Su Chen was very speechless after hearing what Liu Xinru said.

Liu Xinru didn't even care about her reputation in order to take revenge.

However, a woman who didn't even care about her life really didn't need to care about her reputation.

It's really scary for a woman to hate someone like Liu Xinru, who has been carefully preparing for revenge for more than ten years, which is really frightening to think about.

If the gunpowder prepared for more than ten years explodes in Guangmingding, Guangmingding will probably be blown up. No Mingjiao believer in the Mingjiao main altar in Guangmingding will survive, and even Liu Xinru's maids and subordinates will probably not survive.

Su Chen thought of his ruthless women, such as Yao Yue, Shi Guanyin, Zhu Yuyan, Murong Qiuci, Hua Baifeng, etc. They were all ruthless, ruthless, and unscrupulous in doing things. He couldn't help but think of this. He shuddered.

His women were more hateful and crazy than Liu Xinru. If Su Chen dared to betray his women, I'm afraid his empire wouldn't be enough for them.

Su Chen could only wait to be slaughtered by them

"Liu Xinru, I agree to cooperate with you, but you must obey my orders from now on. You can do whatever I ask you to do. Your maids and subordinates are also under my command. Su

Chen thought of the gunpowder again and hurriedly continued to Liu Xinru,"By the way, there are also those gunpowders, put them away for me. I don't want to be blown up by those gunpowders silently." Liu

Xinru thought for a while and agreed,"These are all fine. When are you going to deal with Yang Dingtian?""

She just wants revenge. If she can rely on Su Chen to take revenge, her men and the gunpowder she prepared for more than ten years will be useless.

After revenge, she will commit suicide.

The maids she trained will be taken in by this bastard in the future.

Su Chen sat down and took a sip of tea and told Liu Xinru,"I have ordered the army to attack the Mingjiao. The army of the empire will arrive in one or two days. If you wait another one or two days, I will let you take revenge as you wish."."

Liu Xinru heard that the Xuantian Empire had dispatched troops, and she also thought that the Mingjiao had already gathered almost 300,000 Mingjiao troops. If the Xuantian Empire's troops came in small numbers this time, they might not be able to match the Mingjiao army.

"How many troops have arrived from the Xuantian Empire? There are almost 300,000 Mingjiao believers gathered in Yangdingtian."

Su Chen laughed disdainfully,

"After all, those are untrained peasant armies. The Eastern Combat Legion has three legions this time. The 150,000-strong black-armored army and the 300,000 Ming Cult believer legions are not enough to massacre in the Eastern Combat Legion."

Liu Xinru didn't think what Su Chen said was a big lie.

She also knew about the Xuantian Empire's army, especially the battle in Qilian City.

Qilian City only had three or four thousand city guards, but the Mingjiao paid almost 20,000. It took the lives of the believers to capture it, but what if it was a real combat legion? How many Christian troops did the Mingjiao have to pay to capture it?

Liu Xinru thought about it and continued to ask Su Chen,"What about Yang Dingtian? He is a terrestrial immortal in the Celestial Realm, and there are even masters of the Celestial Realm from the Persian Ming Cult. How are you going to deal with them?"

"You don’t need to take care of this. Masters of the Heavenly Realm from the Xuantian Empire will also arrive in the next few days."Su Chen touched his nose and started talking nonsense again.

This time he came alone. There were two thugs from the land gods in the heaven and human realm, and he also sent them out to find the treasures of the Jinpeng Dynasty.

Su Chen Now, except for the shadow assassins who protect him, there are no subordinates here in Mingjiao, eh!

Dai Qisi and the other three girls are not included.

They are all women with very bad strength.

Even if they come, they will be cannon fodder.

Liu Xinru heard Su Chen's words and Said easily,

"That's good. I can afford to wait for two days. I've been waiting for twenty years, and it's not less than two days."

"That's good, I'll leave first!"


Just when Su Chen was about to leave,

Liu Xinru's room was kicked open, and a veiled woman wearing an alien costume came into the room aggressively. The alien beauty came in and cursed angrily when she saw Su Chen," You bastard is hiding here, it's really easy for me to find you!"

"Holy shit! Hui Yue Envoy!"Su Chen was very surprised when he saw the Moonlight Envoy arriving.

He didn't expect that the Moonlight Envoy would find this place.

It seemed that he was about to teleport away again.

The Moonlight Envoy saw Su Chen trying to escape and became anxious.

She knew that this shameless pervert would disappear suddenly, and she didn't want this bastard to escape from her again. The

Huiyue Messenger looked at Liu Xinru and hurriedly threatened,"Shameless man, if you dare to escape today, I will kill you." Your woman?"

"Um? My woman?"When Su Chen heard Huiyue Shi's words, he pointed at Liu Xinru and asked doubtfully,

"Isn't she?"

"I'll do it! Huiyue Shi, don’t you know the wife of Mingjiao Yang Dingtian?"Su Chen was completely speechless to Huiyue Xin.

Liu Xinru was clearly Yang Dingtian's wife, but

Huiyue Messenger actually said she was his woman.

Doesn't Huiyue Messenger even know Liu Xinru?

Liu Xinru was stunned when she heard Su Chen's words. He said angrily,"Asshole, I am not Yang Dingtian’s wife."

Liu Xinru was originally very ashamed and angry when Huiyue Shi said she was this bastard woman, but she became even more angry when she heard Su Chen's words. Liu Xinru would never admit that she was Yang Dingtian's scumbag wife again.

"you shut up!"

Su Chen shouted hurriedly when he heard Liu Xinru's words.

Huiyue Shi looked at Liu Xinru and then at Su Chen and cursed angrily,"You shameless pervert still wants to lie to me. I won't be fooled again. You Do you think I will believe you?"

Su Chen looked at Hui Yue Shi in confusion and asked hurriedly,"Is it him? When have I cheated on you?"

"In the secret room in the secret passage, didn't you, the shameless person, say you should leave? Are you leaving? Damn you pervert, you're dead this time"

"Holy shit!"

Su Chen was also speechless.

He had really deceived the Huiyue Messenger.

This time, his identity as a liar could not be cleared.

"go to hell!"

Huiyue Shi saw that Su Chen had nothing to say, so he waved his palm and struck at Su Chen.


"You can't kill him now."Liu Xinru suddenly appeared in front of Su Chen and blocked Hui Yue's attack and said,

"Go away, or I'll kill you first!"

"you wanna die!"

Boom boom!

In this small room,

Liu Xinru and Hui Yueshi started fighting after a disagreement.

In just a moment, the room was destroyed, including tables, chairs, beds, and even some of the furniture in the room. The precious furnishings were all tattered by their fighting.

Su Chen was very speechless when he saw the two girls fighting.

He did not expect that Liu Xinru would fight with Hui Yue Shi.

This made him unable to leave even if he wanted to..

Huiyue Shi is a master in the late stage of Grand Master, and Liu Xinru is only in the early stage of Grand Master. Liu Xinru is definitely not Huiyue Shi's opponent. Su Chen doesn't want Huiyue Shi to kill Liu Xinru now.

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