Su Chen looked at Ming Yue Xin in the sky and thought,

Ming Yue Xin could not be the only one coming from the Qinglong Society this time. Gong Ziyu was suspicious. He ordered Ming Yue Xin to come and kill Yao Yue and Lian Xing this time. There must be something else secretly there. layout.

Su Chen will not underestimate Gong Ziyu, a very smart person. Gong Ziyu has the ability to re-establish the Qinglong Society after the previous generation of Qinglong Society fell apart. This is not something that ordinary people can do. Although there was help from Bai Xiaosheng, the leader of the three dragons of the previous generation of Qinglong Society, Gong Ziyu's ability was also obvious to all. Lianxing leaned into Su Chen's arms and asked doubtfully,"Husband, are you worried that someone from the Qinglong Society is hiding here?" Su Chen touched Lianxing's pretty face and nodded.

"This possibility cannot be ruled out. That little old man Gong Ziyu is a very careful person. With his suspicious character and careful mind, it is impossible for him to send just one dragon head here. After all, you and Yao Yue are my women. Gong Ziyu has no choice but to deal with you. Be careful again and again"

"Um! I understand, I will take the Shadow Team to pay attention to my sister's battle."Lianxing said hurriedly after hearing Su Chen's words.

She is also worried that when Yao Yue and Yan Nantian are fighting, Yao Yue will be attacked by people from the Qinglong Society.

She is not worried about her sister Yao Yue's fighting with Yan Nantian.

If When her sister was fighting against Yan Nantian with all her strength, she was attacked by someone. This would probably make Yaoyue unable to resist, and she might even be killed by the masters of the Qinglong Society who attacked her. This was not what Lianxing wanted to see.

Over the Xiuyu Valley,

Mingyue's heart was in her heart. After waiting for a while but not seeing the bastard appear, she angrily yelled at Yaoyue,"Yaoyue, why doesn't that bastard come out? Is he scared?"

Yao Yue glanced at Ming Yue Xin and said mockingly,"You can't wait to see him so much? Could it be that what he did to you last night made you fall in love?"

"Damn it, are you looking for death?"Ming Yuexin's face became hot when she heard Yao Yue's words. She burst out with powerful aura and pressure and wanted to kill Yao Yue first.

That bastard kicked her PG last night, and

Yao Yue also saw it.

And An Biru and Zhu Yiwu would have known that they would have killed An Biru and Zhu Yiyi last night. She did not want such a shameful thing to be spread.

The people outside Xiuyu Valley were now confused.

They They didn't expect that another powerful woman would appear, and the aura erupted from this woman's body was even more powerful than Yan Nantian's. This made everyone here very surprised. This was another powerful master of the Heavenly Realm.

And it seems that she also has a grudge against Yihua Palace.

But who is the bastard this powerful woman is talking about? This makes the people here unable to guess.

Xiao Yuer laughed when he saw another enemy of Yihua Palace appearing. Come to think of it, Yihua Palace Yaoyue and Lianxing are destined to die this time. Two masters of the heavenly realm have come to Yihua Palace to seek revenge. Yihua Palace is going to be destroyed this time.

Bai Feifei and Ning Yuxi , An Biru, and the others changed their expressions when they saw the powerful woman appearing.

Bai Feifei and Ning Yuxi were worried about Yao Yue and Su Chen. Yan Nantian, who was originally in the heavenly realm, made them worry that Yao Yue would not be Yan Nantian's. Opponent.

Now there is another enemy of the terrestrial immortal in the heavenly realm.

And it is also the enemy of Yihua Palace.

This makes Bai Feifei and Ning Yuxi want to go to help Yao Yue immediately.

But Su Chen and Lian Xing have not appeared yet. They She could only hold on to her thoughts of helping Yao Yue.

An Biru's expression changed when she saw Ming Yue Xin appeared, but!

She was not worried about Su Chen and Yao Yue, after all, Su Chen teased Ming Yue Xin last night.

Su Although Chen's strength is not as strong as Ming Yue Xin's, that bastard's teleportation ability is very powerful. No matter how strong Ming Yue Xin's strength is, he can't do anything to that bastard.

And on a big tree outside Xiuyu Valley, a man in black and masked Hidden here, she looked motionless at Yao Yue in the sky, but the cold light in her eyes was enough to kill Yao Yue with one blow.

But after Ming Yue Xin appeared, she also looked at Ming Yue Xin with a cold light in her eyes. He also had murderous intentions towards Ming Yue Xin, which even surpassed the murderous intention to kill Yao Yue at one time.

"Ming Yue Xin, Gong Ziyu is mine, you are just a good-for-nothing woman, you will be completely disgusted by Gong Ziyu after this incident, and I will kill you with my own hands when you are disgusted by Gong Ziyu."

At this moment,

Ming Yue Xin in the sky has murderous intentions towards Yao Yue, but Yao Yue doesn't even look at Ming Yue Xin.

Although Ming Yue Xin wants to kill her, she is not worried at all.

Yao Yue only has Yan Nantian in her eyes now , this time she is fighting Yan Nantian in a life and death battle. She will not be distracted by Ming Yue Xin. Yao Yue also knows that Su Chen will not let her be disturbed behind enemy lines.

"Damn it, Yaoyue, you are looking for death!"Ming Yue Xin saw that Yao Yue didn't care about her threat at all, and even treated her as if she didn't exist, which made Ming Yue Xin even more angry.


Su Chen appeared next to Ming Yue Xin and said teasingly,"Ming Yue Xin, you Has the scar healed and the pain forgotten?"

"Asshole, you finally showed up."

When Ming Yuexin heard Su Chen's words, she hurriedly dodged and fled.

She was worried that the bastard would kick her unexpectedly again, but she was very helpless with this bastard's teleportation ability.

"Ming Yuexin, do you miss me that much?"

"Go to hell!"


Su Chen saw Ming Yuexin attacking him with a palm.

He hurriedly teleported away and yelled,"What the hell, Ming Yuexin, is this your meeting gift?"

Ming Yue Xin saw this bastard dodged her attack again.

After she blasted a hill out of a big crater with one palm,

Ming Yue Xin looked at Su Chen and her face was livid.

This bastard's reaction ability was too fast. She If you can't keep up with this bastard, I'm afraid there's still nothing you can do against this bastard today.

Yan Nantian is very confused now.

He's here to kill Yao Yue and Lian Xing today. Why are things happening one after another? He was very surprised when a terrestrial fairy woman from the human realm appeared, but then an ordinary person with no strength appeared.


Can ordinary people stand in the air?

Can ordinary people avoid attacks from the heavenly realm?

Yan Nantian can't Sensing any internal fluctuations in Su Chen, how did this man do it? Does this young man have any level of cultivation? Yan Nantian has not noticed it until now. Yao

Yue saw Su Chen entangled with Mingyue Xin , she said coldly to Yan Nantian,"Yan Nantian, no one will bother us now, aren't you going to kill me? Now you can do it"


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