. These dresses only have 5% of their original abilities in the world of comprehensive martial arts, so they are fake fairy dresses in the fairy world."

"This is a woman's dress that can change its appearance and color at will. It can automatically remove dust without washing. It can even withstand three fatal attacks from the Celestial Realm. Attacks below the Celestial Realm can weaken half of the attacks."

Su Chen was stunned when he heard the introduction of the system and said,"Damn it! Five percent have such abilities, aren't these dresses too powerful? What would happen if it was 100%? Can it withstand Daluo Jinxian's fatal attack?"

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