In front of Hulao Pass, hundreds of thousands of troops from the coalition of princes are waiting for the order to attack Hulao Pass. At this moment, the princes are also waiting for whether Lu Bu will go out to fight at Hulao Pass? Will the masters of the Huanyinfang under the young lady kill Lu Bu, a slave from three families, in one fell swoop this time?

"Miss Yan, will Lu Bu come out to fight at Hulao Pass?"

"Yes, Lu Bu has been very ruthless these days. He thinks he is powerful and is arrogant. He will come out of Hulao Pass to fight."

"Um! Lu Bu is a proud and arrogant person."Cao Cao looked at Su Yan with a wary look in his eyes.

He felt that this Miss Yan might be his biggest enemy in the future. Although the princes are united now, the princes like Yuan Shu, Sun Jian, Yuan Shu, and Ma Teng all have the same intentions. Ambition.

The Han Empire is also in the sunset.

The Han Empire will be full of smoke in the future. After the alliance, the war between the princes will definitely happen. The powerful princes will annex the weak princes.

This Miss Yan is so smart and smart at a young age, and she is behind the scenes. And with the support of Huanyinfang.

Cao Cao looked at Su Yan and wanted to get rid of this little girl after the princes came to understand the war. He believed that Yuan Shao and others would also have the same idea.

Le Bingyun noticed Cao Cao's hostility and looked at her Looking at the princes around her, she found that some princes were hostile to Su Yan,"Miss, be careful of these princes, they seem to have ill intentions towards young lady."

Su Yan smiled when she heard Le Bingyun's voice reminder.

It would be strange if these princes were not afraid of her, but she was not worried that these princes would deal with her now. Before the alliance was disbanded, the princes They will not attack each other, nor will they attack her.

Boom da da da da da da.......

Suddenly, the gate of Hulao Pass opened, and tens of thousands of cavalry roared out from Hulao Pass. In just a quarter of an hour, one hundred thousand Xiliang cavalry lined up in front of Hulao Pass, preparing to charge into battle.

Lu Bu was wearing armor and riding on a red rabbit horse. He was holding a Fangtian painted halberd and stood in front of the Xiliang cavalry army with heroic spirit.

He looked at the coalition of princes and shouted disdainfully,"Lü Bu is here, who dares to come out to fight? Does that bastard who scolded me just now dare to come out to fight?"

Xiahou Dun shrank when he heard Lu Bu's scolding. But he didn't dare to fight Lu Bu alone. Lu Bu was very powerful. Even if he fought Lu Bu desperately, he would probably be killed within ten moves.

Su Yan looked at Lu Bu on his horse and asked loudly,"Are you Lu Bu, the slave of the Sanjia family? You are just average in appearance, and your strength is so-so. Aren't you afraid of dying without a burial place if you are so arrogant ?" The powerful and heroic Lu Bu also feels good, but Lu Bu is a capricious villain, and she will not conquer such a dishonest person.

Lu Bu looked at the princes around him and laughed at Su Yan,"Little girl, are you Miss Yan from Jingzhou? A yellow-haired girl dares to appear on the battlefield. It seems that you are also a lawless rich lady. Yellow-haired girl, you don't want to die." , you should go home and nurse, hahaha!"


"Be bold! Lu Bu, you are looking for death!"


Le Bingyun, Yagyu Xueji, the shadow team, Xuan Jingtian and Miaochengtian from Huanyinfang, after hearing Lu Bu's words, they all looked at Lu Bu angrily and wanted to immediately kill this person who dared to insult the eldest princess. asshole

"Grandmaster? this......Are they all great masters? How can this be? How could there be seven great masters around this little girl?"Lu Bu looked at the women around Su Yan in surprise and was very shocked.

Seven Grand Masters!

This is so scary!

How can this little girl have so many Grand Masters protecting her? Who is she?

Hu The masters of the Tianxiahui behind bars and the people from Wushuang City in the coalition of princes were all shocked when they looked at Su Yan. Although some people knew that there were many masters around Su Yan, the momentum burst out by the seven great masters made They were all shocked

"Lu Bu, laugh! Keep laughing!"

"What are you?"

"You, a capricious, selfish slave of three families, don’t deserve to know my lady’s name."


Lu Bu didn't expect that this little girl would dare to look down on him like this, and even insult him in public.

However, he looked at the powerful and beautiful guards around Su Yan, which made him very cautious.

There were several of those women who were interested in him. The threat was huge. If he attacked those women, he might really die without a burial place.

Some of the princes looked at Su Yan with great vigilance.

They did not expect that Su Yan would have so many powerful guards. Originally, they thought that there were only two Jiutian Saint Ji from Huanyinfang, but they did not expect that there were five powerful Grand Master masters.

This made some princes have the idea of ​​​​killing Su Yan. Miss Yan will not get rid of her now. , will become their main opponents in the future. Among them, Yuan Shao, Cao Cao, Yuan Shu, Ma Teng and others looked at Su Yan very clearly.

"Le Bingyun, go teach Lu Bu a lesson. Remember, all you need to do is defeat and injure Lu Bu. A selfish villain like Lu Bu is still useful, so let him continue to do whatever he wants with Dong Zhuo."Su Yan waved his hand to Le Bingyun and ordered,"

It's not that Su Yan doesn't want to kill Lu Bu.

It's just that this time the Understanding Alliance will be disbanded after breaking through the Tiger Prison, and the princes will not be able to continue to attack Dong Zhuo. If Dong Zhuo escaped from Luoyang, and the princes would not be able to continue to hunt Dong Zhuo this time.

Dong Zhuo would be a disaster if he stayed, and Lv Bu was also a capricious, unruly and despicable villain.

If Lü Bu is let go this time,

Dong Zhuo and Lv Bu will definitely do it in the future. There will be conflicts and even cannibalism. Whether Dong Zhuo dies or Lu Bu dies, this will cause Dong Zhuo's power to be divided into five., Dong Zhuo’s power will no longer be a concern in the future.

"Yes, miss!"

When Le Bingyun heard Su Yan's words, she rushed towards Lu Bu.

She was very angry at Lu Bu's rude words.

That girl Su Yan is an imperial princess and the daughter of that bastard Su Chen. She will also be Su Yan in the future. My aunt, even if she doesn’t kill Lu Bu this time, she will cripple him.


"Damn it, you're looking for death!"

Lu Bu was a little confused by Le Bingyun's sudden attack.

Le Bingyun's speed was too fast. Although he was very powerful on the battlefield, he couldn't keep up with Le Bingyun's speed. His attack on Le Bingyun Can only passively resist

"See what you're capable of."Le Bingyun drew out his long sword and continued to attack Lu Bu who was riding on the horse.

"Rule the world with your sword!"


Le Bingyun flew into the air and attacked Lu Bu. Her sword burst out with countless sword energy and attacked Lu Bu from all directions.

"Damn it, the invincible halberd method!"

Bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump......

When Le Bingyun saw Lu Bu resisting his sword attack, he smiled and said,"Lu Bu, you really have some abilities.""

"Ahem! Damn it, why are you so powerful?"

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