After Hua Wuque caught Xiao Yu'er and Tie Xinlan, he sensed that a woman had been following him, but the woman never showed any malice, and Hua Wuque did not kill her.

Hua Wuque frowned and asked Su Ying,"Su Ying? Why do you keep following us?"

"I have a relationship with Xiao Yu'er and Tie Xinlan. I want to know how you want to treat them."Su Ying looked at Xiao Yu'er and Tie Xinlan and said with a sweet smile.

Although Su Ying was not worried about Xiao Yu'er's safety, she couldn't care less about Tie Xinlan.

Xiuyugu Tie Xinlan came to Yihua Palace this time to take care of her. Following her all the way, if Hua Wuque killed Xiao Yu'er and Tie Xinlan, she would take action to save Tie Xinlan, a kind-hearted woman. When

Hua Wuque heard Su Ying's words, he nodded and said,"So that's it! Don't worry, Xiao Yu'er is my younger brother, I won't kill them"

"younger brother? No wonder you look so similar."Su Ying was very surprised when she heard Hua Wuque's words.

She didn't expect that Hua Wuque, the young master of Yihua Palace, and Xiao Yu'er were brothers. No wonder they looked very familiar.

If Xiao Yu'er hadn't looked like They looked like scoundrels, and Su Ying probably couldn't tell who they were.

Tie Xinlan was also very surprised.

She looked at Hua Wuque and then at Xiao Yu'er.

They did look very similar, but their temperaments were too different. , one was wearing gorgeous clothes like a handsome young man, and the other was wearing rustic coarse linen clothes like a little gangster.

The gap between their brothers was too big.

Xiao Yuer pointed at Hua Wuque angrily and shouted,"We are not Brother, I am not your brother either. Hua Wuque, my parents were killed by Yao Yue and Lian Xing from Yihua Palace. Not only did you not take revenge, you even considered the thief as your father. I, Xiao Yuer, don’t have a brother like you."

"Xiao Yu'er, my father and mother were killed by Twelve Stars. How can you say that it was Aunt Yaoyue and Lianxing who killed them?"

"I don’t believe that my father and mother were killed in Xiuyu Valley. Xiuyu Valley is a forbidden area of ​​Yihua Palace. Without Yaoyue and Lianxing’s permission, would Twelve Stars dare to kill our parents in Xiuyu Valley?"

"Xiao Yu'er, I have investigated clearly what happened back then. The Twelve Constellations did not enter Xiuyu Valley to kill our parents at all. Our parents were also killed outside Xiuyu Valley. These were father's bookboy Jiang Biehe who wanted to swallow them up. His father's family property colluded with the twelve constellations to kill people and seize wealth."

"Hua Wuque, you are the young palace master of Yihua Palace. Do you think I will believe you? Besides, if Yao Yue and the others hadn't killed our parents, why would Uncle Yan come to kill Yao Yue to avenge our parents?"

Xiao Yu'er was very unkind to Hua Wuque.

He grew up suffering in the Valley of the Wicked, but Hua Wuque actually grew up in Yihua Palace with no worries about food and clothing, and even became the famous Young Palace Master of Yihua Palace. Brother, why does he have to suffer?

Hua Wuque can have good food and clothing?

Hua Wuque looked at Xiao Yu'er and explained helplessly,

"It was the evil people in the Valley of Evil who tricked Yan Nantian into killing my aunt Yaoyue. In order to return to the world, they used Yan Nantian's power to suppress the people in the world who wanted to deal with them. You don't understand this, right?"

Hua Wuque is also in a dilemma now.

He knows exactly what Xiao Yu'er did. This time Yao Yue wants him to deal with Xiao Yu'er, and he also knows what Yao Yue wants him to do.

Xiao Yu'er joins the anti-Soviet alliance.

He is now risking being punished by Yao Yue to send Xiao Yu'er away.

