Just when Hui Yue Shi was about to tell Su Chen about peeking at her bathing,

Su Chen hurriedly coughed and interrupted Hui Yue Shi's words.

Su Chen did not expect Hui Yue Shi to want to tell that thing in front of so many people. , this made Su Chen feel something was very wrong when he looked at Hui Yue Shi.

Didn’t the Huiyue Messenger always want to kill him to silence him?

Why doesn't it seem like he doesn't care about peeking at her bathing now?

Lin Chaoying and others looked at Su Chen and then at Hui Yue Shi, and they felt that something was very wrong between Su Chen and Hui Yue Shi.

There seems to be some adultery between the two of them.

Huiyue Shi might have said something just now, but Su Chen hurriedly interrupted her.

"If I let you go, won't you seek revenge from me again?"Su Chen warned after untying the rope that bound Huiyue Envoy,


Hui Yue Shi moved her body after being let go by Su Chen.

She will not seek revenge from Su Chen now. Hui

Yue Shi will have to rely on this shameless person in the future. She doesn't plan to go back to Persia, anyway. She also has no relatives.

The Huiyue Envoy decided to observe this bastard again. If he is really a person she can rely on, she will be prepared to be this bastard's woman.

Su Chen looked at the black-armored army that had almost finished killing the surrounded Mingjiao army. , he looked at the time and it was already getting dark.

Qilian City was not going to attack today. After all, the black-armored army was very tired from today's war.

"The war is coming to an end. We will stop here today and capture Qilian City tomorrow."

Master Jue looked at the battlefield and nodded,"Well, your army also suffered a lot this time, so there's no need to rush in attacking Qilian City. Lin

Chaoying looked at the battlefield and praised Su Chen,

"Yes, it seems that the black-armored army may have lost 20,000 to 30,000 people, but this is already very good. After all, the Mingjiao army originally had 300,000 troops. It can be destroyed this time with such a small loss. Mingjiao army, your army is still very powerful."

Although Lin Chaoying knew that Su Chen's army was powerful, he did not expect that the black-armored army would be so powerful. It only lost 20,000 to 30,000 troops before annihilating the 300,000 troops that rebelled against the Ming Cult. This was beyond Lin Chaoying's expectation.

Su Chen also said with some pride,

"The black-armored army is well-trained and well-equipped. If you have to pay a huge price to destroy these peasant armies, then the Eastern Combat Legion should not be called the four major combat legions of the Xuantian Empire."

"Just be a stinker!"Lin Chaoying looked at Su Chen's proud look and mocked disdainfully,

"Too lazy to care about you!"

In the evening, the war was completely over.

Except for the tens of thousands of Mingjiao troops who fled into Qilian City, the 300,000 Mingjiao troops were all destroyed outside Qilian City. There were now corpses outside Qilian City. The fields were filled with blood, and the cruel war made all the Jianghu people on the mountain look pale.

Although the Jianghu people often fought, they had never encountered such a battlefield, with hundreds of thousands of people fighting. They have never encountered it before. A war in which countless people die every moment on the battlefield can be described as extremely cruel.

"It’s too cruel. I won’t go to the Ming Cult. I want to go back. We are seeking death when facing the army. I will not fight for the Ming Cult’s martial arts secrets."

"I also quit. With Xuantian Empire’s army here, we can’t fish in troubled waters to seize Mingjiao’s martial arts secrets."

"Yes, the Xuantian Empire's army is too powerful. The black-armored army only paid 20,000 to 30,000 soldiers to destroy almost 300,000 Mingjiao troops. It was like a massacre."

"The Mingjiao is going to be completely destroyed. Let’s all leave. If we go against the Xuantian Empire’s army, we will all die."

"Yes, let’s leave. While the black-armored army doesn’t notice us quacks, we’d better not provoke the black-armored army."

