Su Chen patted his head when he heard Dongfang Bubai's words. He had forgotten that Dongfang Bubai didn't know his identity yet. It was going to be over this time. Dongfang Bubai looked so angry now that he really wanted to kill someone.

At this moment, Qingqing was also looking at Su Chen with great curiosity. From what Su Chen and Master Jue said just now, she felt that this dandy had an extraordinary background. Could this dandy have a great background?

Gongsun Liji and Master Miejie looked at Dongfang Bubai and were very confused.

Isn't this beautiful girl Su Chen's new love?

Why does it look like Su Chen deceived this beauty?

"tell me? What is your identity?"Dongfang Bubai looked at Su Chen angrily and cursed.

Su Chen said to Dongfang Bubai in embarrassment,"Ahem! Dongfang Invincible, this is not the time, I will tell you later when there is no one else around."

Dongfang Bubai heard Su Chen call her name, which made Dongfang Bubai even more angry.

This bastard really knew her identity.

She was so angry that she wanted to kill this shameless person,"You bastard, you really know me. How dare you deceive me about your identity! Go to hell!"

"Wait, don’t you want to know about your sister?"Su Chen didn't expect that Dongfang Bubai was really going to take action. He hurriedly told Dongfang Bubai's sister. Only in this way could he divert Dongfang Bubai's anger. When

Dongfang Bubai heard Su Chen's words, he grabbed him. Arms asked hurriedly,"Do you know my sister? Where is she now?"

Su Chen looked around and winked at Dongfang Bubai and said,"We'll talk about it later, we'll talk about it later, I can't run away anyway."

"Damn it, you're a shameless bastard."Dongfang Bubai also knew that people here were talkative. She glared at Su Chen and shook her sleeves angrily.

She had no choice now.

This bastard actually knew the whereabouts of her sister.

This made her unable to do anything no matter how angry she was. Take action against this bastard.

Su Chen was relieved when he saw that Dongfang Bubai would not take action. Dongfang Bubai was a bit difficult to deal with. This time she knew that he had deceived her. I am afraid it will be even more difficult to deal with in the future.

"Master, why are you here?"

Master Miejie gave Su Chen a white look and said speechlessly,

"I was invited here by Master Dingxian of the Hengshan Sect. The Hengshan Sect does not agree with the merger of the Five Sacred Sword Sects. However, the Hengshan Sect is weak and cannot resist the threat of the Songshan Sect. I can only help Hengshan of Dingxian. group."

Master Miejie didn't expect that this bastard Su Chen could actually take down Dongfang Bubai of the Sun Moon God Sect. She felt that Dongfang Bubai would be the woman of this bastard in the future. This shameless pervert is a scourge that harms women everywhere.

"So this is ah!"

Su Chen thought about it and it was not surprising. The Emei sect and the Hengshan sect are both nuns. There must be a connection between the two sects. It is natural for the Hengshan sect to ask for help from the Emei sect.

Boom boom boom boom!

"Who are you?"

The more Ding Peng and Mei Sanniang fought, the more shocked they became.

No matter how he dealt with this tough woman, it was of no use. Every time he fought back Mei Sanniang, she was not hurt. This woman was like an iron wall. The first blow to this woman's body was like hitting a steel plate

"I am your ancestor!"

Mei Sanniang panted and looked at Ding Peng and cursed.

Although Mei Sanniang was not injured, she is very tired now, and her internal strength is about to be exhausted. If she hadn't practiced the most powerful Kung Fu, I'm afraid she would She had been defeated by Ding Peng long ago

"court death!"

Ding Peng heard Mei Sanniang's words and punched Mei Sanniang again. If his weapon, the Full Moon Scimitar, had not been deceived, this powerful woman would have been killed by him.


Su Chen suddenly appeared in Ding Peng's eyes. Next to him, when Ding Peng attacked Mei Sanniang, he kicked him away. But he saw that Mei Sanniang could no longer hold on. Su Chen did not want his woman to be injured. Su Chen came to Mei Sanniang The person next to me asked with concern,"Sanniang, are you okay?"

"I'm fine, it's just that my internal energy consumption is a bit high."Mei Sanniang shook her head and said to Su Chen with gentle eyes,

"That's good, you take a rest and I'll deal with this arrogant Ding Peng"


In the distance,

Ding Peng, who had been kicked by Su Chen, stood up from the ground.

When he looked at Su Chen, he was very wary. This playboy turned out to be at the level of a great master. This made him very confused about Su Chen. This He also misunderstood what secret skills the bastard had practiced.

Ding Peng wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and coughed,"Cough! You actually hid your cultivation realm? Who are you?"

"Want to know? Let’s talk about it after we win!"


Su Chen didn't give Ding Peng a chance. He teleported and appeared behind Ding Peng, raised his foot and continued to kick him.


"Want to make a sneak attack? Die to me!"




Su Chen dodged Ding Peng's attack and kicked him away again. Su Chen's teleportation ability was uncanny. Ding Peng could sense and resist his own attack, but could he be faster than his own speed? The following time Here,

Su Chen was playing tricks on Ding Peng. He kept teleporting back and forth and kicking Ding Peng away. Ding Peng was kicked back and forth by Su Chen like a rubber ball. If he hadn't deliberately caused trouble this time, Ding Peng would have been kicked. I'm afraid he would have been killed a long time ago.

Su Chen's rogue style of play made the girls next to him unable to stand it. No matter how powerful Ding Peng is this time, it will probably be of no avail. This bastard's teleportation ability is simply impossible to guard against. They can't stand it anymore. They all sympathized with Ding Peng who was beaten by Su Chen.

Qingqing looked at Su Chen in confusion.

Her mind was very confused.

Isn't this shameless pervert a playboy?

But why is this bastard so powerful?

Ding Peng But Ding Peng, who is half a step above the realm of heavenly beings, has no ability to resist in the hands of this bastard.

This makes Qingqing even more afraid of Su Chen. This bastard is so lustful and shameless. She will worry about this bastard for a while. What would he do to her? She was so flustered that she didn't know what to do.

At this moment, the people in the Jianghu around were surprised to see Su Chen beating Ding Peng. The people in the Jianghu here were also very surprised. The great masters came one after another. The appearance of one made the low-strength Jianghu people retreat in fear. They didn't want to get involved in the battle between the great masters.

Su Chen looked at Ding Peng, who had been beaten by him with a bruised nose and face, and asked with a smile. road,

"Ding Peng, are you convinced?"

"I'm going to kill you bastard!"Ding Peng wiped the blood on his face and cursed angrily.

"It seems you haven't been taught enough yet"

"I must......." boom!

"What did you say?"

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