Su Chen checked Lianxing's injuries and felt relieved.

He looked at Ming Yuexin and Bai Yunxuan fighting in the air and shook his head. Ming Yuexin and Bai Yunxuan would probably fight to the death in the future.

From today on, they will definitely continue to fight like this.

Gong Ziyu is really good at dealing with women, and he can make Ming Yuexin and Bai Yunxuan surrender to his control.

Gong Ziyu is also really cunning.

In the plot, although Gong Ziyu pretended to be innocent and did not kill anyone, his actions killed many people. How could such a villain be cleared in the end?

Su Chen was very confused when he saw the final plot.

In the end, the villain actually left without incident.

Gongzi Yu returned to the mountains and forests?

What kind of fucking bullshit plot is this?

The screenwriter is simply a complete imbecile.

Fu Hongxue in the plot is also a complete fool. He was chased and assassinated by Gong Ziyu for so long, but in the end he didn't have the motivation to kill Gong Ziyu. Was he kidding?

At this time, Gong Ziyu might not live long, but is it really okay to just let a complete villain go?

Su Chen thought that Fu Hongxue and Gong Ziyu had no intersection in the mixed martial arts world, but he was still very angry when he thought about it.

It seemed that Hua Baifeng would have to beat up her son Fu Hongxue's idiot more in the future.

Just when Su Chen was thinking about the plot of Tianya Mingyue Knife,

Yaoyue suddenly discovered that Xiao Yuer was hiding from Yu Bo in the battle between Mingyue Xin and Bai Yunxuan everywhere in Xiuyu Valley.

She looked at Xiao Yu'er with murderous intent.

Xiao Yu'er had joined the anti-Soviet alliance, so it was impossible for Yao Yue to keep this reckless Xiao Yu'er. but!

She thought that Xiao Yu'er was Hua Wuque's twin brother after all, and

Hua Wuque was the child she raised.

Yao Yue also didn't want Hua Wuque to hate her for killing Xiao Yu'er.

Yao Yue's eyes flashed with murderous intent and she said to Su Chen,"Husband, look, that one should be Xiao Yu'er."

"Little fish? A fool who doesn't know the heights of heaven and earth. Madam, please let Hua Wuque give Xiao Yu'er a ride. After all, they are twin brothers."

Su Chen looked at Xiao Yu'er in Xiuyu Valley and didn't care at all.

A Xiao Yu'er who was causing trouble everywhere and with low cultivation level made Su Chen look down on him very much. Even after Xiao Yu'er joined the anti-Soviet alliance, he didn't care. I never cared about it that much.

Now that the villains in the Valley of the Evil and Yan Nantian are dead, with Xiao Yu'er's ability to cause trouble, even if he doesn't kill Xiao Yu'er,

Xiao Yu'er's enemies won't be able to let him go.


Yao Yue's eyes lit up when she heard Su Chen's words, and asked Hua Wuque to kill Xiao Yu'er, so that she wouldn't have to be embarrassed.

Hua Wuque knew exactly what Xiao Yu'er had done, and she also believed that Hua Wuque would kill Xiao Yu'er in the end. I will definitely kill Xiao Yu'er with my own hands.

Yao Yue pulled Lian Xing and smiled and said,"I will take Lian Xing back to Yihua Palace, and then let Hua Wuque come over and kill Xiao Yu'er.""

"Husband, be careful!"

Lianxing nodded gently to Su Chen and said.

Su Chen took out three red fruits from the system space and handed them to Lianxing,"I will be careful. You and your sister will eat one after you return to Yihua Palace. Zhu Guo, don’t delay your injury"

"hehe! I know!"

After Yao Yue flew back to the Flower Palace with Lian Xing,

Su Chen's eyes lit up when she looked at Ming Yue Xin and Bai Yun Xuan who were still fighting fiercely.

Now Ming Yue Xin and Bai Yun Xuan are in a very embarrassed state. The clothes are now very torn, and patches of snow-white skin are exposed. The blood matches the sad and beautiful looks of the two girls, Ming Yue Xin and Bai Yun Xuan. Their current sad and beautiful looks are very attractive. In the sky of Xiuyu Valley,

Ming Yue Xin and Bai Yun Xuan The battle between Bai Yunxuan and Bai Yunxuan has become fierce now. Both women are seriously injured now, but they have no intention of stopping at all. It seems that they are determined not to give up until they kill each other.


Ming Yuexin and Bai Yunxuan quickly exchanged words with each other again. After a slap in the face, both women fell from the air while vomiting blood.


Cough cough cough!

"Mingyue Xin, you are dead this time, Gong Ziyu will only like me from now on."Bai Yunxuan stood up from the ground. She took off her veil and wiped the blood from the corner of her mouth before shouting fiercely,

"Feel free to come over here!"Ming Yuexin adjusted her revealing dress and said expressionlessly.

She has given up on Gong Ziyu, but!

Bai Yunxuan's attitude made her very unhappy.

Ming Yuexin doesn't mind stimulating Bai Yunxuan, just when She was very angry when she saw that bastard Su Chen leisurely watching her and Bai Yunxuan fight to death. Ming Yuexin originally wanted this bastard to use her lost bet, but she never thought that she would be plotted by this bastard..Damn bastard, she will never honor that bet again.



Boom boom boom.......

Ming Yuexin and Bai Yunxuan started fighting again quickly.

The two women's fast figures kept attacking each other. Rocks and dust flew up around them. The people outside Xiuyu Valley could not see Ming Yuexin and Bai Yun at all now. Xuan's battle situation

"It's time to deal with these two stupid women, otherwise they will be in trouble if both of them die."Su Chen saw Ming Yuexin and Bai Yunxuan fighting fiercely in the air, regardless of life and death, and shook his head and said,


Su Chen instantly moved to Ming Yuexin and Bai Yunxuan. When they were all concentrating on dealing with each other, Su Chen Quickly tapping their acupuncture points, in the frightened eyes of Ming Yuexin and Bai Yunxuan,

Su Chen hugged them and disappeared into Xiuyu Valley.

In Xiuyu Valley, as Su Chen disappeared with Ming Yuexin and Bai Yunxuan, Xiu Chen The sound of fighting in the Jade Valley also disappeared, and the people here didn't know what happened. It was just that the dust was flying everywhere in the Xiuyu Valley, and they couldn't see clearly what was going on inside. At this time


Qin Mengyao's women and the Bai Feifei and the others also killed those Qing Dragon Society assassins. More than ten Grand Master Qing Dragon Society assassins were quickly killed by these women without even escaping.

After killing these Qing Dragon Society assassins,

Qin Mengyao and the other girls looked at Bai Feifei and Ning Yuxi and An Biru were very confused. They had never seen these women before, but why did they help Yihua Palace? Are these women also related to Su Chen?

"who are you?"

Qin Mengyao looked at Bai Feifei and asked with a frown.

Bai Feifei turned her head aside when she heard Qin Mengyao's words.

Her identity is very embarrassing.

The relationship between that bastard Su Chen and her mother is complicated.

How should she answer Qin Mengyao's words?

Could it be that she is Bai Jing's daughter?

Then who is Su Chen's?

Adopted daughter?


Bai Feifei wanted to kill that bastard when he thought of this.

How could she have an adoptive father who was one or two years older than her?

What if Qin Mengyao's daughter After knowing that I am Bai Jing's daughter, I'm afraid they will look at me very strangely.

"Su Chen's friend."Ning Yuxi saw that Bai Feifei had no intention of answering, so she opened her mouth and said to Qin Mengyao,

"Um? Thank you very much this time. Since you are friends of the young master, then come with us to Yihua Palace."

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