After Ming Yuexin and Bai Yunxuan began to argue with each other,

Su Chen quietly retreated.

Now he wanted to ask the system what happened to his body, but he didn't want his body to suddenly have inexplicable abilities again, or even in the future. What happens to his body?

Ming Yuexin and Bai Yunxuan also saw Su Chen leave.

They looked at each other and stopped arguing with each other.

Just now they saw that Su Chen had something on his mind. Maybe the bastard was worried about his health.

"Ming Yuexin, what do you think is going on with Su Chen's body?"

"how could I know? But that bastard's physical changes shouldn't be a bad thing."

"Aren't you talking nonsense? Su Chen is just like Tang Monk, something could happen to his body."

"Then what you asked is not nonsense?"

"I’m too lazy to pay attention to you, but you leave Yang Dingtian, the leader of the Ming Cult, to me. I’ll leave Su Chen’s tasks to you in the future."

"You're dreaming, Ming Yue Xin, why didn't I notice how your face is getting thicker and thicker?"

"Bullshit, Bai Yunxuan, if I'm not thick-skinned when I'm with that bastard, won't I be bullied to death by that bastard?"

"That's right. That bastard is too shameless. However, I will definitely capture the leader of the Ming Cult, Yang Dingtian."

"Then we'll all have to do our own thing."

Ming Yuexin and Bai Yunxuan started talking after Su Chen left.

After a while, their conversation turned into a quarrel.

Just then, two soldiers came in and saw Ming Yuexin and Bai Yunxuan arguing. He hurriedly saluted the two of them and said,"Madams, the young master asked us to dispose of the body."

Ming Yuexin and Bai Yunxuan were stunned when they heard what the soldiers said, madam?

What the hell is this?

What on earth did that bastard Su Chen say to these soldiers?

When Ming Yuexin saw the embarrassed soldiers, she waved her hand and ordered,

"Carry it out!"

"Yes, ma'am!"

After the soldiers carried away the body of the Supreme Elder of the Persian Ming Cult,

Ming Yuexin and Bai Yunxuan stared at each other, but their faces were a little red and their expressions were a little uncomfortable.

At this time, Su Chen,

He came to a small river in the military camp alone.

He sat by the river and communicated with the system.

"System, what's going on with the blood in my body?"

"Ding, host, the spirit sword, the lark fruit spirit tree, and the evolving hibiscus tree have all recognized you as their master, and even the black mandala flower that has just recognized you as its master. After the host's body is denied by those spiritual objects, the host's There is already a trace of spiritual power in the body"

"The host's body will naturally change, and the host's body will get better and better in the future. Just like the novels you have read, the host's body will evolve into the divine body and holy body in the novel."

Su Chen felt relaxed after hearing the system's explanation.

He didn't have to worry about any problems with his body.

However, he actually had spiritual power in his body, which made Su Chen feel incredible. He recognized himself as the master. Su Chen didn't expect that those spiritual trees and flowers could deny him.

But why not fairy power?

But what kind of spiritual power?

Su Chen couldn't figure it out.

"Ding, host, please prepare. There is a change in the exhibition qualification certificate."

"What? Are you going to participate in the national destiny war again?"Su Chen was confused when he heard the system prompts. How come the qualifications to participate in the war are about to start again so soon? It's only been a few months and the foreign war is about to start again?

"Ding, within ten days the host will participate in the foreign war again"


Su Chen thought about it and felt that it was nothing.

The benefits he got from the National Destiny War were very big. He made a lot of money in the last National Destiny War. If he won the National Destiny War again this time, he didn't know. What special items will be released from the victory gift bag?

Su Chen thought about it and asked,"System, what is this national destiny war?" Do you understand?"

"Ding, I don’t know about the system, but I hope the host can win the foreign war again."

Su Chen stretched and said angrily,"Tsk, I won the war and you got huge benefits from the system, but you just rewarded me with a gift bag. System, you are really stingy."

Su Chen curled his lips when he didn't hear the system's reply.

The system should have disappeared again.

Su Chen looked at the night sky and prepared to go back.

There is nothing good to see in the middle of the night. There will be a siege war tomorrow. , Mingjiao, Persian Mingjiao, and even the army of the Persian Empire that will come in the future, all of them will be wiped out. There is still a war to participate in within ten days, a qualification certificate to participate in the war!

A war of national destiny! A war in a foreign land!

I don’t know where to go this time. When I go to participate in the war in that world, I don’t know if I can meet those people from before, Alice, Laura, Bai Yuekui, Li Maozhen and others, whether they will participate in this war together.

Su Chen returned to the tent and I found Ming Yuexin sitting alone drinking tea.

"What about Baiyunxuan?"

"Resting!"Ming Yuexin stood up and stretched her perfect figure, then glanced at Su Chen and replied,

"You should rest too!"


Mingjiao Guangmingding,

Liu Xinru has successfully broken through in the secret passage.

She is now at the peak cultivation level of a grand master, and all her physical injuries have recovered.

Liu Xinru thought that if she fights the Huiyue user again, she will He can defeat Huiyue User within ten moves. If he understands Huiyue User's martial arts routine, Liu Xinruhui can defeat Huiyue User in an instant.

"What about that shameless guy? Did he run away again?"Liu Xinru looked around but didn't find Su Chen and said to herself.

However, that bastard was able to give her the Heaven and Earth Spirit Fruit to heal her injuries, and even made her cultivation strength greatly improve. This made Liu Xinru... Su Chen was not too angry for leaving without saying goodbye this time.

After Liu Xinru returned to Guangmingding, she found that something was wrong with the atmosphere at Guangmingding. The atmosphere was even very depressing, as if something had happened to Guangmingding.

"Our Mingjiao army was massacred, and I don’t know if the Xuantian Empire’s army will come to surround and kill our Mingjiao Guangmingding?"

"Definitely. Xuantian Empire did not leave any survivors this time. Even the surrendered troops of our Mingjiao were ruthlessly killed. The Xuantian Empire wanted to kill our Mingjiao completely."

"The Mingjiao rebellion was originally intended to kill the nine tribes. It is reasonable for the Xuantian Empire to treat our Mingjiao like this. However, we are all small believers. If the Xuantian Empire’s army arrives, we will have no chance to survive."

"The Xuantian Empire was too powerful. Our 300,000 troops were destroyed as soon as we were told. We didn’t even last a day."

"Who can say otherwise? I heard that outside Qilian City there were corpses everywhere and rivers of blood. The thought of hundreds of thousands of Mingjiao army corpses was terrifying."

On the top of the light, the patrolling believers of the Ming Sect are all discussing the war in Qilian City, and even some believers are worried about their future fate.

"That bastard's army destroyed the Ming Cult's 300,000 troops so quickly? Unexpectedly, the Xuantian Empire's army was really powerful. The 300,000 Mingjiao army was wiped out in less than a day. It seems that Qilian will be breached tomorrow, and the Mingjiao General Altar's Bright Summit cannot be saved."

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