Dai Qisi really has no way to deal with this bastard.

An emperor is so shameless.

She is helpless to this bastard.

Fortunately, all the people in the world have gone out, otherwise they will see this situation. I'm afraid she would be ashamed to pretend to be an old woman.

Su Chen smelled the fragrance of Dai Qisi's body and closed his eyes and thought.

He was not tired, but he had a preliminary understanding of the Ming Cult. He was now thinking about how to deal with the Ming Cult and the Persian Empire.

The Mingjiao is easy to deal with.

As long as Li Xiuning's legion arrives, the Mingjiao's hundreds of thousands of troops are not enough to massacre the Eastern Combat Legion.

What about the Persian Empire?

When will the Persian Empire's army arrive? Where to start attacking his Xuantian Empire? He didn't know all this yet, and what kind of combat legion should he send to destroy the Persian Empire?

Su Chen really fell asleep thinking about this.

"Damn bastard!"

When Dai Qisi saw that this bastard Su Chen had really fallen asleep, she gritted her teeth and ignored him.

Let this bastard rest on her lap for once.

Xiao Zhao and Yin Li didn't even notice this. What to say, it's just that they secretly looked at Dai Qisi from time to time.

They knew Dai Qisi's true appearance, and they also guessed that Su Chen didn't know Dai Qisi's appearance, otherwise the two little girls would definitely overthink it.

Yin Li patted Xiao Zhao on the shoulder and said to Xiao Sheng,"Xiao Zhao, I didn't expect that your mother actually let Mr. Su rest on her legs."

"Are not you just saw it?"Xiao Zhao glanced at Yin Li and replied angrily,

"Do you think that if Mr. Su discovers your mother's peerless appearance, will Mr. Su take bad notices from your mother-in-law?"

"I......I.....how could I know"

"Guess, you guess"

"I won't guess!"

Dai Qisi's face turned dark when she heard what Xiao Zhao and Yin Li said.

These two little girls are so lawless.

They dare to say these words next to her.

Don't they know that with their own strength, she can Did you hear the conversation between Xiao Zhao and Yin Li clearly?

It seems that the discipline of these two little girls will have to be strengthened in the future.

At this time, outside the mountains and forests, thousands of people from all walks of life came out of the mountains and forests to look at Guangmingding. All the Jianghu people here know about the accident. They all want to know whether civil strife will break out in Guangmingding today. If civil strife breaks out in Guangmingding, you and the Jianghu people here will have the opportunity to take advantage of it.

In an open space outside the mountain forest,

There are Kunlun Sect, Tianshan Sect, Snow Mountain Sect, Iron Sword Sect, Tang Sect and other Central Plains sects here, and even the Tantric Lamas from the Western Regions who came from the grasslands.

These are some sects that are not very powerful, and only such sects can challenge Mingjiao. He was interested in the Great Movement of the Universe.

The heads of more than a dozen sects gathered together, and they discussed the problems after the Mingjiao incident.

He Taichong of the Kunlun Sect said to some of the leaders of the surrounding sects,

"Everyone, if something happens to the Ming Cult today, we must first work together to defeat the masters of the Ming Cult. As for the Ming Cult's Great Shifting Technique, we can discuss the distribution after defeating the masters of the Ming Cult."

"Yes, the Mingjiao is our biggest enemy. Only after dealing with the Mingjiao first can we obtain the Mingjiao's Great Shifting Technique."

"Um! I also agree that we don’t know Yang Dingtian’s strength, but he is definitely very powerful and we cannot take it lightly."

"Don't worry, everyone, our Tang Sect's hidden weapons are not for nothing. No matter how powerful Yang Dingtian is, he can't escape our Tang Sect's hidden weapons."

"Well said, Yang Dingtian may really have to rely on your Tang Sect to deal with it, but why haven't the Emei Sect and Wudang Sect arrived yet?"

"The strength of the Emei Sect cannot be underestimated now. The disciples of the Emei Sect can make the long-famous Dugu Yihe helpless. We must be on guard against the Emei Sect."

"That's right. I heard that the Emei Sect has a close relationship with His Majesty the Emperor of the Xuantian Empire. We can only be on guard against the Emei Sect and cannot be at odds with the Emei Sect."

"The Wudang Sect people should be arriving soon, and we don’t have to wait for the Wudang Sect. The Wudang Sect just came with one Mo Shenggu and some third-generation Wudang Sect disciples."

The heads of other sects also expressed their opinions.

The Ming Cult's Great Shift of the Universe is a heaven-level skill. None of these small sects have a heaven-level skill secret book. If they can copy a heaven-level skill this time, It was a worthwhile trip for them to learn super-level skills and secrets.

At this time,

Su Chen felt embarrassed after resting for a while. He did not expect that he would be drooling while sleeping, which made him look at the angry Dai Qisi. Feeling very embarrassed.

Su Chen hurriedly explained to Dai Qisi,"That......That's a misunderstanding. I never drool when I sleep. Maybe it's because I'm too tired today."

"You damn bastard, I want to kill you right now." Dai Qisi looked at her dress and it was wet. She clenched her fists and cursed angrily.

Dai Qisi's dress was wet in the most important part. This was a very embarrassing thing. Although she You can use internal force to steam it dry, but this is saliva, and there will be some traces even after it is steamed dry.

Dai Qisi is so ashamed and angry that she wants to strangle this shameless bastard.

"Calm down, calm down, Daisy, calm down."Su Chen saw that Dai Qisi was about to take action, so he hurriedly tried to persuade Dai Qisi.

When Dai Qisi heard that Su Chen actually called her name, Dai Qisi looked ugly and grabbed Su Chen's chest. The clothes forced him to ask,"What did you call me?" Damn bastard, you already knew my identity?"


He! He actually let it slip!

It's over now.

If he says it's nonsense that he didn't wake up from his sleep, Dai Qisi will definitely not believe it. How is he going to get along with Dai Qi? Explanation?

Xiao Zhao and Yin Li originally saw Su Chen and Dai Qisi arguing, and they didn't know what happened.

But when they heard Su Chen call out Dai Qisi's name, they looked at Su Chen one by one. Chen was getting weirder and weirder.

Yin Li leaned his little head towards Xiao Zhao and whispered,"Xiao Zhao, Mr. Su has discovered the identity of his mother-in-law a long time ago. Do you think Mr. Su also knows the true appearance of his mother-in-law?"

"this......Maybe you know!"Xiao Zhao looked confused and answered uncertainly.

Yin Li looked at Su Chen and guessed,

"Mr. Su must have rested on his mother-in-law's lap on purpose just now. No wonder Mr. Su didn't dislike his mother-in-law for being an old woman. It turned out that he had long known that her mother-in-law was a stunning beauty."

At this moment,

Dai Qisi grabbed Su Chen angrily and pushed him down on the grass. Her dragon-head crutch was directly on Su Chen's chest to blast this bastard. When

Su Chen saw Dai Qisi The deputy looked like he was going to beat himself up and said hurriedly,"I'll do it! Dai Qisi, don't do anything yet, I can explain, I can explain to you"

"Shameless bastard, please explain to the King of Hell later!"

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