As for how he will be punished in the future, he doesn't care. Xiao Yu'er looked at Hua Wuque and said angrily ,

"I don't know. I don’t want to know either, Hua Wuque, if you still recognize me as your brother, then you will kill Yao Yue and Lian Xing."

Hua Wuque waved his hand and said with an ugly face,

"This is impossible, Xiao Yu'er, go ahead. It's best to leave the Western Continent and the Southern Continent in the future. Your joining the anti-Soviet alliance to assassinate His Majesty the Emperor has been exposed. There will be no place for you in the Western Continent and the Southern Continent in the future.."

Xiao Yu'er was very shocked when he heard Hua Wuque's words.

He didn't expect that his joining the anti-Soviet alliance would be exposed, which made Xiao Yu'er very panic.

Now that the Xuantian Empire is at its peak, if the Xuantian Empire will be in the future He started to be wanted. I am afraid that with his strength, he will not be able to escape the pursuit of the Xuantian Empire.

At this moment,

Su Chen and Ming Yue Xin were on a tree looking at the Hua Wuque people below.

Su Chen also took care of Ming Yue Xin. ,

Bai Yunxuan was let go accidentally by him, and the shadow assassin was also sent by him to secretly monitor Bai Yunxuan's every move.

When Su Chen came back with Ming Yue Xin, he happened to find Hua Wuque and Xiao Yu'er. When he and Tie Xinlan came here, he took Ming Yue Xin to see what Hua Wuque was going to do.

As for what Su Chen did to Ming Yue Xin and Bai Yunxuan, only Ming Yue Xin and Bai Yunxuan knew, but Bai Yunxuan escaped. At that time, she was not walking normally, and Ming Yue Xin's face was flushed next to Su Chen. On the big tree, after hearing Hua Wuque's words, Ming Yue Xin asked Su Chen doubtfully,"Su Chen, Hua Wuque is this I want to let Xiao Yu'er go, don't you care?"

Ming Yuexin doesn't dare to yell at Su Chen anymore.

This time she was severely punished by this bastard. Now she still feels PG is in great pain. This bastard really doesn't care about the severity. She is a peerless person. Beauty, this damn bastard, also killed her.

This made Ming Yuexin want to kill this bastard at that time. If she didn't really have nowhere to go now, she wouldn't stay with this bastard.


Yes Forced by this bastard to stay with him.

Ming Yue Xin was so shamelessly threatened by this shameless bastard that she really didn't dare to run away. Her Qinggong skills could not escape this bastard, and the bastard's elusive ability also frightened her.

Ming Yue Xin was also worried that she would be caught by that bastard again after escaping. She would really be stripped naked by this shameless pervert.

She, a majestic celestial being, was so threatened that she did not dare to escape?

This made Ming Yuexin both angry and angry. It was helpless.

Su Chen's eyes flashed with cold light and he said disdainfully,"Don't worry, Xiao Yu'er can't escape, he is dead this time."

Su Chen has no intention of letting Xiao Yu'er go.

Although Xiao Yu'er is nothing to worry about, if he doesn't kill Xiao Yu'er, will he have to leave Ge Ying behind?

Since Xiao Yu'er didn't escape to the Northern Continent, then he should Thinking of the consequences of the Dongchuang Incident,

Ming Yuexin nodded when she heard Su Chen's words.

Su Chen was the emperor of an empire after all. Since Xiao Yu'er wanted to assassinate the emperor, he couldn't be let go. But she thought that Hua Wuque was the one who invited him after all. Yue He Lianxing's direct disciple.

How would Su Chen treat Hua Wuque?

"What about Hua Wuque? Hua Wuque is your wife Yao Yue’s disciple. Do you want to kill him too?"

"That depends on Hua Wuque's attitude. If Hua Wuque lets Xiao Yu'er go this time, Yao Yue will destroy Hua Wuque's cultivation and expel Hua Wuque from Yihua Palace without me doing anything."

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