Outside Xiuyu Valley, the people around Jianghu saw that the final battle was about to begin. They opened their eyes wide and prepared to see who would win in the end, Yao Yue or Yan Nantian.

Can the sword god Yan Nantian kill Yao Yue?

Or can the one who invites the moon kill Yan Nantian?

Boom boom boom boom.......

When Yao Yue and the three illusory clones began to gather their skills to kill Yan Nantian, bursts of roaring sounds appeared in the sky above Xiuyu Valley. Although the Ghost Slaying Divine Sword Technique had not yet been used, the heaven and earth phenomena of the Imperial Level Sword Technique had already begun. Revealed.

Yan Nantian saw that before Yao Yue launched a sword move, a strange phenomenon of heaven and earth appeared in the sky above Xiuyu Valley. This made him very surprised.

He looked at Yao Yue and hurriedly gathered the attack power of the wedding dress magic skill. He wanted to use the magic power of the wedding dress. The most powerful move of the sword technique is used to kill Yao Yue.

Yao Yue's momentum is getting stronger and stronger now, and

Yan Nantian is very cautious about the sword technique used by Yao Yue this time.

When the people in the surrounding arena saw that Yao Yue and Yan Nantian were about to unleash powerful moves at the same time, they all hurriedly retreated.

The strong momentum of Yao Yue and Yan Nantian made them, the Jianghu people, feel that they would be affected if they stayed here. The Jianghu people here did not want to be accidentally killed by the battle between Yao Yue and Yan Nantian.

Yao Yue's cold face held up the blue blood-shine sword and locked it with Queen Yan Nan, and then she said,

"The righteousness of heaven and earth will last forever! Not seeking to kill immortals, but killing ghosts and gods!"

At this time, Yao Yue's three illusory clones also recited the sword formula for killing ghosts and gods together with Yao Yue.

"The righteousness of heaven and earth will last forever! Not seeking to kill immortals, but killing ghosts and gods!"

After the four identical Yaoyues recited the formula of the Ghost-Slaying Divine Sword Art at the same time, they quickly slashed at Yan Nantian with their blue-blooded swords.

"cut! ghost! god!"

Boom boom boom boom......

The four sword lights burst out with powerful light like sword blades and struck Yan Nantian in an instant.

The Ghost-Slaying Divine Sword Technique is the most powerful and powerful sword technique.

Using the Demon-Slaying Sword Technique can replace attack with defense and move forward indomitably!


When a sword is used, it carries with it the unruly and disobedient spirit that has existed since ancient times. It shows no respect for heaven and earth, no worship of ghosts and gods

, and looks down upon the world. If it does not kill the enemy, it will not flinch even if it is shattered into pieces.

In the sky above Xiuyu Valley, after Yao Yue and three illusory clones burst out with the Ghost-Slaying Divine Sword Technique, the sky above the entire Xiuyu Valley also darkened.

Four sword rays struck Yan Nantian in the air like lightning. It was like a divine attack. Just like killing all the evil spirits in the world, Yan Nantian must be killed

"【Quick] [Slow] [Attack] [Defense] The four tactics are combined into one, kill!"When Yan Nantian saw Yao Yue's attack, he hurriedly used the most powerful move of the Divine Sword Technique.

He was very frightened by Yao Yue now.

He was very clear about the power of the Ghost Slaying Divine Sword Technique.

At this time, he wanted to There is no way to escape.

Yan Nantian, who is locked by the Ghost-Slaying Sword Art, cannot escape.

After the sword lights of Yao Yue and the three illusory clones merged into one, the powerful sword intent that Yan Nantian burst out has not yet combined with the sword light. The sword light that burst out from Yao Yue completely collapsed when it met.

Boom boom boom boom.......

After a loud noise, the sky above Xiuyu Valley gradually became brighter, and Yao Yue was left alone in the sky. Three illusory clones disappeared from beside her, and Yan Nantian disappeared from the sky..

