When Yang Dingtian heard the words of the high-ranking officials of Mingjiao, he assured them with confidence.

He has a strong ally this time, although the ally is a foreigner.

But as long as he can seize the Central Plains of the Western Continent, he can also get rid of those alien races in the future.

"Leader, what are the allies you are talking about? Yang Xiao, the bright left envoy of the Ming Cult, asked Yang Dingtian in confusion.

The other senior officials of the Ming Cult also looked at Yang Dingtian.

They were also a little confused by what Yang Dingtian said. What other empires are there in the Western


All the empires and small countries in the mainland were destroyed by the Xuantian Empire and surrendered. Even the powerful Dayuan Empire is now in pieces.

Zhao Min, the woman of His Majesty the Emperor of the Xuantian Empire, beat the royal family of the Dayuan Empire and fled to Deep in the desert, the scattered armies of the Yuan Empire are still being annihilated by Zhao Min everywhere.

Which empire is the leader Yang Dingtian talking about?

Yang Dingtian looked at the surrounding Mingjiao executives and said with a smile,"We Do you know the origin of Mingjiao?"

"Shamanism in Persia."Budai monk from Wusan people spoke directly to Yang Dingtian.

Yang Dingtian nodded and continued,

"Yes, I have been in the Mingjiao in Persia during these years of hiding, and I was also received by the Emperor of the Persian Empire. The reason why I returned to China this time to start a rebellion is because I got the support of the Persian Empire. Otherwise, you think I am really capable of getting such a More weapons and food?"

The expressions of the senior officials of the Ming Cult changed when they heard what Yang Dingtian said.

They are all Chinese from the Central Plains, but the leader of the Ming Cult, Yang Dingtian, actually defected to a foreign race and wanted to attract foreign races to fight in the Central Plains. This made the senior officials of the Ming Cult Their expressions were very ugly.

The White-browed Eagle King of the Four Dharma Kings stood up and shouted angrily,"Master, have you defected to a foreign race? Are you going to betray our Chinese clan?"

"Leader, please explain to us clearly, did you really join a foreign race?"Yang Xiao also asked Yang Dingtian with an expressionless face.

The senior officials of Mingjiao all looked at Yang Dingtian angrily. Although their Mingjiao is not a sect native to the Central Plains, they are all from the Central Plains and from China.

They can rebel against the imperial court, but they have to do so according to their ability.

However, they will not do it if they want to unite with foreign races to attack the Central Plains imperial court. This is betraying their nation and their ancestors. This is betraying their ancestors. They couldn't do it even if they died.

Yang Dingtian didn't expect that the top management of Mingjiao would react so strongly.

This was something he didn't expect.

After thinking about it, he changed his attitude and wanted to stabilize these top management of Mingjiao first.

"Don't worry, I have not taken refuge in the Persian Ming Cult, nor have I taken refuge in Persia. I am just using those foreign races. Throughout the ages, those who achieve great things do not stick to trivial matters. As long as we can conquer the Western Continent in the future, even the Persian Empire will not be able to do anything to our Ming Cult."

White-browed Eagle King Yin Zhengtian looked at Xiang Dingtian and said loudly with his eyes wide open,

"I don’t agree, leader, what is the Persian Empire? With the Persian Ming Cult, it is no match for the Xuantian Empire. If the Xuantian Empire had not just been established, and rebels and bandits were being cleared everywhere, the surrounding foreign countries would have long ago They were all wiped out one by one"

"Yin Zhengtian, I said, I am using the Persian Empire, do you still want to oppose me? Do you still want your grandson Zhang Wuji to continue to be the leader?"

"Leader, my grandson Zhang Wuji has left the Ming Cult, and he no longer intends to be the leader of the Ming Cult. I’m just not ashamed of you. Just do it."

"Damn it!"


The aura of Yang Dingtian's human realm burst out directly. He waved his hand and slapped the White-browed Eagle King Yin Zhengtian. The White-browed Eagle King was directly hit by Yang Dingtian and hit the stone wall. He vomited blood and fell to the ground.