"Well, that's right. Even if we fish in troubled waters this time and get the Mingjiao's Great Shifting Technique, I'm afraid the Xuantian Empire will settle accounts with us in the future. I don't want to face the Xuantian Empire's army and masters."

The Jianghu people on the mountain all started talking with pale faces, and some of the Jianghu people even left quickly without saying anything.

Those Jianghu people who left did not go to the Bright Summit of the Mingjiao, they all headed towards the mainland of the Central Plains. After leaving, they have given up on competing for the Mingjiao's Great Cosmic Shifting Technique.

However, there are still some people who are unwilling to give up. They are determined to obtain the Great Cosmic Shifting Technique, but they have not obtained the Great Cosmic Shifting Technique. It was impossible for them to leave before the law.

At night!

In the temporary camp of the black-armored army, in Su Chen's tent, he explained tomorrow's mission to the commanders of the Eastern Combat Legion and prepared to rest.

Mingyue Xin Xin and Bai Yunxuan have not arrived yet, and

Su Chen has no intention of waiting for them.

He believes that as long as Ming Yuexin and Bai Yunxuan get his notice, they will rush over as soon as possible.

At this time, in Qilian City, an old Persian man Appearing in a mansion in Qilian City, the Twelve Treasure Tree Kings of the Persian Ming Cult all looked respectfully at the old man who arrived.

This Persian old man was the Supreme Elder of the Persian Ming Cult, and he was also a land god in the realm of heaven and man. They were ten The Erbaoshu King did not dare to show any disrespect to this old man.

"I’ve met the Supreme Elder!"

The Supreme Elder of the Persian Ming Cult waved his hands with a gloomy look on his face and said,

"Everyone, get up. I have also seen today's war. The army of the Central Plains is really very powerful, even much more powerful than the army of the Persian Empire. This time our plan may fail."

The Treasure Tree King of Wisdom saluted the Supreme Elder and asked,"Supreme Elder, what should we do in the future?"

The Supreme Elder thought for a moment and then looked at the Twelve Treasure Tree King and said,

"We will help Yang Dingtian, the leader of the Mingjiao in the Central Plains, one last time. I will assassinate the generals of the black-armored army outside the city tonight. I hope Yang Dingtian can find a way to make a comeback. If anyone wants to escape from those high-ranking Mingjiao leaders with evil intentions, Kill without mercy!"

"Yes, Supreme Elder!"

The Supreme Elder suddenly said when he left,"Find me some beautiful women from the Central Plains. The women from the Central Plains are quite good."


The King of the Twelve Treasure Trees looked at each other as they saw the Supreme Elder leaving.

They all knew that the Supreme Elder practiced magic skills and had harmed many women when he was in the Persian Ming Cult.

Even the saints of the Persian Ming Cult The woman was also harmed by the Supreme Elder. If the Supreme Elder had not been a super master of the Persian Ming Cult, he would have been executed by the leader of the Persian Ming Cult.

"Go and prepare beautiful women for the Supreme Elder!"

"Um! Anyway, there are a lot of women from the Central Plains here, so we can just ask the Mingjiao to send over a few beautiful women."

"King of Victory, can the Supreme Elder kill the general of the black-armored army tonight?"

"It should be possible. The Supreme Elder is a land immortal in the Heavenly Realm. No one in the black-armored army can be the opponent of the Supreme Elder."

"The black-armored army is too powerful. Do you think we can defeat the black-armored army if our army from the Persian Empire arrives?"

"Defeat it. It’s not like you don’t know what the army of the Persian Empire looks like. The Xuantian Empire has four major combat legions. Each combat legion has six to seven million black-armored troops. The Xuantian Empire is too powerful."

"Yes, we, the Persian Ming Cult and the Persian Empire, are a little bit blind to the sky. This war has made us see the reality clearly. I am very not optimistic about future wars."

The Twelve Treasure Tree Kings sat together and discussed one after another. They all gave up hope for the future war, and were even a little timid and did not dare to face the Xuantian Empire's black-armored army.

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