Bai Yunxuan was very panicked as she leaned against Su Chen helplessly.

This damn bastard hit her again this time, which made her body tremble very strongly. Why did she expect this bastard to hit her?

Bai Yunxuan thought she was sick, or had been poisoned by this shameless bastard.

Otherwise, how could she feel so ashamed?

However, this was also an opportunity to kill Su Chen. As long as this bastard saw her current state, he would definitely let down his guard, so Bai Yunxuan decided to use her weakness to assassinate this bastard.

Bai Yunxuan took a heavy breath and shouted in shame and anger,"Let me go, you shameless bastard!"

Su Chen touched Bai Yunxuan's delicate face and said with a smile,"Bai Yunxuan, you are leaning on me now. In my arms, you are an evil person who complained first and then bit me back!"

Why does Su Chen feel that Bai Yunxuan is getting more and more beautiful? Fortunately, Bai Yunxuan is not the ugly woman in Tianya Mingyue Knife, otherwise Su Chen would not be in the mood to tease this Baiyunxuan

"You are so shameless!"This bastard hugged her when she came over, and now he still slanders her. She has never seen such a shameless bastard.

Su Chen hugged Bai Yunxuan and sat on the bed and asked with a smile,"Xiao Baibai, come to Xikang What does the city do?"

"Who am I to tell you?"Bai Yunxuan stared at Su Chen and yelled angrily.

Su Chen stretched out a hand and patted it in the air. He then looked at Bai Yunxuan and said with a smile,"Oh? Are you really not going to say it?"

Bai Yunxuan panicked when she saw Su Chen's gesture. She felt that Su Chen was going to hit her again. This made Bai Yunxuan speak incoherently and hurriedly asked,"You.......What are you going to do you bastard?"

"What do you think? Bai

Yunxuan panicked and hurriedly said to Su Chen,"I said, I said, I am here to assassinate you. I have sent people to follow you since you left Yihua Palace.""

Bai Yunxuan has no choice now.

Since she wants to pretend to assassinate this bastard, she can't let this bastard take advantage of her again. Moreover, her own weakness was also exposed by this bastard. Bai Yunxuan is very ashamed of her weakness.

Su Chen now feels that Bai Yunxuan is a woman with abnormal heart.

In the plot, Bai Yunxuan is a kind-hearted woman who loves Gong Ziyu to the death, and even helps Gong Ziyu regardless of the consequences. Bai Yunxuan even silently said to Gong Ziyu [If necessary, let them be driven], it can be seen how much Bai Yunxuan loves Gong Ziyu.

But why is Bai Yunxuan like a little rabbit now?

How come Ming Yuexin and Bai Yunxuan are the same, they are both giants in the heaven and human realm. Land gods, powerful martial arts masters, and they are all dozens of years old women, how come they all look like innocent little girls.

Su Chen pinched Bai Yunxuan's delicate little face and threatened,"Bai Yunxuan Xuan, you actually dare to come and assassinate me. How do you think I will punish you?

Bai Yunxuan immediately pretended to be scared and said hurriedly,"No!" I won’t dare to assassinate you anymore. Really, I won’t assassinate you anymore."

Bai Yunxuan secretly rolled his eyes while Su Chen wasn't paying attention.

This bastard really regarded her as a little ignorant girl.

Damn bastard!

I will tear you bastard into pieces soon.

"I don't believe you unless you kiss me"

"Don't even think about it!"

"uh-huh! Can you say that again?"


Su Chen didn't wait for Bai Yunxuan to finish speaking and kissed her delicate red lips directly.

Bai Yunxuan felt dizzy after being kissed by Su Chen and looked at Su Chen with wide eyes.

After a while,

Bai Yunxuan reacted and hurriedly slapped Su Chen with his palm. boom!

Su Chen left and disappeared when Bai Yunxuan took out his palm.

This time he was careless.

He didn't want to kiss Bai Yunxuan. It was just that Bai Yunxuan was blushing, shy and panicked, and Su Chen couldn't control it. Fortunately, he was energetic. Li has always been on guard against Bai Yunxuan, otherwise he would fall into Bai Yunxuan's hands this time.

After Su Chen teleported out, he planned to go outside the city to see what was going on with the Emei sect. Anyway, he didn't suffer a loss this time, but he needed to practice more concentration in the future.

He has many wives who are extremely beautiful, but why can't he resist the temptation because of his determination?

"Damn shameless pervert, I won't let you go."Bai Yunxuan was very angry when she saw that she failed to attack Su Chen again this time.

She pretended to be a timid little woman this time, but after being taken advantage of by that bastard, she did not hurt that bastard. A trace of it made Bai Yunxuan so embarrassed and angry that he wanted to kill himself directly.

"Bah bah bah......., Shameless pervert, damn bastard, woo woo woo woo...."Bai Yunxuan wiped her mouth and started crying with red eyes. She was bullied by that bastard again this time, and it was more and more extreme every time, but she really couldn't do anything against that bastard.

Outside Xikang City, the afterglow of the setting sun shines on the small lake outside the city, which makes the spring scenery more pleasant. Hundreds of Jianghu people are standing around the small lake, and there are dozens of people holding swords in the open space beside the lake. of men and women.

Beside the small lake, on one side were more than a dozen female disciples of the Emei Sect's Master Jue, and on the other side were dozens of disciples of the Emei Sect's Xuanzhen Monastery Dugu Yihe. They were all at war with each other, yelling at each other, and might start fighting with each other at any time.

A young man pointed at a beautiful nun opposite and yelled angrily,"Ding Minjun, don't be arrogant. Your master, Master Jue, is engaged to our master. My master is now very powerful and wants to marry your master. You, a junior, Why can you stop it?"

Ding Minjun of the Emei faction laughed when he heard the words of Yan Renying, one of the three heroes,"Bah! Yan Renying, that bad old man of your master is just a toad who wants to eat swan meat, engagement? What have you done since there is an engagement? ?"

Yan Renying's eyes were a little dodged and she said,"That's because my master has been practicing in seclusion and has not had time to fulfill the engagement."

Ding Minjun was very angry when she heard Yan Renying's shameless words.

She also didn't expect that decades had passed. Emei The master of the Xuanzhen Temple of the sect actually attracted the attention of her master, Master

Jue. Dugu Yihe, the old man, didn't even look at his ugly appearance.

He looked like a twilight old man. How could he be worthy of her master?

Ding Minjun didn't care. Those disciples of Xuan Zhen Guan.

Dugu Yihe's disciples don't have a single great master, or even a few great masters. Their Emei sect has two great masters this time, and the remaining ten or so junior sisters are all master masters.

Ding Minjun is also merciless. He said sarcastically,

"I almost believed what you said, practicing in seclusion? Could it be that your master has been practicing in seclusion for decades? Are you all self-taught in martial arts? Are you Xuanzhenguan disciples so shameless?"


"You bastard, you are a little scumbag in the Xiantian realm. If you dare to talk nonsense again, I will destroy you."

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