The surrounding rivers and lakes looked at the scene in Xiuyu Valley in stunned silence.

From the sky where Yan Nantian stood to the hill below, a huge deep ditch appeared in the eyes of all the people in the rivers and lakes. This deep ditch was wider than the average small river. , even the hill below Yan Nantian was split into two.

"Damn it, it’s too scary. Why is Yao Yue so powerful?"

"More than scary, this is simply unprecedented horror"

"Yaoyue's sword technique is indeed more powerful than her palm technique. Is this still sword technique? Yaoyue's swordsmanship is just like that of a god"

"hiss! Yao Yue is going to be invincible. Now Yao Yue is not in the Celestial Realm yet, but she is so powerful. If Yao Yue is promoted to the Celestial Realm, I am afraid that Yao Yue will also be the most powerful being in the Celestial Realm."

"Where is Yan Nantian? Will the sword god Yan Nantian be dead?"

"There was no way Yan Nantian could survive, and no one could survive such a terrifying swordsmanship."

The Jianghu people in Xiuyu Valley all looked at the huge ravine carved by Yao Yue with pale faces. They all started talking in horror.

In the air,

Yao Yue also put away her sword with a pale face.

Her current internal strength was also consumed very much, otherwise her illusory clone would not have disappeared. However!

Yan Nantian was still killed by her.

The sword god Yan Nantian ended up with no body left this time.

She can't blame her for this. Yan

Nantian, who is stubborn, strong and arrogant, is coming to kill her this time.

Naturally, Yao Yue cannot let go of Yan Nantian who wants to kill her.

Outside Xiuyu Valley,

Bai Feifei and Ning Yuxi are here Their faces were flushed. They had lost a bet with Su Chen. Thinking of that bastard Su Chen's malicious expression, they were very worried about what rude demands the bastard would make.

Su Chen was a lustful and shameless person.

If Su Chen's request was unacceptable to them.

Should the two of them break the bet?

Or should they obey that bastard?

Over the Xiuyu Valley,

Su Chen and Ming Yuexin also looked at Yao Yue in shock.

This time Yao Yue made a mistake. Su Chen was very surprised.

Yao Yue and her illusory clone used the Ghost-Slaying Sword Technique. Such power was something even Su Chen could not imagine.

Su Chen twitched the corner of his mouth when he looked at the huge deep groove in Xiuyu Valley. , Yao Yue's power made Su Chen very worried that he would not be able to defeat her in the future.

Su Chen originally wanted to try playing with Yao Yue's illusory clone, but this time he did not dare to mention it to Yao Yue. For such a request, I'm afraid Yao Yue will be severely punished.Have a meal for yourself.

Ming Yuexin was very shocked.

She might not be able to resist a sword technique like Yao Yue's.

Only Gong Ziyu in the late Tianren realm could block such a powerful sword technique attack. However, even if Gong Ziyu could block it, I'm afraid Gong Ziyu would not be able to resist it. Yu will also be seriously injured

"Uncle Yan! Uncle Yan!........."Xiao Yu'er reacted from the shock and hurriedly screamed and ran towards the deep ditch cut by Yao Yue.

He was now worried that Yan Nantian would be killed by Yao Yue.

Yan Nantian was Xiao Yu'er's only support.

Valley of the Evil Those evil people are all dead, if Yan Nantian dies again.

It is probably impossible for Xiao Yu'er to let go of the people he has offended over the years. He is just a little scumbag in the Xiantian realm. The enemies he has offended over the years are all very powerful. He has offended both masters and grand master enemies.

Tie Xinlan saw Xiao Yu'er running towards Xiuyu Valley crazily.

She frowned and hurriedly followed.

Although Tie Xinlan was also a scumbag in terms of strength, Xiao Yu'er had saved her after all, so she wouldn't look at her. Xiao Yu'er was killed by people from Yihua Palace. Although it was silly and foolish, she did not regret doing so.

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