"Eagle King!"

"Old Man Yin!"

"Dharma King! How are you doing?"

"Leader, how can you take action against the White-browed Eagle King?"

"Save the Eagle King quickly!"

The top management of Mingjiao saw the Golden Retriever Lion King Yin Zhengtian being beaten away by Yang Dingtian, which made them all yell and scream. The only four Dharma Kings of Mingjiao were the Golden Retriever Lion King and the White-browed Eagle King, and the Golden Retriever Lion King He is already blind and is considered a useless person. He is still on Ice and Fire Island. The Green-winged Bat King was killed by Princess Zhao Min's people. The Purple-shirted Dragon King has been missing for a long time and may have died long ago. In this way, only the four Dharma Kings are left. A white-browed eagle king.

The current top management of Mingjiao is in a state of decline and can no longer afford any losses.

The left and right guardians of the Mingjiao are Yang Xiao and the right guardian Fan Yao was also discovered next to the undercover Princess Zhao Min. They were executed.

The only remaining members of the Five Disciples were Budai, Zhou Dian, Peng, and Peng Yingyu, as well as various branches of the Ming Cult.

The leaders of each branch also helped the Ming Empire in the last war against the Xuantian Empire. There were countless casualties, especially the ferocious Princess Zhao Min of Dayuan. Most of the masters of the Ming Cult were executed under her orders.

Yang Dingtian burst out with a powerful momentum and threatened the senior officials of the Ming Cult,"I am still the leader of the Ming Cult. This is an order. If anyone dares to disobey me again, I will personally clean up the door."

The senior officials of Mingjiao were threatened by Yang Dingtian's powerful momentum.

They all lowered their heads in silence.

Yang Dingtian is a land immortal in the heaven-human realm, and the most powerful ones here are the Grand Masters. They Even if these Mingjiao high-level officials all took action to resist Yang Dingtian, it would be of no avail.

The next morning, in Xikang City,

Su Chen walked out of the room and stretched his waist. The gentleness in the countryside last night was really good, and

Ding Minjun's tenderness was also I enjoyed it.

It seems that the supporting roles in the world of mixed martial arts are quite good. As long as there are no bullshit plots, some supporting roles will not become dark.

At this time, a beautiful and gentle woman came to Su Chen. He smiled and asked,"Sir, how did you rest last night?"

Su Chen saw Ji Xiaofu arriving and even asked himself what happened last night.

He knew that Ding Minjun came to see him last night. Ji Xiaofu must know.

Su Chen directly hugged Ji Xiaofu and touched her vagina. Fa said,"Ji Xiaofu, do you know if I had a good rest last night?"

Ji Xiaofu lowered her head with a flushed face and said shyly,"I......how could I know"

"Ha ha! By the way, Xiaofu, where is your master, Master Miejie?"Su Chen laughed when he saw Ji Xiaofu's shy look. Ji Xiaofu, who has a beautiful face, a kind and gentle temper, really makes people like her.

"The master left with Lin Chaoying from the Ancient Tomb Sect. We didn’t know what the master and senior Lin were doing. The master just asked us to go to Qilian City, saying that he would meet us there."

"Didn't you go to the Southern Continent?"

"Young Master, Miss Gongsun and Miss Mei were taken to Xuanniao Palace by Sect Master Zhu Yuyan"

"Yuyan? Have you met Zhu Yuyan?"


Su Chen now also understands why Master Jue came to the northwest so quickly.

It turns out that they never went to the southern continent at all.

Master Jue is really lucky.

Damn it.

Su Chen also gave Master Jue three pills for free. With Zhu Guo as a reward, it’s impossible for that beautiful lady, Master Jue, to return those Zhu Guo to him.


If the master’s debt is repaid by the disciple,

Master Jue’s beautiful disciples should be prepared to pay off the debt for their master!

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