Su Chen was confused after hearing the conversation between the masked and veiled women.

Ning Yuxi?

Holy Mother An Biru of the White Lotus Sect?

Isn't he a character in Jia Ding?

And Ning Yuxi is Xiao Yuruo's master. Although the plot is slightly different, these characters all appear vividly.

Ning Yuxi has been poisoned now.

Is that San Gong poison so powerful?

A master at the peak of Grand Master has now become a master master.

Is this poison or poison?

Su Chen thought that An Biru was a saint in Miao territory, so what Ning Yuxi had been poisoned must not be as simple as poison.

Who is that ordinary man next to Ning Yuxi?

Lin San?

It's impossible.

Xiao Yuruo, mother and daughter are all in the Xuannio Palace now. Even if Lin San appears, he can't be Lin San anymore.

Even if this person is that Lin San, Su Chen's aunt and cousins ​​have absolutely no contact with Lin San, and Lin San has no ability to go to Xuannio Palace to find Xiao Yuruo, mother and daughter. boom!

"Go up, catch Ning Yuxi, kill that man"

"Yes, Commander!"

The masked men in black are all very powerful.

Each of them has a master's level of cultivation. The commander with the highest level of cultivation is a master in the later stage of the master's stage.

Ning Yuxi sighed when he saw the White Lotus disciples who were surrounding them again. Said,"Alas! Mr. Lin, I might get you involved this time."

"No, fairy sister, you can’t defeat these masked assassins?"Next to him, Mr. Lin was confused.

He was just a kid from a rich family.

If this beautiful fairy hadn't fascinated him, he wouldn't have been involved in the vendetta of the Jianghu people.

He is scared now.

Ning Yuxi is no longer these things. The opponents of the White Lotus Sect, these people of the White Lotus Sect will definitely kill him in a while.

He looked around and prepared to run away.

He had not finished enjoying the glory and wealth, and his beautiful wife and concubine at home still needed to be loved and cherished. Wouldn't he Will die here together with the great beauty Ning Yuxi

"I have been poisoned, and now my cultivation level is constantly falling. I am no match for these people."

Ning Yuxi also discovered the intention of this Young Master Lin.

This Young Master Lin wanted to become her disciple at first. If she had not seen that this Young Master Lin had helped her in the Western Continent, Ning Yuxi would not have been able to deal with this ordinary person. Now that he wants to escape, Ning Yuxi doesn't want to say anything more

"Fairy sister, there are Jianghu people nearby, I can go and ask for help"

"Those Jianghu people have low strength and are no match for these White Lotus Sect masters. We are doomed this time."

Boom! Touch!"

"Sect Leader Ning, let me see how long you can hold on."

The masked man hit Ning Yuxi, who was talking, with a palm strike. Although Ning Yuxi's strength was greatly reduced, her reaction ability was still very fast. She hurriedly grabbed Mr. Lin next to her and jumped up to avoid the White Lotus Sect. The commander's attack.

The surrounding masked men all held weapons and stepped forward to kill Ning Yuxi and the Mr. Lin she was protecting. Mr.

Lin next to Ning Yuxi saw the masked man and surrounded him. , he hurriedly abandoned Ning Yuxi and ran towards Su Chen.

"Help me, help me, I am the eldest young master of the Lin family in Jining Prefecture. If you save me, I will definitely reward you heavily."

"kill him!"

Su Chen looked at Mr. Lin who was running over and ordered expressionlessly.

He didn't care whether this Mr. Lin was the same Lin San or not, but if this Mr. Lin dared to divert misfortune, then he should die.

Su Chen hated it the most. I am not used to such a shameless person who is greedy for life and afraid of death, and brings trouble to others.

"Yes, Master!"After the guards guarding the carriage heard Su Chen's order, they took out their weapons one by one and prepared to kill Mr. Lin who arrived.

These guards knew that their young lady was this man's woman.

So the future uncle's order,

They also have to obey 100%.

Xiaoya, the little girl next to Su Chen, stood beside Su Chen with a long sword and said anxiously,"Master, you'd better get in the carriage. These Jianghu people are very powerful. Here The guards are no match for the masked man"

"It's okay, Xiaoya, call that little white girl Bai Feifei out."Su Chen touched the nervous Xiaoya beside him and said comfortingly,

"this.....All right!"Xiao Yabai, Su Chen touched her head and hurriedly walked to the carriage with her face flushed.

She did not expect that Su Chen would touch her head, which made her very shy.

However, she thought that she was Miss Zhu Qiqi's personal maid. If the young lady marries this young master in the future, she will also be his concubine in the future. Xiaoya's face turned even redder when she thought of this.


Just when Mr. Lin ran not far away from Su Chen, a guard took the The long sword pierced through the heart and killed Mr. Lin.

Mr. Lin covered his chest with an expression of indignation and asked,"Why do you want to do this?"....Want to kill me!"


Plop! Mr. Lin fell to the ground after the guard pulled out the long sword from his body. He stared at his eyes and looked unwilling to die here completely. If he could choose again, he would definitely not do it for What kind of beauty wanders around the rivers and lakes regardless of comfort?

"Mr. Lin!"

Ning Yuxi did not expect that those Jianghu people actually killed Mr. Lin.

Although she knew that those Jianghu people were afraid of getting burned before killing Mr. Lin, but these people also had too little regard for the morality of the Jianghu. Not saving people at the risk of death was due to their low strength and could not be done. , but they can't kill an ordinary person who has no power to restrain a chicken!

After Ning Yuxi rushed out from the masked men, she came to Mr. Lin who was lying on the ground. She looked at him and saw that he was dead. Mr. Lin didn't say much.

This was fate.

Ever since Mr. Lin had followed him despite his dissuasion, he should have thought that one day he would be killed by Jianghu people.

Zhu Qiqi's guards saw Ning Yu Everyone in the past was alert. After they protected Su Chen one by one, they were ready to kill the veiled woman with weapons.

Su Chen waved his hands to the vigilant guards and told them to get out of the way, and then he left. He came to Ning Yuxi and asked,"Your name is Ning Yuxi?" Is that the leader of some holy virtue or some kind of workshop?"


Ning Yuxi frowned and looked at the young master who had arrived and was very surprised. Isn't this young master afraid that he would kill him to avenge Mr. Lin?

Su Chen looked at Ning Yuxi's perfect figure with bulging front and back, dressed in white. Ning Yuxi's temperament in the skirt is very outstanding. Although her face is blocked by the veil so that he cannot see it, for such a woman with a perfect figure, Ning Yuxi's face is also very beautiful. Su Chen looked at Ning

Yu Xi smiled and continued to ask,

"Xiao Yuruo is your apprentice?"

"Um? who are you? How do you know Xiao Yuruo?"Ning Yuxi heard the man talking about Xiao Yuruo, which made her look at Su Chen very curiously.

Who is this man?

How did she know Xiao Yuruo, her own registered disciple in the Southern Continent?

"If Xiao Yu is my cousin, Sect Leader Ning should know who I am, right?"

"Are you Xiao Yuruo's cousin? Why haven't I heard her say anything about a cousin?"

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