In a deep secret chamber in the Guangmingding secret passage, there is an underground river connected here. A small pool is dug out of the mountain in the secret chamber, and clear spring water flows continuously from here.

At this time, an exotic beauty was cleaning her hair in the small pool, and her clothes were placed beside the small pool. Her looming body was humming exotic songs in the small pool.

After a while, this exotic beauty stopped humming.

She lay in the small pool looking like she was enjoying herself and said to herself,

"It's better to go to the Central Plains, where there are no deserts, no hot climate, and no damn unpleasant smells."

At this moment,

Su Chen appeared in the secret room silently. He smiled when he heard the words of this exotic beauty. Persia is a country in the desert, and it is definitely not as pleasant as the Central Plains. The climate and beautiful scenery.

However, why was the secret room so foggy that he couldn't see clearly the Persian Ming Cult's Hui Yue Envoy in the small pool, but this looming figure was the most attractive. The

Persian Ming Cult's Hui Yue Envoy was cleaning her hair. When she was walking, she suddenly felt a strange smell, which made her nervous.

She hurriedly hid in the small pool and shouted outside,

"who? who?"

Su Chen didn't expect to be discovered.

He walked to the edge of the small pool and looked at Huiyue Shi with only one head exposed. Hui Yueshi had a high nose, blue eyes, delicate face, and wet beauty. Su Chen was very fascinated when he saw this.

"Tsk tsk! Moonlight Envoy of the Persian Ming Cult, your vigilance is really strong, even when you take a bath, you are so cautious."

The Huiyue Messenger looked at Su Chen beside the small pond and asked cautiously,

"who are you?"

Huiyue Shi did not expect that a man would appear here.

She guessed that this man was either following her secretly, or that he had already sneaked into the secret passage of the Ming Cult. Could it be that this man also came to steal the Ming Cult's Great Shifting Technique? Is that so?

Su Chen squatted down while picking up Huiyue Shi's clothes and smiled and said,"Those who appreciate beautiful women taking a bath"

"Damn it, you're looking for death!"Huiyue Shi didn't expect that this bastard actually picked up her clothes, which made her very angry.

She also saw that this man was just an acquired little scumbag, but she had no clothes to wear now. Although You can kill this hateful Central Plains man, but you will also be seen by this bastard.

Persian women are very loyal to the opposite sex. If she is seen by this bastard, she will lose her loyalty even if she kills this bastard.

Su Chen He took Huiyueshi's clothes and smelled it before teasing,"Oh! Then come out and kill me! I'm just here waiting for you to kill me"

"you......You are despicable!"

"You, a Persian, never thought you could speak our Chinese dialect so well and even use words."

"Damn it, get out of here!"

"Haha, you go on, I'll just watch here and say nothing!"Su Chen laughed when he saw Huiyueshi didn't come out to kill him. Persian women really valued chastity just like women from the Central Plains.

Huiyueshi had never seen such a shameless person before.

She looked at Su Chen couldn't help but cursed,


Su Chen did not continue to answer Hui Yue Shi.

He took out a bottle of wine from the secret room and sat next to it and drank. Anyway, the night was long and he had plenty of time to play with Hui Yue Shi.

Time passed like this little by little. After that,

Su Chen was sitting next to the small pond, drinking wine, while Hui Yue Shi kept squatting in the small pond and did not come out. They just looked at each other and did not speak again, but Hui Yue Shi looked at Su Chen with more and more eyes. It's getting colder.

One hour passed, two hours passed, and it was almost dawn.

Su Chen looked at Hui Yue Shi's cold eyes and rubbed his forehead.

This Hui Yue Shi could really fight with him, Hui Yue Shi. Even if he spends it like this, he doesn't plan to come out and kill him.

It seems that he can't appreciate beautiful things.

"are not you cold?"

"I'm so cold!"Huiyueshi replied angrily when she heard Su Chen's words.

She is a great master.

She is not afraid of the cold river water. She is now very worried that her skin will be damaged by soaking in the water. This damn bastard , as long as she can put on clothes and go out, she will definitely cut this shameless man into pieces

"Forget it, I’ll give you back the clothes, bye!"Su Chen thought for a while and put Hui Yue Shi's clothes by the pond. He waved to Hui Yue Shi and walked out of the secret room.

After Hui Yue Shi was waiting for Su Chen to leave, she was not in a hurry to come out.

She was worried that the bastard did it on purpose.

She breathed a sigh of relief after feeling the bastard's breath. After another quarter of an hour, the Huiyue Envoy confirmed that Su Chen had really left. She quickly came out of the small pool and hurriedly wearing her dress

"Yes, perfect figure!"

Just as Huiyue Shi hurriedly put on her dress,

Su Chen's teasing voice suddenly came from behind her.

Su Chen never left.

After he left the secret room, he teleported directly to the other side of the small pond. He After hiding his aura, he kept waiting for the Huiyue User to come out.

But the Huiyue User was really too cautious.

It took a quarter of an hour after he left before the Huiyue User came out. This made Su Chen very depressed about Huiyue User's vigilance..


Su Chen finally saw this beautiful scenery, which prevented him from spending the whole night with Hui Yue Shi.

When Hui Yue Shi heard Su Chen's voice, she quickly looked behind her.

When she saw Su Chen appearing with a smile, Looking at himself by the small pond, this made the Huiyue user completely explode,

"ah! I am going to kill you!" boom!

"Goodbye, little beauty Huiyue!"Su Chen directly dodged Huiyueshi's attack and disappeared with a smile.

Huiyueshi saw Su Chen suddenly disappearing, which made her wary of checking the surroundings.

When she confirmed again that Su Chen had left, she She smashed the stone platform next to her with an angry palm. She had been careful all night, but was still seen by that bastard. This made Huiyueshi's face turn red and black.

Huiyueshi looked ashamed and angry and didn't know what to do. The best thing to do is kill!

I'm afraid she can't kill that bastard.

That bastard is not as simple as he seems.

"Who is that bastard? He couldn't be just an acquired cultivation state. How could an acquired scum disappear in an instant?"

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