Su Chen guessed what An Biru guessed from the conversation between Hua Wuque and herself just now.

However, it was impossible for An Biru to guess his identity.

Although she didn't know what An Biru could guess, her guess was definitely wrong.

Su Chen also wanted to play tricks on An Biru.

As long as An Biru agreed to the bet with him,

Su Chen could take advantage of An Biru at will in the future.

"What to bet on?"

An Biru was very surprised when she heard Su Chen's words.

She didn't expect that this noble young man would want to bet with her. Could it be that her guess was wrong?

This is impossible.

Hua Wuque from Yihua Palace looked respectful to this bastard. It seems fake, her guess is not wrong.

Su Chen looked at An Biru's charming face and said with a smile,"Bet you, what if you obey my orders after losing?" You dare?"

"Why don't you dare? It's a gamble. However, if you lose, then little brother, you will obey my orders from now on. You will do whatever I ask you to do from now on."An Biru laughed when she heard Su Chen's bet.

This shameless pervert seemed to want to take advantage of her.

However, this was also a chance.

As long as she could defeat this bastard this time, then this bastard would She will be controlled by herself in the future, which is very beneficial to her Miao territory, and is even more reliable than the shady Qinglong Society she cooperates with.

"It’s a deal!"

"It’s a deal!"

Su Chen and An Biru high-fived each other and confirmed the bet.

They both laughed with evil intentions, as if they were going to win the bet.

Su Chen showed off to An Biru He waved his hand and said with a smile,"Let's start now, An Biru, what is my identity? You can tell it"

"Ha ha! You are Su Chen, the emperor of the Xuantian Empire, right?"An Biru said with a smile and whispered in Su Chen's ear. An Biru also guessed Su Chen's identity when she heard that Su Chen was coming to marry Yao Yue and Lian Xing. You must know that Yao Yue and Lian Xing Xingke has an ambiguous relationship with Su Chen, the emperor of the Xuantian Empire. If this bastard is a noble and official of the Xuantian Empire, would he dare to have ideas about Yaoyue and Lianxing? And this bastard can command Mu Guiying's Western Combat Legion. He Her status must be higher than that of Mu Guiying. Mu Guiying is the imperial concubine of the Xuantian Empire. There are not many people with higher status than the imperial concubine. Apart from the four concubines and the empress, there is only the emperor. Well, besides, this bastard’s surname is Su, and the emperor of the Xuantian Empire is called Su Chen. This bastard! She didn’t expect that he would be His Majesty the Emperor of the Xuantian Empire. Su Chen looked at An Biru in surprise. He didn’t expect An Biru. Biru was able to guess his identity. Damn it! How could An Yaojie guess his identity? How could he be exposed? This is impossible! From beginning to end, he didn't reveal any information about his identity. How could An Biru? Maybe he can guess his identity? Is this Fairy An a spirit? Su Chen will not admit that An Biru's guess is right. Now he can only shamelessly mess around,"An Biru, you guessed wrong, I How could you be the emperor of the Xuantian Empire? You will be used by me from now on.


"impossible! I can't possibly guess wrong. Are you trying to be lazy?" An Biru didn't believe what Su Chen said.

She now suspected that this bastard didn't want to admit his debt.

An Biru looked at Su Chen angrily.

She felt that this bastard must not want to fulfill the bet.

"I’m really not the emperor of Xuantian Empire, I’m just Mu Guiying’s cousin. Can’t you afford to lose?"

"this......How can this be? You are Mu Guiying's cousin and you dare to take advantage of Yao Yue and Lian Xing. Aren't you afraid that the Emperor of Xuantian Empire will kill you?"

"I'm just talking, have you seen me take action?"

"You lied to me, right? You, an imperial emperor, dare to do something and dare not admit it. Are you still an imperial emperor?"

"An Biru, if I were the emperor of the empire, do you think I would come to the Western Continent just a few months after the empire was established?"

"this.......Are you really not the emperor of the Xuantian Empire?"

An Biru is right when she thinks about it.

The Xuantian Empire has just been established for more than two months.

If this bastard were the emperor, there is no way he would come to the Western Continent at this time. The emperor should be very busy now. For the Xuantian Empire How could the emperor of the empire come here far away from the imperial capital of Gusu City?

Su Chen was relieved to see that he had managed to frighten An Biru.

He did not expect that An Biru would be so smart.

It seems that he should be more careful with his words in the future.

He just casually said that he wanted to marry Yaoyue and Lianxing and go home, but An Biru guessed his identity. It seems that there are many smart people in the world. He can't be so careless again in the future.

"Ann Fairy......Ahem, An Biru, if you lose, you must be obedient from now on, otherwise I will serve you with a whip."Su Chen said with a evil smile when he saw An Biru's surprised expression.

This time he finally managed to scare An Biru temporarily, but his identity may be discovered by An Biru in the future.

Su Chen can't control it now. There are many. One loses and one wins in today's bet. Although she won Bai Feifei and Ning Yuxi, she just didn't expect to lose to this An Yao Fairy. An Yao Fairy was indeed An Yao Fairy.

"you? You bastard, you haven't proven your identity yet. As long as you can prove your identity, I will honor the bet."An Biru looked at Su Chen helplessly, rolled her eyes and said nonchalantly,

"How about I ask Mu Guiying to write a letter of certification?"

"I will find the answer myself"

"Let me tell you, are you planning to default on your debt?

An Biru touched Su Chen's handsome face and teased,"How can you say this is a repudiation? Although you may be telling the truth, if I am not sure, how will I know whether you have deceived me or not?" This is just in case you cheat on me."

Su Chen pretended to be angry and opened An Biru's hand and said,

"Forget it, even witches can’t be trusted. An Biru, the bet is cancelled. However, if you don’t give me an answer after the competition between Yao Yue and Yan Nantian, then there is no need for the Miao people in Miao territory to exist."

Su Chen wished that An Biru would default on the debt so that he could cancel the bet. In the future, An Biru would discover his identity, and An Biru would be so angry that she had nothing to say.


An Biru looked at Su Chen She raised her eyebrows.

Why did she feel that this bastard seemed eager to cancel the bet?

Is this her own illusion?

What was this bastard planning?

While Su Chen was waiting for An Biru's answer, he suddenly discovered An acquaintance appeared outside Xiuyu Valley, and he was a rather special acquaintance.


Why did Zhu Wuwu appear here?

After the Ming Dynasty was destroyed, Zhu Wuwu was not found again. Why did Zhu Wuwu appear near Yihua Palace this time? ?Did Zhu Wuli not go to Tianchi to accompany Su Xin who was frozen?

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